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Friday, August 1, 2008


Well, Chase is a little over 2 weeks old now and is already getting bigger. He had his appt this past Tuesday. He has gained 8oz and grew 3/4 of an inch. He is still a super calm baby and pretty much sleeps a lot still. The only thing is that they aren't super long stretches, atleast not at night. I am running on fumes right now and am so glad it is the weekend so that Matt can help out. I would love to have just one day where I could sleep for however long I wanted. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow, I'm atleast gonna get a nap in!!
Emma is still doing good. She loves baby Chase and is constantly wanting to look at him and "pet" him. lol We are kinda at a stand still on potty training. I want to get back to feeling like myself before I add potty training to my plate. Once I am settled in and feeling good, I'm just gonna put her in panties and pray for the best. lol I am also trying to figure out a better schedule for her so that she isn't up till 10. I would love to have her asleep by no later than 9. So, the first thing I am trying is limiting her nap to 1 hour, which also takes time away from my nap too, but oh well. Plus, I think I am gonna try to be up and have her up by 8am. The only thing is, right now I am trying to find any possible moment for me to sleep and this new schedule is really gonna cut into that. Oh well, it will get better....eventually. I mean, Chase has to start sleeping longer stretches sometime, right? My doc said that he should start sleeping longer stretches around 6 weeks, if that is the case, I still have a month to go. UGH!!
Well, even tho it is already 10 and only 1 1/2 hours away till Emma's lunch, I'm gonna get breakfast. My days fly by now that I am feeding someone every 3 hours. But on the same hand they also drag, b/c I'm cooped up in the house all day. But today I just might venture out to my parents after nap. It will be a change of scenery and Emma loves it out there, plus I don't want to take Chase anywhere with a lot of people yet. So, off to breakfast for me.

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