Ok. So what usually goes thru the typical 27 year olds mind? Well, first off it will depend on whether you have children or if you are still in party mode. So, let's see. Let's go thru what a partier thinks, but since I'm not one then I will just have to go with what I think one thinks about. You have the thoughts of what party to go to this weekend, what happened last weekend. Heck you may still be recovering from the hangover!! You are working, but wondering what you are gonna do after work. Probably go hit the bars, maybe get a little shopping in or just hang out with your friends. Since I'm not that kind of 27 year old, I'm not gonna go any further and if I offended anyone, I'm sorry. I just think that might be my thoughts if I was the 27 year old partier.
Ok, now the 27 that has a family. You think about laundry, and dishes and cleaning. You think about your kids and anytime they show any signs of sickness, you wonder what it could be. You think about the bills and what to fix for supper. You think about how it is completely crazy that your kids are growing up and that you've been out of school for 10 years. Your worries are more of bills and things that go wrong. You know what I mean, the heat isn't working, there is something wrong with the car. You know, the typical every day crap. Well, for me and a couple of my friends these aren't as big of worries right now. We just had a friend pass away from cancer. A 27 year old friend!! What!! People my age pass away??? This is bad, but it is heightened by the fact that another classmate passed away 3 weeks before her. Really, death is a possibility for people my age?? It isn't suppose to be!! Now instead of talking about what the kids are doing or the gossip of tv shows. Me and my friend are talking about getting complete check-ups. Talking about colonoscopies. This really has us scared to death. If this can happen to her, then why couldn't it happen to us? I mean, she was a nurse, she had a fiance and 2 beautiful little girls. She smoked, but her lungs were fine. She drank, but not enough to make a difference in her health. She passed away the 17th and there isn't a day that she doesn't cross my mind. I dream about her every night almost. Sometimes they are happy dreams and other times it is her when she was battling her cancer and she is in the hospital. I went and visited her grave on Christmas Eve. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't comforting. It was a big messy pile of dirt. It just seemed wrong. I knew it would be a pile of dirt, but it just seemed so much worse then what I expected.
So, I am totally running around in circles with my thoughts and my words might not make any sense and I may even repeat myself. I've been trying to write about Nicki and how I feel about her death, but just haven't been able to find the words. But even tho it might be a jumble of words, I still want to write it.
Nicki and I were friends in school, but like a lot of people, we lost touch after high school. I feel so guilty for not being there for her when she was going thru this. I know she wasn't alone, but I feel horrible for not being there for support. I went to visit her the 12th (Saturday) when she was in the hospital. She slept and I watched. I had so many thoughts running thru my mind. I was remembering the past and I was also kicking myself for not being there sooner. I sat there for 2 hours just watching her. I held it together. She woke a couple of times and knew I was there. She said my name and asked how I was doing. But then she would be asleep in only a matter of a couple of minutes. She went home on Monday and passed away on Thursday. I didn't see her alive again. I went to her viewing, I held it together. Then I went to her funeral, I lost it. There were moments when I just sobbed. Her little girls were there. What exactly do you say to her family in this moment? I told her girls that they were beautiful. I reminded her fiance that I was there to help if he needed anything and I apologized to her Mom for not being there. We then went to the cemetary and had the burial. I hadn't planned on going to the funeral dinner afterwards, but her mom asked if I was going. How can you say no? So, I went and I am so glad I did. It was a happy time. I got to talk with some of the girls that she worked with. There was even one girl that could have been her twin. I told some stories about Nicki from school. It was a good time for rememberance. It was helpful.
I really don't know what all this post says and I know it isn't in any flowing manner, but that is just how my mind is working right now. So I'll leave it at now we all have a new angel looking over us. She is our mexican angel!! Rest in Peace Nicki and I will see you again some day!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I gave it all to Him!!!
So, I am one of those people that stress easily. And lately my stress has been money, probably like most of the rest of America since our economy is doing so great *ha ha*. Well, it's been getting to the point where I get knotts in my stomach and get the anxiety like I did after I had Emma. Not good at all!! Well, it had gotten to the point where I was up with Chase one morning (2am) and as I am sitting there rocking him I started to think about what bills had to come out of the next paycheck and started adding them up. My stomach started knotting up and I just thought to myself, this is ridiculous!!! So right then and there I just prayed that God would take care of it and I lifted my burdens up to Him. I honestly felt the weight of my burdens lifted off of my shoulders. It was awesome!! I had never experienced anything like it before. I can honestly say that I have not thought about what bills need paid and how much money we have. I know that God will take care of me and my family, it is just an awesome feeling!!! So, here I am. Learning to give my burdens to God and learning to walk closer to Him!! Things are truely looking up!!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ok, so I went to Vegas last week. Here is how my experience went:
Saturday night we dropped the kids off at my parents house at bedtime. We had to leave early Sunday morning and didn't want to have to wake the kids up and plus they love spending the night at maw maw and paw paws house. So, we dropped them off and back home we went for last minute details on packing. Sunday morning we woke up at a wonderful 5am, ugh, and out the door by 6am. We had to pick up a guy Matt works with, mind you we went out there for a expo for Matt's work. Get to airport the wonderful 2hrs early like they ask and hurried up to wait. lol We got boarded onto a tiny little plane for my first ever flight. We flew the whopping 30 minutes from Dayton to Cleveland and then waited another 2hrs for our flight to Vegas. A lot of waiting was going on. Then we got on our flight to Vegas, which was a bigger plane, and headed off on our 4 or 5 hr flight, can't remember which it is. Everything was going great, the sights were awesome!! Then when it came to descending for our landing and it was getting bumpy, I wasn't too fond of it. But we made it safe and sound. We landed around 2 something and didn't set foot into our hotel room till 4. We then went and got a bite to eat at Margaritaville, which is some good eats!! Walked around a bit and sadly enough we was in bed at 8:30pm, we were whooped!!! lol
Since we got to bed so early we was up at 5:30am!!! So we walked down to Mc Donald's and then gambled a little bit and then Matt was off to his expo which meant I got a little more shut eye!! Matt came back to the hotel to get me for lunch, which mind you, it is actually hard to find somewhere to eat before 4pm, unless you wanna pay and arm and a leg!! The sites are awesome in Vegas!! The lights are awesome in Vegas!! Beautiful, but already I was ready to go home to my babies!! I was missing them already!! By Tuesday I was in full out missing them. I mean, we were sitting in Hooters and I was ready to cry from missing them so much!! I didn't think it would be that bad, but man I just wanted to go home!!! But we were able to get my mind off of it, but going to 2 shows. They were so funny!! It was a great time and we actually stayed up later Monday and Tuesday nights!!lol But we never truely got on Vegas time!!
Wednesday was the day from hell!!! We went to a timeshare thing so we could get some free stuff, it was only suppose to be 90 minutes and it ended up taking us 5 HOURS!!! We did mind you buy a sample timeshare, but come on 5 HOURS!! We were both pissed and hungry by the time it was all said and done. We went and got something to eat and guess what, I got diarehha from it!!! Yep, not a good day!! I spent pretty much the rest of the night in the hotel room. Then not only was that bad enuf, but the lovely diarehha lasted thru the next morning. So there I am at the airport sitting as close to the bathroom as I could waiting on the plane. I think I totalled up going 8 times in a 9hr time frame and 3 of those hours I was sleeping!! Yea, I know, too much detail, but you gotta know what the day was like. I felt horrid and was so scared I wouldn't make it thru takeoff. Well, I fell asleep on the plane before we ever took off, slept for an hour and woke up feeling fine!! Thank goodness!!! This day was just like Sunday, a lot of hurrying up to wait! We finally made it to pick up the kids at 8pm and boy was I so happy to see them. That night, they weren't as excited as I hoped, but boy were they come Friday morning!! I missed them so incredibly much and don't plan on leaving them like that for a very very very long time!!!
Now, I left out a lot of detail, which I will post in another blog, but I knew if I didn't write something now, it would never get wrote. lol
So, all in all, Vegas is a nice town, but not the town for us! We most likely won't be going back, atleast not for several years!!
