Hi, my name is Sarah (everyone says "Hi Sarah"). I have yet to be sober. (lol) I have been using Mt Dew for 10mth now. I drink anywhere from 48 to 72oz of Mt Dew a day. (Yep, this is true) I don't drink it for the caffine, b/c of course I am immune to it now. I drink it for the taste. I love the taste of Mt Dew. If I were to bet, I would say that I have probably only drank 72 to MAYBE 96oz of water in 10mths. If I get thirsty in the middle of the night, out comes the Mt Dew. Get up in the morning, out comes the Mt Dew. If I'm out during the week, I will have my sis-in-law pick me up one on her way to drop off the boys, to get me thru until I can get outta the house to get some more. Since February, when I went off my Yaz and my diarehha stopped, I have gained atleast 10lbs. Of course part of that is b/c my food doesn't go straight thru me, but I'm sure some of that is the amount of Mt Dew that I drink. Of course I know I need to stop drinking Mt Dew or atleast cut WAY back, but I really don't want to stop drinking it. Like I said, I love the taste of Mt. Dew. So, this will be a huge struggle to give up the dew. I have about 8 Mt Dews in the house right now. After those, which will be about Mondayish, I'm gonna try to give it up. I think I will buy a 6 pack or so of those small cans for when I get the caffine headache (those are the worst). So, I will track my progress. Don't hesitate to leave me comments and ask how I am doing, consider yourself my "sponsor". Give me crap, keep reminding me how I need to stop. Thank you. (Everyone claps)
Okay, so there was my little speech you have to give when you are new to the meeting (atleaset that is what the AA meetings look like on tv. lol). So, I'm gonna try it out. I'm gonna try and stop. Pray for me!!
That's crazy about the MD!!! I have never never liked MD!! I will take sips here and there, but YUCK!!LOL I really hope you cut your terrible awful no good habit atleast in half!! LOL :o)
Well...it's Monday...and?
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