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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oh Happy Day!!

Yesterday was my doctor's appointment and everything went great. The baby's heartbeat is 160! One hyper little baby!! It was also nice and strong. The doc was happy with my sugar and wasn't worried at all about my lack of weight gain. He said that the baby will take what it needs and it will be fine. I go back in 3 weeks for an ultrasound. At which time we will get to find out what we are having, I am so excited I can't wait!!

This morning I went to the diabetic center. Ever since I had the flu, my readings have been really good. Well, I get in there and they take my sugar and then also have me take it with my meter. My meter was way off from theirs, so they checked it with another. Then they checked my strips to make sure they weren't bad. Nope, my meter is bad, it has been reading high for who knows how long. So, that means my sugar has been absolutely wonderful!! They gave me a new meter, so hopefully this one will continue to work properly. The dietician was happy with all of my readings and even threw in another snack for me. She said that I don't have to cut out my sweets, just maybe eat all protein for supper then I can have a piece of cake. I have been so hungry for chocolate cake with chocolate icing. YUM!! So, I left there quit happy!!

Matt is coming home tomorrow! I go to pick him up from the airport tomorrow and I am excited to see him and I'm sure Emma will be quite happy.

Also, in approx 2 weeks, I will be a stay at home mommy. At least for the next 6 months. My work has increased my route from 400 miles a week to 930 miles a week. Which is ridiculous!! So, they gave me the option of taking it or them letting me go and collecting unemployment. So, you guessed it, I will be home for the next 6 months b/c you know nobody is gonna hire some prego. I am looking forward to my time home. I will be able to help a lot with the remodeling, getting my house organized and hopefully with the extra time get to get Emma potty trained!! Plus, the last month of my pregnancy, it sounds like I will be at the doctors office more than I am at home, so work would have been impossible. Today has just turned out to be a fabulous day!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YEAH for good heartbeats! YEAH for Matt coming home! and most of all YEAH for you staying home!!! This is SO exciting!