Saturday night we dropped the kids off at my parents house at bedtime. We had to leave early Sunday morning and didn't want to have to wake the kids up and plus they love spending the night at maw maw and paw paws house. So, we dropped them off and back home we went for last minute details on packing. Sunday morning we woke up at a wonderful 5am, ugh, and out the door by 6am. We had to pick up a guy Matt works with, mind you we went out there for a expo for Matt's work. Get to airport the wonderful 2hrs early like they ask and hurried up to wait. lol We got boarded onto a tiny little plane for my first ever flight. We flew the whopping 30 minutes from Dayton to Cleveland and then waited another 2hrs for our flight to Vegas. A lot of waiting was going on. Then we got on our flight to Vegas, which was a bigger plane, and headed off on our 4 or 5 hr flight, can't remember which it is. Everything was going great, the sights were awesome!! Then when it came to descending for our landing and it was getting bumpy, I wasn't too fond of it. But we made it safe and sound. We landed around 2 something and didn't set foot into our hotel room till 4. We then went and got a bite to eat at Margaritaville, which is some good eats!! Walked around a bit and sadly enough we was in bed at 8:30pm, we were whooped!!! lol
Since we got to bed so early we was up at 5:30am!!! So we walked down to Mc Donald's and then gambled a little bit and then Matt was off to his expo which meant I got a little more shut eye!! Matt came back to the hotel to get me for lunch, which mind you, it is actually hard to find somewhere to eat before 4pm, unless you wanna pay and arm and a leg!! The sites are awesome in Vegas!! The lights are awesome in Vegas!! Beautiful, but already I was ready to go home to my babies!! I was missing them already!! By Tuesday I was in full out missing them. I mean, we were sitting in Hooters and I was ready to cry from missing them so much!! I didn't think it would be that bad, but man I just wanted to go home!!! But we were able to get my mind off of it, but going to 2 shows. They were so funny!! It was a great time and we actually stayed up later Monday and Tuesday nights!!lol But we never truely got on Vegas time!!
Wednesday was the day from hell!!! We went to a timeshare thing so we could get some free stuff, it was only suppose to be 90 minutes and it ended up taking us 5 HOURS!!! We did mind you buy a sample timeshare, but come on 5 HOURS!! We were both pissed and hungry by the time it was all said and done. We went and got something to eat and guess what, I got diarehha from it!!! Yep, not a good day!! I spent pretty much the rest of the night in the hotel room. Then not only was that bad enuf, but the lovely diarehha lasted thru the next morning. So there I am at the airport sitting as close to the bathroom as I could waiting on the plane. I think I totalled up going 8 times in a 9hr time frame and 3 of those hours I was sleeping!! Yea, I know, too much detail, but you gotta know what the day was like. I felt horrid and was so scared I wouldn't make it thru takeoff. Well, I fell asleep on the plane before we ever took off, slept for an hour and woke up feeling fine!! Thank goodness!!! This day was just like Sunday, a lot of hurrying up to wait! We finally made it to pick up the kids at 8pm and boy was I so happy to see them. That night, they weren't as excited as I hoped, but boy were they come Friday morning!! I missed them so incredibly much and don't plan on leaving them like that for a very very very long time!!!
Now, I left out a lot of detail, which I will post in another blog, but I knew if I didn't write something now, it would never get wrote. lol
So, all in all, Vegas is a nice town, but not the town for us! We most likely won't be going back, atleast not for several years!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
2 1/2 Months!
Wow, I haven't blogged for 2 1/2 months. I don't know why, I guess I just don't take the time to type everything that is going on.
Emma's update:
She is still doing awesome using the potty, we just now have to get her to go thru the night. But there are times that she will wake up to go potty and sometimes she even wakes up completely dry. She still has the attitude of a teenage girl and it seems as tho it is getting worse. Man oh man, I don't know how I will deal when she is actually a teenager. Even tho she does have the attitude times, she is still a very sweet and caring little girl. Whenever she has something to eat she always shares it with Chase. She loves to be outside working with Daddy, she even picked going out to the woods with Daddy over going to Maw and Paws (that really surprised me). She is super smart!! We have a preschool workbook and Matt goes over it with her a lot. She knows her shapes and colors and even some numbers, but what surprises me is she can do patterns. Meaning in the book it will go circle square circle square circle then leave a blank and she knows it is a square. She can even do it when it has 3 different things in the pattern. She just amazes me!!! The beginning of September she started gymnastics. She LOVES it!!! I am so glad I put her in it. I'm thinking of putting her in a different gymnastics, b/c the one she is in they don't really do much and they really aren't all that organized. It was just convenient since it was in town. But there you have it, my fun loving, adorable little attitude girl!! I love her to death!!!
Update on Chase:
Oh man, he is a true monkey!! He is climbing on everything!!! He will pull out the dining room table chair and climb on that and then climb onto the table!! We was outside and he climbed up on the rider mower and then stood on top of the seat! Oh boy does he know how to give me a heart attack!! He currently has 11 teeth and is working on 12. He has broke the last 3 thru in the last 2 weeks, he has been so cranky (they are the molars)!! He got an ear infection, runny nose and a fever that took forever to go away and it was all from teething!!! He is an awesome little boy and trust me he is all boy!!! Even tho he does like to throw my purse on his shoulder. lol He can be quite mean at times. Tell him no or try taking something from him and he is quick to bite!! Plus he likes to slap. I sure hope this doesn't last too much longer!! He still takes a bottle to go to sleep, but that is the only time. I think I will break him after we get back from Vegas (yep, we're heading to Vegas but more on that latere). He is so full of energy and is a mama's boy with a small streak of being daddy's boy. lol He is my little man and he is so freakin cute with his blue eyes. I love him so much!!!
Ok, yep, we are going to Vegas. Just the hubs and I. We leave on a Sunday morning and don't return till Thursday evening and that is without kids. I'm totally excited to have time with my hubby and to be able to sleep in, but I'm just worried about leaving my kids. I mean, Chase is a mama's boy, what is he going to do without me?? Is he going to be ok?? Will he think his mommy left him?? Is Emma gonna freak out and cry and miss us to hysterics?? I know they will be ok, but really am I??? It was one of those trips we couldn't pass up. My hubby's work is sending him for a expo. So, all we have to pay for is my plane tickets, my food and whatever extra stuff we wanna do. How can ya beat that? Plus who knows if this will ever happen like this again, meaning I don't have a job that I have to use vacation for and my mil is off of work and able to watch them. What are the chances of everything working out like that again?? So, I gotta start packing and figuring out what I am taking. It is currenly 60 here and today was suppose to be a high of 100 in Vegas!!! So there is the fun part of what is going on!!
Just last week my hubby figured out how much we are in debt. Which I must say the number isn't really all that bad, seeing that A LOT of people pay more than that on a house. But we are figuring out what we need to pay off in what order. Hopefully we can get them paid off within the next 5 years, well besides the mortgage. I would be happy with that. Wow, in 5 years Emma will be 8 and Chase 6, I can't believe that I will have kids those ages. That means also that I will be 32 and my hubby 33, which age doesn't bother me. I may think it is totally crazy that I am that age, but it doesn't bother me that I am that age. Know what I mean??
Everyone around me seems to be getting pregnant, trying to get pregnant or having babies!! I am so happy for them, but it makes me miss it!!! But I'm good with the 2 I have!! In the past 2 months my friend Lynne had a gorgeous baby boy, a friend of a friend had a baby boy, another friend found out she was pregnant and I just found out that my cousin in trying! Oh wow, I'm sure there are others that I just can't think of right now, but it is just babies everywhere! But I am extremely happy for them all!!! There is nothing like having a baby, there is no joy or love that is like it!! I don't know what I would do without my kids, they are so special to me, they are my world!! I think in Vegas I will be lost and bored, b/c Matt is at the expo till 4, so that leaves me by myself. I don't want to wander around all by myself, so what will I do with all that quiet?? I guess I better take the laptop!!! lol Anyways, gotta go for now, but I'll try to update more frequently!!
Emma's update:
She is still doing awesome using the potty, we just now have to get her to go thru the night. But there are times that she will wake up to go potty and sometimes she even wakes up completely dry. She still has the attitude of a teenage girl and it seems as tho it is getting worse. Man oh man, I don't know how I will deal when she is actually a teenager. Even tho she does have the attitude times, she is still a very sweet and caring little girl. Whenever she has something to eat she always shares it with Chase. She loves to be outside working with Daddy, she even picked going out to the woods with Daddy over going to Maw and Paws (that really surprised me). She is super smart!! We have a preschool workbook and Matt goes over it with her a lot. She knows her shapes and colors and even some numbers, but what surprises me is she can do patterns. Meaning in the book it will go circle square circle square circle then leave a blank and she knows it is a square. She can even do it when it has 3 different things in the pattern. She just amazes me!!! The beginning of September she started gymnastics. She LOVES it!!! I am so glad I put her in it. I'm thinking of putting her in a different gymnastics, b/c the one she is in they don't really do much and they really aren't all that organized. It was just convenient since it was in town. But there you have it, my fun loving, adorable little attitude girl!! I love her to death!!!
Update on Chase:
Oh man, he is a true monkey!! He is climbing on everything!!! He will pull out the dining room table chair and climb on that and then climb onto the table!! We was outside and he climbed up on the rider mower and then stood on top of the seat! Oh boy does he know how to give me a heart attack!! He currently has 11 teeth and is working on 12. He has broke the last 3 thru in the last 2 weeks, he has been so cranky (they are the molars)!! He got an ear infection, runny nose and a fever that took forever to go away and it was all from teething!!! He is an awesome little boy and trust me he is all boy!!! Even tho he does like to throw my purse on his shoulder. lol He can be quite mean at times. Tell him no or try taking something from him and he is quick to bite!! Plus he likes to slap. I sure hope this doesn't last too much longer!! He still takes a bottle to go to sleep, but that is the only time. I think I will break him after we get back from Vegas (yep, we're heading to Vegas but more on that latere). He is so full of energy and is a mama's boy with a small streak of being daddy's boy. lol He is my little man and he is so freakin cute with his blue eyes. I love him so much!!!
