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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

9 Months

So, today marks the beginning of my 9th month. And of course I had my weekly appointment. Today, I got an ultrasound, nonstress test and my cervix checked (for the 1st time). So, I'm getting ready to have my ultrasound and before I get up on the bed I say "I'm gonna say he is 7lbs, maybe a couple ounces too, but 7lbs." The reason for this is, he has been following 1/2lb a week for the past couple of months and 3 weeks ago he was 5 1/2lbs. So, she does all the measuring that she does and then took the cute pics for me. Which by the way, she showed us that he has hair!! I figured he would probably come out with a whole head full since Emma came out bald and hair challenged!! lol So, we get done with all of that and she brings up the screen with all his stats and she says, "He is 8lbs." The look on my face had to tell it all!! I couldn't believe it, I immediately went into complete shock and disbelief!! Holy cow!! 8lbs!!! The first thing that came to mind was c section. I don't want a c section, it absolutely scares me to death!! So, onto the nonstress test I went. Both nurses that I talked to in there made it sound like they wouldn't be surprised if he induces me next week. Complete panic comes over me. We don't have Chase's room done yet, my house is a complete mess due to remodeling. Oh my gosh, what in the heck am I gonna do. But wait, it gets better. The doc comes in to check my cervix, not only is Chase 8lbs, but I am 1-2cm dialated! I couldn't believe it. He said that we will be inducing in 2 weeks, but he wants me to stay pregnant for the next weeks so that his lungs have more time. I guess with diabetes it slows down the growth of the lungs and that. Isn't that crazy, it slows the organs down but speeds up the body's growth. So here I sit, 9 months prego with a so far 8lb baby and 1-2cm dialated. I am rethinking everything I do on a daily bases. I'm gonna stop lifting and pushing and pulling all the heavy stuff that I do, so it doesn't cause me to progress, not gonna do tons of walking. I've gotta keep this baby in for 2 weeks, I don't want to see him with a tube down his throat to keep him breathing. I don't want to see him in the nicu, I want to be able to hold my baby and bring him home after our 2 day stay at the hospital. I don't want him to go thru all that crap, that is what really scares me. You always hear about other people that have babies and they have to have all of that stuff, but I don't want it to be my baby. I want my baby to be fine, great, and perfect. I guess I can only do what I can do and the rest is up to God.


Chasity said...

WOW!! I cannot wait to see pictures of you all in the next couple weeks and hear your amazing birth story!! :o)

Unknown said...

I'm so impressed with your stamina! Lots of pregnant women do everthing in thier power to get the baby out and here you are, in it for the long haul!! WITH A TWO YEAR OLD TO KEEP UP WITH!! Keep it up!