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Saturday, July 12, 2008

4 Days to go!!

Okay, so I am sitting here watching tv and trying to just relax. I only have 4 days till my world gets turned upside down, in a good way. This time in 4 days I will be a mommy to 2 kids, atleast I better not still be in labor. lol I will be holding my sweet baby boy in my arms finally. I will be able to cuddle, hug, kiss and tell him how much he is loved. I can't wait to see him. I'm sure he will be this little cubby bundle of joy with massive hair. Oh man, I just can't wait!!
Last night I think I was having some contractions, but nothing consistant. Usually I only get them when I am walking, but this time I was taking a bath. I was kinda worried, but it all passed. But b/c of it, I made sure my bag is completely packed and ready to go. Chase's bag is ready too. Plus, I got all my grocery shopping done yesterday along with getting the few last minute things I needed so I'm all ready for when he comes home. I have the formula, bottles, nursery water and diapers. I should be set, but I can always send mom or Matt out for any little thing I need.
While in the hospital, one of my friends that works there is gonna bring me up some pancakes and chocolate milk. I am so excited!! I haven't had chocolate milk since I became pregnant and I love chocolate milk. Also, I'm gonna be able to eat my pancakes with real syrup, not sugar free. Oh man am I ready. Also, I haven't had Mountain Dew or any regular pop. Mmmm, I'm making myself so hungry, but I've gotta wait. There is light at the end of my food tunnel!! In 4 days I will be able to eat and drink whatever I want and not have to take a shot or worry about my sugar. I will be able to live a normal life again. Plus, I will be able to move around like a normal person too. I enjoy being pregnant, but I'm ready for my body back. I don't think it will take long, but who knows. I still have only gained 23lbs and it is all just out front in my belly, pretty much all baby. So, I am hoping it will all go away quickly.
Well, I think my bed is calling me, even tho it is only 9:15 on a Saturday night, but for whatever reason I am super tired right now. I guess I better get my rest while I can.

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