Ok, yep, we are going to Vegas. Just the hubs and I. We leave on a Sunday morning and don't return till Thursday evening and that is without kids. I'm totally excited to have time with my hubby and to be able to sleep in, but I'm just worried about leaving my kids. I mean, Chase is a mama's boy, what is he going to do without me?? Is he going to be ok?? Will he think his mommy left him?? Is Emma gonna freak out and cry and miss us to hysterics?? I know they will be ok, but really am I??? It was one of those trips we couldn't pass up. My hubby's work is sending him for a expo. So, all we have to pay for is my plane tickets, my food and whatever extra stuff we wanna do. How can ya beat that? Plus who knows if this will ever happen like this again, meaning I don't have a job that I have to use vacation for and my mil is off of work and able to watch them. What are the chances of everything working out like that again?? So, I gotta start packing and figuring out what I am taking. It is currenly 60 here and today was suppose to be a high of 100 in Vegas!!! So there is the fun part of what is going on!!
Just last week my hubby figured out how much we are in debt. Which I must say the number isn't really all that bad, seeing that A LOT of people pay more than that on a house. But we are figuring out what we need to pay off in what order. Hopefully we can get them paid off within the next 5 years, well besides the mortgage. I would be happy with that. Wow, in 5 years Emma will be 8 and Chase 6, I can't believe that I will have kids those ages. That means also that I will be 32 and my hubby 33, which age doesn't bother me. I may think it is totally crazy that I am that age, but it doesn't bother me that I am that age. Know what I mean??
Everyone around me seems to be getting pregnant, trying to get pregnant or having babies!! I am so happy for them, but it makes me miss it!!! But I'm good with the 2 I have!! In the past 2 months my friend Lynne had a gorgeous baby boy, a friend of a friend had a baby boy, another friend found out she was pregnant and I just found out that my cousin in trying! Oh wow, I'm sure there are others that I just can't think of right now, but it is just babies everywhere! But I am extremely happy for them all!!! There is nothing like having a baby, there is no joy or love that is like it!! I don't know what I would do without my kids, they are so special to me, they are my world!! I think in Vegas I will be lost and bored, b/c Matt is at the expo till 4, so that leaves me by myself. I don't want to wander around all by myself, so what will I do with all that quiet?? I guess I better take the laptop!!! lol Anyways, gotta go for now, but I'll try to update more frequently!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
So many great things!!!
First off! Happy Birthday Chase!! Today you turn 1, boy has the past year flown by!!! You have been such a great addition to our family!! You have achieved so much in your first year. Your first word was Mama, which I am absolutely proud to say!! You don't really talk a lot, but you say, mama, dada, papa, and baba. You started walking at 9 1/2mths and haven't slowed down since!! You didn't start sleeping thru the night on a more frequent bases, until you were 10mths. You wore me out!! But the fact that you do have 8 teeth does have something to do with that!! You are def all boy, b/c you have managed to have 4 black eyes before you turned 1! And the sad thing is, it was all the same eye!! You are such a love bug, but then again can come up and lay into ya in no time flat!! But you are just so cute. You have the prettiest blue eyes. They are what everyone comments on!! You are just such a great little boy. Today I am taking you to get your pictures taken and will probably give you your first hair cut in the next couple of days!! We are having your birthday party on Saturday and I'm decorating in monkeys, since you have always been my chunky monkey. lol You are a Mamma's boy and I am absolutely loving it!! Thank you for a great last year!! You are amazing and Mommy loves you more than you could ever imagine!!!
Also in great news! Emma has gone the last 5 nights without wetting her pullup, well actually 4 nights b/c last night she wore panties!! Yes, you read right. Emma just decided to potty train a few weeks ago and is already wearing panties at night!!! I am just so excited and proud of her. She is such a big girl!! I don't have any babies anymore. :( But I guess it is time to enter the new stage of our lives with big kids. lol I love my kids and they are just bringing such happiness to my life!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
So, Emma has officially been in panties for the last 4 or 5 days!! YIPPIE!!! I am so excited!! I never thought when I was growing up that I would get so excited over my daughter wearing panties!! I am so psyched!!! She still has occassional accidents, but most of the time it is just her starting to pee and then she stops and finishes in the potty. I'll take it! I was so afraid we would be celebrating her 4th birthday and she would still be wearing pullups. My Emma is a big girl now!!! Oh, I am just so excited!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
My Little Princess
Thursday, June 18, 2009
It's back!!
Okay, so went onto a different birth control to help regulate my periods. Well, my diarrhea is back. Yep, my body must just not like the birth control. I really don't know what the deal is. I've been on this kind before, so I'm not sure why it is happening. I swear, child bearing and child birth really does a number on your body. My hips have never been the same since I've had Emma and ever since I have had Chase my body doesn't take to the birth control well at all. So, off I go to see if there is something else that I might be able to take. I might try the Orthro Lo. Maybe my body needs a lower dose of the hormones or whatever it is in the pill. So back to square 1 I go, hurrah hurrah. lol
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I titled the last post "The future" and then never talked about what was intended for the post. lol Anyways, I'll have to do that post later on today. lol
Monday, June 15, 2009
The future
So, I haven't posted in quite a while. We have been busy doing a lot of fun family stuff. One weekend we went down to my brother's house in Columbus to watch my neice Kailey play softball. We then went and spent the night at their house, it was my entire family, both brothers and their families and my parents. It was a lot of fun.
Then the following week, Matt took Friday off and we took the kids to the Columbus zoo. It started off as a day trip, but we ended up staying the night at my brother's house again. The kids, well Emma, really loved the zoo. Chase was just along for the ride, he loves going for walks.
Then this weekend we had a bbq on Saturday. We played cornhole and had a fire. It was a really good time, the kids got to play with other kids. We did have a couple ouchy moments. Emma got sand in her eyes and I mean a lot. Well, we had to hold her down and pour water in her eyes, now this is pure torture to her. She absolutely hates it when she gets water in her eyes. Then Chase fell later on and hit his eye on a little kids plastic picnic table, so we are on shiner #2. But we all still had a great time!! Then Sunday Matt and Emma worked outside, got some mulch and put it in the flower bed. And that evening we put the kids in the stroller and walked uptown to get ice cream. It was great, we have been doing so much family stuff, I really like those kind of moments.
Last week was my first week of only having my nephews once a week. I got so much stuff done and my stress level has been so much lower. I love my nephews to death, but I'm thinking that I'm just not cut out for babysitting. I was able to clean my house and go on several walks. Heck today we went on a walk and did some errands while on our walk and had lunch all before noon. I have so much more energy and desire to do stuff. Plus, I don't have Emma fighting with the boys. It is nice, just gotta decide what I'm gonna do once school in back in session.
Anyways, life is great on the homefront. Chase is walking around like a mad man, with a huge temper. Yes oh yes, he has quite the temper. Take something away from him that he isn't suppose to have and he has this pitchy scream/yell and starts throwing his arms around. He gets so mad. Matt and I can't play fight, b/c he starts crying. But other than the temper, he is really getting big and is such a cutie. He is a lover too. Matt will lay on his belly on the floor and Chase will come up to him and squat down and give him a kiss. It is just so cute!! He is always hugging on me. Then him and Emma. They fight one minute and loving on each other the next. Emma oh Emma, potty training is still in the same exact place it was before. Sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't. I really don't know what to do. It's not like you can make her stop peeing her pants. I just don't know what it is gonna take to get her to stop. I don't want her going into her 4th birthday still not potty trained. So if anyone out there has any suggestions I'll try anything. Well, I need to lay the little one down for a nap. Hopefully I'll update more often!!
Then the following week, Matt took Friday off and we took the kids to the Columbus zoo. It started off as a day trip, but we ended up staying the night at my brother's house again. The kids, well Emma, really loved the zoo. Chase was just along for the ride, he loves going for walks.
Then this weekend we had a bbq on Saturday. We played cornhole and had a fire. It was a really good time, the kids got to play with other kids. We did have a couple ouchy moments. Emma got sand in her eyes and I mean a lot. Well, we had to hold her down and pour water in her eyes, now this is pure torture to her. She absolutely hates it when she gets water in her eyes. Then Chase fell later on and hit his eye on a little kids plastic picnic table, so we are on shiner #2. But we all still had a great time!! Then Sunday Matt and Emma worked outside, got some mulch and put it in the flower bed. And that evening we put the kids in the stroller and walked uptown to get ice cream. It was great, we have been doing so much family stuff, I really like those kind of moments.
Last week was my first week of only having my nephews once a week. I got so much stuff done and my stress level has been so much lower. I love my nephews to death, but I'm thinking that I'm just not cut out for babysitting. I was able to clean my house and go on several walks. Heck today we went on a walk and did some errands while on our walk and had lunch all before noon. I have so much more energy and desire to do stuff. Plus, I don't have Emma fighting with the boys. It is nice, just gotta decide what I'm gonna do once school in back in session.
