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Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Sometimes it seems like Matt and I have the worst of luck and it seems like nothing is going right. Well, I've given myself a huge realty check! Whatever I may be going thru, someone always has it worse. I'm complaining about the van windshield is cracked, gotta take the dog to the vet, Chase has yet another ear infection and the bills just keep piling in. Well, hello Sarah!! You are a stay at home mom, you get to spend all your time with your kids, your kids are healthy! An ear infection is nothing compared to cancer. An ear infection will be over with in a matter of just a couple of days, cancer seems to be almost forever it seems. My medical problems are nothing. I can still function. I can still hold my babies and play with them. I can still do for my family.
I have about 7 or so blogs that I follow on a regular basis. Out of those blogs 3 have experienced
the death of one of their children. Whether it be miscarriage, stillborn or after the baby has lived for a few months or even a few years. All of these people have grieved and continue to grieve. They have experienced such a great loss, much more than I can even imagine. My heart goes out to these moms. In their loss it has shown me to not take things for grantite (spelling). When things are going wrong, it could always be worse. I have my kids, my family and my friends, what more do I need? So, to you moms that have expierenced such a great loss, my heart goes out to you. You will forever be on my mind. I pray that God grants you the strength to make it thru each passing day. You are strong women and I'm sorry for your loss.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just because someone elses situation sucks worse, doesnt mean yours doesn't suck! Or insert a word other than suck to describe your situation...