Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And the worst wife award goes to......

ME!!! Okay, so I feel horrible. Today is Matt and I's 3rd anniversary and I totally forgot until I was at my diabetic appointment. I had to sign my name and date it and then BAM like a big ole brick it hit me upside my head. TODAY IS MY ANNIVERSARY!! I felt so bad. I instantly texted Matt and told him Happy Anniversary and he said it in return and then said "You forgot didn't you". I owned up to it and have been paying for it ever since. Usually I don't forget about stuff like this so let me just go on defense and list my excuses, but in the end it was just purely my fault and I know it. Okay, I've been dealing with a fussy 2 year old, I'm prego and super tired from that (which in all honesty I am super tired today, more than normal), been running around like crazy going to doc appointments and trying not to forget what I need to take where. Okay, so those are good excuses, but like I said it all comes down to I forgot.

The last 3 years have been great!! My husband is a wonderful husband. He loves me no matter what, even if I don't put make-up on or I'm being grumpy or I'm just being a down right bitch, he still loves me. I have no clue what I would ever do without him. He has become my best friend. He is always there and he understands me, he completes me. He is my better half. I know that us women, well some of us, joke about how we are the better half and they are lucky to have us, well I am the lucky one. 3 years may not seem like a long time, but you have to start at the beginning and everyday is even better than the last. I am so glad that he is the one I am going to grow old with, the one I am having kids with and the one I lay down beside every night and wake up to every morning. He is the love of my life and I am so blessed!


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Chasity said...

Happy Anniversary!!!