Anyways, life is great on the homefront. Chase is walking around like a mad man, with a huge temper. Yes oh yes, he has quite the temper. Take something away from him that he isn't suppose to have and he has this pitchy scream/yell and starts throwing his arms around. He gets so mad. Matt and I can't play fight, b/c he starts crying. But other than the temper, he is really getting big and is such a cutie. He is a lover too. Matt will lay on his belly on the floor and Chase will come up to him and squat down and give him a kiss. It is just so cute!! He is always hugging on me. Then him and Emma. They fight one minute and loving on each other the next. Emma oh Emma, potty training is still in the same exact place it was before. Sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't. I really don't know what to do. It's not like you can make her stop peeing her pants. I just don't know what it is gonna take to get her to stop. I don't want her going into her 4th birthday still not potty trained. So if anyone out there has any suggestions I'll try anything. Well, I need to lay the little one down for a nap. Hopefully I'll update more often!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Yeppers, a bath did it!!!
Gave Chase a bath last night and he is still down for the count at 8:30!!! Man alive, it will be bath night every night!! lol
I will have to post a pic later. My little man has a black eye. He hit right below his eye on a "magic wand", so it has left a shiner. Luckly he didn't hit his actually eye, he hit right below it. My poor little guy!!! He actually got over it pretty quick, but I'll post a pic later.
I will have to post a pic later. My little man has a black eye. He hit right below his eye on a "magic wand", so it has left a shiner. Luckly he didn't hit his actually eye, he hit right below it. My poor little guy!!! He actually got over it pretty quick, but I'll post a pic later.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Figured him out!!
Since we have gotten done with teething, I have figured out what Chase requires to sleep all night.......a bath. Before it started getting hot, I did baths every other night. Well, the nights that he didn't get a bath he would get up, but when he got his bath he would sleep all night. Ahhh, relief and an easy solution!! So you better believe we will be bathing it up, even if it is not needed due to being dirty and sweaty!!! Thank goodness, I've cracked the code. lol
Wasn't even trying.
So, I wasn't even trying but yesterday I didn't have a single drop of Mt Dew. I didn't even think about it at all. I don't have any in the house, but before I would never be caught without it in the house. So, I just thought it was funny how I wasn't even trying and I didn't have any. lol Oh, btw, didn't have any ice cream either. lol
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fell off the face of the Earth...
Okay, so I've been terrible. I've kinda fallen off the face of the earth. I had myself down to where I didn't "need" Mt Dew for the caffine purpose, but what can I say, I love the taste of the stuff. So, I have not given up the Dew, but have cut back A LOT!! I have gone from drinking 48-72oz to drinking 12-24oz a day! I think that is an accomplishment in itself!! I just don't want to give it up completely. That is one thing that I enjoy and I can't take it away. As far as eating good, well no. I need to stop. My number on the scale just keeps climbing, ugh!!! I need to do something, which cutting back on how much I eat would be a fantastic start! Plus that damn ice cream, it gets me everytime. I would probably be fine, but Matt and Emma want it and then I just follow suit. I need to stop!!
My weekend was super nice. Friday, Matt took off and I didn't have my nephews. So we spent some family time together and went to Chuck E Cheese. Emma loved it, actually we all did. It was so much fun, until the melt down Emma had when it was time to go home. UGH! Not fun!! Then Friday night we, uh, I can't even remember. (I suffer from short term memory loss BAD!!) OH wait, me, Emma and my mom-in-law went and bought flowers! Ah, glad I'm not totally loosing it. lol Then Saturday morning we planted them. We still have some more planting to do, which we will hopefully get done this weekend. Then came 2:00 and I dropped the kiddos off at my parents for the night. Matt and I got around and headed off to Olive Garden to celebrate our anniversary (which was Thursday). We have some yummy Chicken Alfredo and a bottle of very very very good wine (and I don't usually like wine unless it is Ice Wine). Which we ended up buying yet another bottle to bring home with us. Yummy!! It didn't make it thru the night. So we finished up 2 bottles that night together.
Sunday we picked the kids up and then had the mom-in-law and Matt's cousin & gf over for a little BBQ. When mom-in-law left Emma wanted to go, so off she went to stay at her house (for the first time ever). Matt, his cousin, cousin gf and I played Playstation till midnight. BTW, us girls kicked the boys butts!!! It was so much fun, we laughed so hard tears where coming and stomachs were hurting!! It was such a great time!! Monday morning Matt took off fishing with his brother at 6am, which left the house to Chase and I. We got up around 8:30ish and played. He is such a little monkey!! When he layed down for his nap I was kinda lost. I really didn't know what to do with myself, I was actually bored. But then he woke up, I went down and got Emma and by the time we got home Matt was back. We cooked out on the grill and just had some family time. It was great!! My weekend was awesome. Matt and I had some us time but we also had some great family time!!
Then comes Tuesday. Wake up, pee and there it was.....blood. I didn't know what to think. Called Matt he didn't know, called mom but she didn't answer, called dad he said to call mom but probably would need to call the doc. Mom called me back and told me to call the doc. So I called the doc and got an appt for 2:30. In the meantime I researched on the interenet..BAD idea!! When I looked it up, it listed 3 different types of cancers amongst other things. But of course the mind goes straight to the bad stuff. So freak me out!! Well, finally 2:30 came. I peed in a cup and everything came back fine. She said it was due to me starting on birth control again, that first starting the pill can lead to mid-cycle bleeding. Thank goodness!! But while I was there she eyed some moles that she said need to come off. I told her that I would get back to her on that, not tood fond of her cutting on me. There are atleast 2, but she hasn't seen my back and mom said there are probably 2 more there that she would want to cut off. Not exactly something that I find fun.
So here we are, Wednesday. My plans are, to get the cleaning I wanted to do yesterday before I had to freak about the blood all day. Hopefully all the kids decide to get along today and no fighting. Oh did I mention that Chase is walking all over the place now?? Yea, he is officially on the move, EVERYWHERE!! So here we go, a new chapter for the books. Now if I could just find a way to get myself to not be so uptight and get so overly worked up over everything. I need to find a way to relax, a way to be able to just let go of all of this frustration and anger that I have from I don't know where. Anyways, so not touching all of that right now. But ok, gonna get started on the whole cleaning thing.
My weekend was super nice. Friday, Matt took off and I didn't have my nephews. So we spent some family time together and went to Chuck E Cheese. Emma loved it, actually we all did. It was so much fun, until the melt down Emma had when it was time to go home. UGH! Not fun!! Then Friday night we, uh, I can't even remember. (I suffer from short term memory loss BAD!!) OH wait, me, Emma and my mom-in-law went and bought flowers! Ah, glad I'm not totally loosing it. lol Then Saturday morning we planted them. We still have some more planting to do, which we will hopefully get done this weekend. Then came 2:00 and I dropped the kiddos off at my parents for the night. Matt and I got around and headed off to Olive Garden to celebrate our anniversary (which was Thursday). We have some yummy Chicken Alfredo and a bottle of very very very good wine (and I don't usually like wine unless it is Ice Wine). Which we ended up buying yet another bottle to bring home with us. Yummy!! It didn't make it thru the night. So we finished up 2 bottles that night together.
Sunday we picked the kids up and then had the mom-in-law and Matt's cousin & gf over for a little BBQ. When mom-in-law left Emma wanted to go, so off she went to stay at her house (for the first time ever). Matt, his cousin, cousin gf and I played Playstation till midnight. BTW, us girls kicked the boys butts!!! It was so much fun, we laughed so hard tears where coming and stomachs were hurting!! It was such a great time!! Monday morning Matt took off fishing with his brother at 6am, which left the house to Chase and I. We got up around 8:30ish and played. He is such a little monkey!! When he layed down for his nap I was kinda lost. I really didn't know what to do with myself, I was actually bored. But then he woke up, I went down and got Emma and by the time we got home Matt was back. We cooked out on the grill and just had some family time. It was great!! My weekend was awesome. Matt and I had some us time but we also had some great family time!!
Then comes Tuesday. Wake up, pee and there it was.....blood. I didn't know what to think. Called Matt he didn't know, called mom but she didn't answer, called dad he said to call mom but probably would need to call the doc. Mom called me back and told me to call the doc. So I called the doc and got an appt for 2:30. In the meantime I researched on the interenet..BAD idea!! When I looked it up, it listed 3 different types of cancers amongst other things. But of course the mind goes straight to the bad stuff. So freak me out!! Well, finally 2:30 came. I peed in a cup and everything came back fine. She said it was due to me starting on birth control again, that first starting the pill can lead to mid-cycle bleeding. Thank goodness!! But while I was there she eyed some moles that she said need to come off. I told her that I would get back to her on that, not tood fond of her cutting on me. There are atleast 2, but she hasn't seen my back and mom said there are probably 2 more there that she would want to cut off. Not exactly something that I find fun.
So here we are, Wednesday. My plans are, to get the cleaning I wanted to do yesterday before I had to freak about the blood all day. Hopefully all the kids decide to get along today and no fighting. Oh did I mention that Chase is walking all over the place now?? Yea, he is officially on the move, EVERYWHERE!! So here we go, a new chapter for the books. Now if I could just find a way to get myself to not be so uptight and get so overly worked up over everything. I need to find a way to relax, a way to be able to just let go of all of this frustration and anger that I have from I don't know where. Anyways, so not touching all of that right now. But ok, gonna get started on the whole cleaning thing.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Yesterday and Day 2
So, I didn't keep updating my blog like I was wanting to. Well, my day started to turn into crap so out came the ice cream and some chips. I'm not too worried about that tho, b/c dieting isn't my main priority right now, stopping Mt Dew is. So, the grand total of Mt Dew consumed by me is just under 24oz. Which I must say I am happy about.
Now off to today. I haven't had anything to drink or eat yet. I think I will fix me some eggs and have some water to go with it. First tho, I'm gonna weigh myself. Yesterday I made the mistake of weighing myself throughout the day and it just kept going up, seriously. So I'm curious to see what I weigh before anything gets put into my body. Hopefully it reads less than what it did yesterday.
So here I am starting day #2. Oh did I mention that I am hurting from head to toe? I don't know why, but I am. Plus I'm on the verge of a headache. I woke up (a couple of times) at 2:30 and I felt like I was gonna puke! Hopefully I'm not getting sick!!
Now off to today. I haven't had anything to drink or eat yet. I think I will fix me some eggs and have some water to go with it. First tho, I'm gonna weigh myself. Yesterday I made the mistake of weighing myself throughout the day and it just kept going up, seriously. So I'm curious to see what I weigh before anything gets put into my body. Hopefully it reads less than what it did yesterday.
So here I am starting day #2. Oh did I mention that I am hurting from head to toe? I don't know why, but I am. Plus I'm on the verge of a headache. I woke up (a couple of times) at 2:30 and I felt like I was gonna puke! Hopefully I'm not getting sick!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Day 1~I will continuously be adding to this post throughout the day!
Okay, so here we are...Monday. Today is going to be day 1! I am only going to drink enough Mt Dew to keep the caffine headache at bay! I've started out the morning with a bowl of cereal and I'm about to open my first bottle of water!
I've heard many people say that they lost a lot of weight just by not drinking pop anymore. Well, I am hoping that is going to be true, b/c I am getting close to my weight that I was the day I delivered Emma!! This time tho, I don't have an extra human growing inside. So here I go, starting my journey and new life style. Hopefully it all goes well.
PS. I did do good yesterday, I turned down going to Shell. We go to shell several times a week and get ice cream. My weakness is a small schmoopie (blizzard) with chocolate ice cream and extra reese cup! That is probably helping my weight out! lol Anyways, I turned it down and I'm not going to be eating those, but maybe once in a blue moon. Can't totally take everything that I love away! lol
9:25~I have drank 16.9oz of water and had my first sip of Mt Dew. (feel the headache coming, so can't go cold turkey. caffine headaches are the worst!!)
10:30~Another sip of Mt Dew.
12:00~Lunch! Spinach salad and a yogurt. Now I'm gonna go grab me a water!!
I've heard many people say that they lost a lot of weight just by not drinking pop anymore. Well, I am hoping that is going to be true, b/c I am getting close to my weight that I was the day I delivered Emma!! This time tho, I don't have an extra human growing inside. So here I go, starting my journey and new life style. Hopefully it all goes well.
PS. I did do good yesterday, I turned down going to Shell. We go to shell several times a week and get ice cream. My weakness is a small schmoopie (blizzard) with chocolate ice cream and extra reese cup! That is probably helping my weight out! lol Anyways, I turned it down and I'm not going to be eating those, but maybe once in a blue moon. Can't totally take everything that I love away! lol
9:25~I have drank 16.9oz of water and had my first sip of Mt Dew. (feel the headache coming, so can't go cold turkey. caffine headaches are the worst!!)
10:30~Another sip of Mt Dew.
12:00~Lunch! Spinach salad and a yogurt. Now I'm gonna go grab me a water!!
Pottying it up!!
Okay, so for the last 3 or 4 days Emma has been doing great using the potty! Each day she has only 1 accident!! She is telling me when she has to go and sometimes I just make her sit on the potty and she ends up going!! I am just so proud of her. I hope she stays being a big girl and going in the potty. Once less butt to change and diaper to buy will be great!!! Yeah Emma!!!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
MDA Meeting

Hi, my name is Sarah (everyone says "Hi Sarah"). I have yet to be sober. (lol) I have been using Mt Dew for 10mth now. I drink anywhere from 48 to 72oz of Mt Dew a day. (Yep, this is true) I don't drink it for the caffine, b/c of course I am immune to it now. I drink it for the taste. I love the taste of Mt Dew. If I were to bet, I would say that I have probably only drank 72 to MAYBE 96oz of water in 10mths. If I get thirsty in the middle of the night, out comes the Mt Dew. Get up in the morning, out comes the Mt Dew. If I'm out during the week, I will have my sis-in-law pick me up one on her way to drop off the boys, to get me thru until I can get outta the house to get some more. Since February, when I went off my Yaz and my diarehha stopped, I have gained atleast 10lbs. Of course part of that is b/c my food doesn't go straight thru me, but I'm sure some of that is the amount of Mt Dew that I drink. Of course I know I need to stop drinking Mt Dew or atleast cut WAY back, but I really don't want to stop drinking it. Like I said, I love the taste of Mt. Dew. So, this will be a huge struggle to give up the dew. I have about 8 Mt Dews in the house right now. After those, which will be about Mondayish, I'm gonna try to give it up. I think I will buy a 6 pack or so of those small cans for when I get the caffine headache (those are the worst). So, I will track my progress. Don't hesitate to leave me comments and ask how I am doing, consider yourself my "sponsor". Give me crap, keep reminding me how I need to stop. Thank you. (Everyone claps)
Okay, so there was my little speech you have to give when you are new to the meeting (atleaset that is what the AA meetings look like on tv. lol). So, I'm gonna try it out. I'm gonna try and stop. Pray for me!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Does it really need a title??
Thursday, May 7, 2009
April showers bring May....showers??!!
One of my friends said "Isn't it April showers bring May flowers?" Well, where are the May flowers?? I think the April showers are running into overtime!!
So, I've had a couple of funny things happen today. First, the microwave. I was getting lunch around for the kids and next thing I know, it just turns on. It turned itself onto the 4oz beverage setting. I shut it off, well actually had to unplug it to get it to turn off. Plugged it back in and a little bit later it did the same thing. Isn't that flippin weird?? Maybe I have ghosts. lol Matt says the old lady that lived here before us died here, but I think he is just trying to freak me out.
Then Chase decided to go toy box diving. I looked up just in time to see his feet fly up in the air. lol If he wasn't crying, I would have taken a pic. I'm not really sure how he managed to do it, but he did. It was funny, but obviously not for him. lol
So, I've had a couple of funny things happen today. First, the microwave. I was getting lunch around for the kids and next thing I know, it just turns on. It turned itself onto the 4oz beverage setting. I shut it off, well actually had to unplug it to get it to turn off. Plugged it back in and a little bit later it did the same thing. Isn't that flippin weird?? Maybe I have ghosts. lol Matt says the old lady that lived here before us died here, but I think he is just trying to freak me out.
Then Chase decided to go toy box diving. I looked up just in time to see his feet fly up in the air. lol If he wasn't crying, I would have taken a pic. I'm not really sure how he managed to do it, but he did. It was funny, but obviously not for him. lol
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
House for Sale!
So, we are wanting to sell our house. We have a few things to finish up on the inside, but that can get done real quick. We found a house, well actually 2, that we like. We just gotta get this house sold first. I'm just not gonna get my hopes up with how the market is right now. Anyways, hopefully we can get it sold!!
7, oh wait I never mentioned 6
Ok, so Chase has broken thru tooth #7, but I forgot to tell ya all about tooth #6. So we have 4 on the bottom, 3 on top and the 4th one on top is super close!! He is just pushing all these teeth thru at once!! He also said his first word, "mama". Oh yea, he said mama first!!! He has said it twice now, once when he was super mad. But now he is moved one and it is "dadadadada". But you know what, oh well, b/c mama was 1st. lol We had a 7 night stretch of sleeping all night, but haven't the last 3 nights. I think it is between his teeth and a possible ear infection. He has been tugging at his ear a little, so I'm thinking I need to get him into the docs and make sure.
This Saturday I get to use my birthday present. I get my swedish massage and facial!! I can't wait, I am so excited!! It will be 2 hours of pure relaxation, it will be awesome!!!
Well, that is about all that is going on here. If I don't post before, I hope all you mommy's have a great Mother's Day on Sunday!!
This Saturday I get to use my birthday present. I get my swedish massage and facial!! I can't wait, I am so excited!! It will be 2 hours of pure relaxation, it will be awesome!!!
Well, that is about all that is going on here. If I don't post before, I hope all you mommy's have a great Mother's Day on Sunday!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What I'm thinking....
So, I think I may have found the cut and color that I want. The first pic is the cut and the second is the possible color. Although on the color I might not get the dark brown in it. What do you fellow bloggers think? Think it will work?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Time for a haircut!!
Okay, so I'm ready for a new do. Anyone have any ideas?? I wanna get some color and also shorten up the back, but I want a style not just blah. I don't feel like my hair has a style. The only thing about me wanting to cut my hair is, Matt likes it long and it hasn't been long since I was prego. But it has been hot lately and that is making me want my hair shorter. Anyways, if you have any ideas let me know.
Awesome Weekend!!
We had a great weekend!! Started off Saturday morning with some garage saling with my friend Ashley. Had some lunch at Panera Bread, YUM!!! (Has to be one of my favorites!!) Came back to the house and hung out with the family and around 6 we threw some hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and had Dave and Ashley over for a fire. It was great. Then Ashley and I walked uptown for some ice cream. It was so nice to get outta the house!! Came back and just BSed for a while and watched the fire. Sunday we went down to the mom-in-laws house for a little bit. Enjoyed her back patio. Then came back to the house for some grilling, bubble blowing and Chase swinging good time. Later on I thought I heard something. Could it be? Oh yeah, it was the ice cream truck, first round of the season.
Emma just had to have the Spider Man one. She loved it and was a complete sticky mess when it was all said and done! While she ate that, Matt and I moved our furniture from the front porch to the back deck and brought the swing to the front porch. After that it was time for baths. We all needed one after being outside in the AWESOME whether!!! Then to top off a WONDERFUL weekend, Chase slept all night last night!! We are doing great here and I am feeling wonderful!!! I must of had the winter blues, b/c I'm feeling awesome. Nothing like being able to have the windows opened, the kids playing outside and the sun shining bright!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
So, the other day Chase took his 1st step!!! I am so excited!!!! He has now been able to take 5 steps in a row!! I am just so excited, but sad all in one. My baby is growing up!! Last night he got up in the middle of the night and as I cradled him and bounced around I just looked at his face and then looked at how incredibly long he is. I just can't believe how time flies so fast, it's not even letting me take a breath! He also finally cut those top 2 teeth that have been RIGHT there for about a month now. So, my baby is starting to walk and has 5 teeth. Wow!
The other day I was getting Emma's shoes on her and told her to sit on my lap. She goes "I fit, it's big enough." I told her that my lap will always be big enough for her. She is just getting so big too. She is 3 and acts likes a teenager at times. She just amazes me at the things she says. I painted her toe nails the other day. She hopped up and said "I wanna go to Florida." Well, the story behind that is, when we went back in January my mother-in-law told Emma that I needed to paint her toe nails for the beach. She just never forgot that and so she is ready for Florida now that her toe nails are painted. lol I must say, I'm ready for Florida too, but I don't know if that is gonna happen.
Anyways, the nice weather is awesome!! The kids got to go outside and play yesterday and that was a huge relief on the nerves. It looks like today will be the same so I'm gonna ship the kids outside. (BTW, by kids I am talking about Emma and my nephews)
Oh yea, I recently turned another year older, which doesn't bother me at all. My wonderful hubby got me a certificate to get a massage and get my hair done. I am so excited to use it. I just might have to get a pedicure, never had one before but heard they are great. Then our anniversary is in May and he made me a cedar chest with our last name on the front. It is beautiful, my plans are to pass is down to Emma when she gets married or something like that. I'm trying to think of something awesome to give/do for him, it'll be 4 years on the 21st. So, I've gotta get to thinking, I'm running outta time.
Also, I'm going garage saling this Saturday. I can't wait!! I love garage saling!!!! It's the first of the season for me and I am just thrilled!!! Then Saturday night we are having a fire and Sangrias. This should be an awesome weekend, full of lots of fun! I can't wait!!!
The other day I was getting Emma's shoes on her and told her to sit on my lap. She goes "I fit, it's big enough." I told her that my lap will always be big enough for her. She is just getting so big too. She is 3 and acts likes a teenager at times. She just amazes me at the things she says. I painted her toe nails the other day. She hopped up and said "I wanna go to Florida." Well, the story behind that is, when we went back in January my mother-in-law told Emma that I needed to paint her toe nails for the beach. She just never forgot that and so she is ready for Florida now that her toe nails are painted. lol I must say, I'm ready for Florida too, but I don't know if that is gonna happen.
Anyways, the nice weather is awesome!! The kids got to go outside and play yesterday and that was a huge relief on the nerves. It looks like today will be the same so I'm gonna ship the kids outside. (BTW, by kids I am talking about Emma and my nephews)
Oh yea, I recently turned another year older, which doesn't bother me at all. My wonderful hubby got me a certificate to get a massage and get my hair done. I am so excited to use it. I just might have to get a pedicure, never had one before but heard they are great. Then our anniversary is in May and he made me a cedar chest with our last name on the front. It is beautiful, my plans are to pass is down to Emma when she gets married or something like that. I'm trying to think of something awesome to give/do for him, it'll be 4 years on the 21st. So, I've gotta get to thinking, I'm running outta time.
Also, I'm going garage saling this Saturday. I can't wait!! I love garage saling!!!! It's the first of the season for me and I am just thrilled!!! Then Saturday night we are having a fire and Sangrias. This should be an awesome weekend, full of lots of fun! I can't wait!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Do you ever?
Do you ever feel like you are just not quite good enough? Do you ever feel like you have failed? I mean, this is stuff that people feel at some point, right? Even if people don't want to admit it, they do, right? Well, I'm there, I've been there for a while now. I feel like I just can't do anything up to par, like my best isn't enough. Then again, am I giving my best? Sometimes I don't feel like it. Heck, I just don't feel like doing anything. It's like I'm going thru the motions, but that is it sometimes. Don't get me wrong, it's not like that 24/7. There are moments thru the day when I get back to myself and I'm happy and playing around like the person I know I am. One minute I can be blah then happy then straight back to blah. What is the deal? Is it the winter blues, or just the plain old blues? Today I have decided that I need to sit down with my brother and sister-in-law and let them know that I can't babysit anymore. Everyone that knows me, knows I'm not the babysitting kind. I've actually never wanted to, except when I was younger. I really don't have the patience for it. Well, back in September I started watching my nephews. I really wanted to be able to help my brother out and wanted my nephews somewhere where I knew they would be ok and would want to go. I've wanted to give up a long time ago, but I don't want to let my family down. I hate letting people down, I hate not being able to give people what they want. I love to do stuff for people to make them happy, I guess I am a people pleaser. Well, I've gotta put that aside and do what is best for me, mentally and therefore, what is best for my kids. They don't deserve to have their mom in this wreck if there is a way to fix it. So, here I am thinking about how to say it to my brother, but it has got to be said and done. Hopefully this will help with this blah mood.
9 Months
So, yesterday we went for Chase's 9mth doc appt. He is weighing in at a whopping 22lbs and is measuring 29 1/2" tall!! He is growing so fast. That is 2lbs and 1 1/2" in 3mths. Everything is great, except for the fact that he has another ear infection. I didn't even know it!! He is teething and we have all had colds so it is hard to know that he had the ear ache too. So, now we are on meds for that. Hopefully he gets over it and we will be good to go. I'm really not in the blogging mood right now, so I will update later when the mood hits. But I just wanted to note how big he is and how the appt went.
BTW, Emma is a little farsighted, but within normal limits.
BTW, Emma is a little farsighted, but within normal limits.
Monday, April 20, 2009
What a long time.
Well, I haven't posted in a while. Not a whole lot has been happening. I've been in my little funk, as I like to call it. I'm really not sure why or what for sure it is. It's just kinda like, I'm here. A friend of mine and I are kinda going thru the same thing and we really don't know why. It seems like we share the same feelings and emotions right now and neither one of us know how to fix it. It sucks being in this dark hole and not knowing how to find your way out. Don't get me wrong. I do love my life. I love my husband, I love my kids, I love my family. I'm just kinda blah. Maybe part of it is winter blues and things will get better once I can be outside more frequently. Maybe some of it is just lack of sleep for the past 9 months and it is all finally coming crashing down on me. Maybe it is just me. I don't know, but I'm about to the point where I am just going to make myself start doing stuff. I'm gonna get a schedule and whether or not I feel like doing it I'm gonna. I'm gonna force myself to be what I want to be, even tho I don't really have the motivation to do it. I don't know, but I will post a happier post later. Chase has his 9 month check-up today so I will have better things to talk about.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Suggestions needed!
Okay, so I am getting desperate!! Any ideas of things I can try to get Chase to sleep all night? I tried the whole cereal in the bottle and that just seems to make him wake up more often. Am I just gonna have to wait it out?? Holy cow, I've had 6 uninterrupted nights of sleep in almost 9mths. That doesn't even average out to a night a month! Anyways, I'm exhausted and I'm imune to Mt Dew, so that doesn't give me the kick I need. I'm thinking about getting one of those 5hr energy drinks. Maybe I will get lucky enough and all the kids will nap at the same time so I can nap too. Maybe if I start cleaning, that will wake me up. I don't know, but I've gotta do something!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Aren't they cute!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thank Goodness!
So, yesterday was going not so well. I was just frustrated and all that fun stuff. Well, come afternoon one of my friends called me, my closest friend was in a bad car accident with her kids. I immediately was freakin out. I had my kids and my nephews or else I would have taken off straight to the hospital. So, here I was at home, not knowing if everyone was ok or not. Well, I texted her hubby asking if everyone was ok. I knew I wouldn't hear from him right away, but I knew he would get back to me whenever he was able to. Finally I heard back and the kids were getting released and my friend was in xrays. Well, she gave me a call a little later on her way home. She didn't have anything broken, just really sore and bruised up, but everyone was coming home.
What had happended was a lady ran the stop sign and my friend wasn't able to get stopped. Well, my friend ended up t-boning right into her drive side. The lady had her 2 granddaughters in the car with her and they were heading up to the hospital to see the girls new baby brother. Everyone was treated and released in that car too. My friends suv is totaled, but her and her kids are ok. That just really puts things into perspective, you just never know how easily and quickly things can happen. But God was watching after everyone and everyone came out fine, just sore.
What had happended was a lady ran the stop sign and my friend wasn't able to get stopped. Well, my friend ended up t-boning right into her drive side. The lady had her 2 granddaughters in the car with her and they were heading up to the hospital to see the girls new baby brother. Everyone was treated and released in that car too. My friends suv is totaled, but her and her kids are ok. That just really puts things into perspective, you just never know how easily and quickly things can happen. But God was watching after everyone and everyone came out fine, just sore.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Playing together
Here is a pic from the weekend. Chase is all over the place and pulls himself up on anything he can get a grip of. This is Emma and Chase playing with the kitchen. It was just so cute!!! He also stood up for about 5-10 seconds before he fell. I have a feeling walking is just around the corner, a very short corner!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
On a Roll!
Ok, so my Mr. Chase has made some advancements in the last week. He is now crawling AND pulling himself up on stuff! No, he didn't give me any time to adjust to the crawling before he started pulling himself up on stuff. He did both in a matter of literally 3 days. Boy oh boy is he on the move now and into EVERYTHING!! lol My baby isn't a baby! Oh and I mentioned about a 3rd tooth going to make an appearance soon, well it did, but not the tooth I thought was going to come thru. He cut another bottom tooth and he has 5 more white bumps on his gums, yes you read right, 5! Doing things slowly isn't his style. He is growing fast, so why not do everything fast. All this news is great, but do you know what is AWESOME??!! The past 2 nights I have gotten 8hrs of straight sleep, yes 8hrs!!! I AM THRILLED!!! I don't know what finally kicked in, but he has slept the past 2 nights and I've been waking up so refreshed!! I am in much need of this sleep and I am so thankful that I am getting it!!! Hip Hip Horray!!! So there is my awesome and exciting post!! Back to chasing that baby on the move!! lol
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Mom Swap
Ok, so I have been addicted to craigs list and ebay lately, trying to find some cute clothes for myself. Then last night I got to thinking. Who doesn't have clothes in their closets that don't fit them anymore. Well, I'm thinking about having a mom swap. Where us moms and even if you're not a mom, you can bring your clothes to sell or swap for something else. I just want some opinions on whether you think this is something that would go good? Is it something you would interested in doing?? Just an idea, b/c I am so wanting some clothes!! I think when I am in Columbus for my niece's birthday party, I will be visiting Plato's Closet and for you Columbus people, do you know of anywhere better to go??
Ok, so I'm really not sure what all I'm gonna talk about here, but I just feel like blogging. Lately my posts have been so down and blah, so I figured I better put a happy one in. Let's start off with the kiddos.
Emma, she is rotten! But she is also so loving. She absolutely loves playing with her little brother and loves him so much. She hasn't been doing the best job at potty training and I'm not sure why, but we will just have to keep working at it. Sometimes talking to her is like talking to an adult. Her answers can be so grown-up sounding, it just amazes me. Speaking of talking, the girl never stops! I mean it, she talks non-stop and she doesn't always have anything to really say, she just talks. Which mom and dad said is pay back for me, b/c when I was little they said I never shut up either. lol She just amazes me tho, I just can't believe how fast she is growing up. In 2 1/2 years my little girl with be starting school!! With how fast the last 3 went, it will probably be here before I know it. She is just great and I love her so much.
Chase is Chase. He is crawling, backwards. lol He can go from his belly to sitting now. A lot of times when he wakes up I will walk in to find him sitting up in bed, it's just too cute. He has 2 teeth, with one getting ready to make an appearance any day and 3 more that are getting close too. I swear, he is just gonna wake up and have a whole mouth full of teeth. He is a really happy baby, he claps all the time. He also has a big appetite, he's a growing boy. I haven't weighed him lately or measured him, I just might have to do that today. He is still a huge mama's boy, but he still has him moments that he wants daddy too. He is just a joy to have and I love him to death.
Now to me, I FEEL GREAT!! How many people do you know that post about diarrhea?? Well, I don't have to anymore, I am going on 10 days diarrhea free!! Yes, you may be laughing b/c it does sound quite funny, but I am thrilled about it!!! I have more energy, not as tired (now the tireness is just due to the fact I get up with Chase). The only headaches I have gotten is sinus related. Oh and I believe I might have posted about my period being irregular, well, it made it's appearance. My system is probably just gonna take some time to adjust after having that horrible Yaz in my system for so long!! But all is good and I am feeling great!!
This month my niece, Kailey, is turning 10 (which is hard to believe). But I am going to make my way down to Columbus to throw her a makeover party. She is quite excited and so am I. My cousin Becky is going with me to help out with doing hair, makeup and nails. I can't wait and I have so many ideas. I'm even gonna try to make a cake, I'm just not sure what exactly I'm gonna make yet. I think I am also gonna do up some shirts that say something along the line of "Kailey's Birthday Bash '09" Then I thought about buying so sweat pant capris and thought all the girls could wear the shirts and capris for the party. It's just an idea and I'm still working on the details, I'm just too excited tho!!
Last night was great. We got the kids to bed. Matt and I drank some Sangrias and enjoyed the hot tub, it was so relaxing!! Then tomorrow night I am taking him out to eat at Olive Garden, he has been wanting to go there for a while now. I have really been wanting to do something for him. I was originally gonna buy him a wine fridge, b/c he has developed a new liking to wine, but then he got into making adirondack chairs (blogger isn't letting me upload the pic of the one he made right now). Which he doesn't have a table saw and has talked about getting one. So now I am thinking about getting him a table saw instead of a wine fridge. I don't really know which I'm gonna get, but I'm sure he'll be surprised and like either one. Anyways, I better get back to laundry and that. Just a off the wall post that is all over the place.
Emma, she is rotten! But she is also so loving. She absolutely loves playing with her little brother and loves him so much. She hasn't been doing the best job at potty training and I'm not sure why, but we will just have to keep working at it. Sometimes talking to her is like talking to an adult. Her answers can be so grown-up sounding, it just amazes me. Speaking of talking, the girl never stops! I mean it, she talks non-stop and she doesn't always have anything to really say, she just talks. Which mom and dad said is pay back for me, b/c when I was little they said I never shut up either. lol She just amazes me tho, I just can't believe how fast she is growing up. In 2 1/2 years my little girl with be starting school!! With how fast the last 3 went, it will probably be here before I know it. She is just great and I love her so much.
Chase is Chase. He is crawling, backwards. lol He can go from his belly to sitting now. A lot of times when he wakes up I will walk in to find him sitting up in bed, it's just too cute. He has 2 teeth, with one getting ready to make an appearance any day and 3 more that are getting close too. I swear, he is just gonna wake up and have a whole mouth full of teeth. He is a really happy baby, he claps all the time. He also has a big appetite, he's a growing boy. I haven't weighed him lately or measured him, I just might have to do that today. He is still a huge mama's boy, but he still has him moments that he wants daddy too. He is just a joy to have and I love him to death.
Now to me, I FEEL GREAT!! How many people do you know that post about diarrhea?? Well, I don't have to anymore, I am going on 10 days diarrhea free!! Yes, you may be laughing b/c it does sound quite funny, but I am thrilled about it!!! I have more energy, not as tired (now the tireness is just due to the fact I get up with Chase). The only headaches I have gotten is sinus related. Oh and I believe I might have posted about my period being irregular, well, it made it's appearance. My system is probably just gonna take some time to adjust after having that horrible Yaz in my system for so long!! But all is good and I am feeling great!!
This month my niece, Kailey, is turning 10 (which is hard to believe). But I am going to make my way down to Columbus to throw her a makeover party. She is quite excited and so am I. My cousin Becky is going with me to help out with doing hair, makeup and nails. I can't wait and I have so many ideas. I'm even gonna try to make a cake, I'm just not sure what exactly I'm gonna make yet. I think I am also gonna do up some shirts that say something along the line of "Kailey's Birthday Bash '09" Then I thought about buying so sweat pant capris and thought all the girls could wear the shirts and capris for the party. It's just an idea and I'm still working on the details, I'm just too excited tho!!
Last night was great. We got the kids to bed. Matt and I drank some Sangrias and enjoyed the hot tub, it was so relaxing!! Then tomorrow night I am taking him out to eat at Olive Garden, he has been wanting to go there for a while now. I have really been wanting to do something for him. I was originally gonna buy him a wine fridge, b/c he has developed a new liking to wine, but then he got into making adirondack chairs (blogger isn't letting me upload the pic of the one he made right now). Which he doesn't have a table saw and has talked about getting one. So now I am thinking about getting him a table saw instead of a wine fridge. I don't really know which I'm gonna get, but I'm sure he'll be surprised and like either one. Anyways, I better get back to laundry and that. Just a off the wall post that is all over the place.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A new ME!
Okay, so I have been thinking about stuff for a while now and there are a lot of things that I would love to start doing. Now, I used the word love and you are thinking it is all of this fun stuff, but really it isn't all that fun, just stuff I wanna do. So here is a list of stuff I wanna do in no certain order:
- On Sundays, make 5 lunches, freeze them, so that Matt has a nice home-cooked lunch for work everyday that week.
- Wake up at 6am and walk the treadmill, take a shower, get dressed and do my hair.
- Make totally healthy meals. For whatever reason, I have had a strong desire to start fixing fresh veggies all the time. I want to make awesome meals, but I still want them to be fairly easy, b/c it always seems like both kids need me when I'm trying to make supper. lol
- Get my house done! Meaning, finish all the remodeling that isn't done yet.
- Get my house completely decorated from room to room.
- Get a better schedule of chores or daily tasks (whatever you wanna call them).
- Throw away the clutter and crap we don't need!'
- I would like to start getting up in the mornings and fixing Matt breakfast, but I don't think that is gonna start happening until Chase sleeps all night, b/c quite frankly, I try to get every minute of sleep possible. So, I guess I can probably put the getting up at 6am off for right now too.
- I want my kitchen completely organized, which is hard b/c I don't have much space in there. But Matt and I are looking into redoing our kitchen, which will give me more cupboard space and that.
These are just the things that I can think of right off the top of my head, but I'm sure as soon as I lay down to try and go to sleep I will think of more, that always happens. I better head off to bed and try to get some sleep, even tho right now is when I feel like cleaning and that, but I know I've gotta get some sleep or else I'll be completely whooped come tomorrow.
Health Update
Ok, so let's update on all my lovely side effects I was having due to Yaz. Well, let's see, I have been free and clear for a week now!!! I have my energy back(which has been for a while now), I feel like doing stuff and the big one...I haven't had diarrhea in a week now! I am absolutely thrilled!! Sounds so funny when I go back and read that line, but man it is exciting when you have lived with it for around 6 or 7 months. The only bad thing about it is I spotted for a week before I started my period, it had me worried, but it's probably just my body readjusting to not having the Yaz in my system. So I can def deal with that. I'm sure that I will become normal in just a matter of a month or so. Which, I'm thinking about going back on my old birth control, I didn't have any problems at all with the old stuff. I just want to be regular and know when I am going to be starting and not be on my period for a 7 or 8 days. So, I will give myself another week or so and see if I have any diarrhea and if not I think I will call the doc and get the prescription. I am so happy that I'm finally feeling good now, I'm finally back to myself!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Lipstick and Cancer!
Something to consider next time you go shopping for Lipstick......
This comes from someone who works in the breast cancer unit at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto From: Dr. Nahid Neman If there is a female you care anything about, share this with her. I did!!!!! I am also sharing this with the males on my e-mail list, because they need to tell the females THEY care about as well!
Recently a lipstick brand called 'Red Earth' decreased their prices from $67 to $9.90. It contained lead. Lead is a chemical which causes cancer.. The lipstick brands that contain lead are:
REDEARTH (Lip Gloss)
CHANEL (Lip Conditioner)
The higher the lead content, the greater the chance of causing cancer. After doing a test on lipsticks, it was found that the Y ..S.L Lipstick contained the most amount of lead. Watch out for those lipsticks which are supposed to stay on longer. If your lipstick stays longer, it is because of the higher content of lead. Here is the simple test you can do yourself:
1. Put some lipstick on your hand.
2. Use a Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.
3. If the lipstick color changes to black, then you know20the lipstick contains lead.
Please send this information to all your girlfriends, wives, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, or other female family members. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre. Dioxin Carcinogens causes cancer, especially breast cancer.
This comes from someone who works in the breast cancer unit at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto From: Dr. Nahid Neman If there is a female you care anything about, share this with her. I did!!!!! I am also sharing this with the males on my e-mail list, because they need to tell the females THEY care about as well!
Recently a lipstick brand called 'Red Earth' decreased their prices from $67 to $9.90. It contained lead. Lead is a chemical which causes cancer.. The lipstick brands that contain lead are:
REDEARTH (Lip Gloss)
CHANEL (Lip Conditioner)
The higher the lead content, the greater the chance of causing cancer. After doing a test on lipsticks, it was found that the Y ..S.L Lipstick contained the most amount of lead. Watch out for those lipsticks which are supposed to stay on longer. If your lipstick stays longer, it is because of the higher content of lead. Here is the simple test you can do yourself:
1. Put some lipstick on your hand.
2. Use a Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.
3. If the lipstick color changes to black, then you know20the lipstick contains lead.
Please send this information to all your girlfriends, wives, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, or other female family members. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre. Dioxin Carcinogens causes cancer, especially breast cancer.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
It's time to Spring ahead!
Ok, so this weekend is when we will be putting our clocks ahead an hour. I'm so not looking forward to that due to that is just 1 more hour of sleep that I will be losing. But on the positive, that means spring is that much closer and it will be lighter out longer. So, don't forget before going to bed Saturday night to set your clocks ahead that 1 hour!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Just when you think all is good....
Ok, so first off let me say how I have my energy back and my desire to get up and do stuff. I have been feeling great that way; however, yes the big however. I am still getting the upset stomach after eating and diarrhea and gas. Now the diarrhea isn't after every meal, but hey if it is 1-4 times a week, I would say that is beyond enough. So, I am completely off all meds and still nothing much has changed with the lovely diarrhea. I am starting to get quite worried, I mean, if it isn't the meds I was on then what in the heck is it? I've thought about it possibly being the constant drinking of Mt. Dew, but really could that be it? I looked up online and some people say it could be a possibility, but my diarrhea only happens after eating and the ppl online say that it would happen after drinking it. So, what could it be? Then last night I really got to thinking about it. I started having problems the day after I had Chase. Could it be b/c of me going off of insulin, does your body have some sort of reaction to this?? Could Chase have screwed up my insides? His delievery was so easy and I mean easy, but even tho this is embarassing to admit (but it happened to my mom all 3 times) I guess I had a bowel movement while delivering him. Could this be a sign of something being wrong with my bowel? I really don't know and the unknown is so scary. So I think I will be calling the doctor today and see what she thinks, which will actually result in me going in and talking to her for 5 minutes and that will cost me $15. Man, I need to be a doctor. lol Anyways, I'm just sick of it all!! Sorry for the bitch session, but it's easiest to do it here.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Good Night Sweethearts
You know when you have one of those days. You almost have your youngest one to sleep for a nap and then the oldest one comes in yelling how she has to pee. There goes the almost asleep baby. Or you are attempting to fix supper with a 3 year old under your feet and a 7 month old crying b/c he wants held. Plus you got to add the fact of getting ready to start your lovely monthly gift and the PMS is coming on strong. You know those days, I don't care who you are, you have them. You know you just want to go outside and scream for a minute or just take off running and run all of that stress and frustration out. Well, I get those days, but those days are so worth it when I have come to realize one of my favorite things to enjoy at night. Yea, I like the quiet house after the kids are asleep, I like being able to talk "adult" talk with my hubby and I like not having to tell a kid not put that in their mouth or not having to change a diaper. But you know what I really love. I love after the kids are asleep and I go into their rooms and just watch them lay there asleep. Every night I think to myself, I can't believe they are mine. I can't believe these beautiful children are actually mine. They lay there dreaming away, so innocent, so beautiful. I snug them up to their blankies and just smile, for they are mine. I am so incredibly blessed and even tho I may get wrapped up in the daily things, every night I take those moments to appreciate what God has given me, my beautiful babies.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Oh Spring!
Ok, so I am more than ready for Spring. I want to be able to put the kids into the stroller and go for a walk. I want to be able to go out on the driveway and play with chalk with Emma, you know make the typical picture of our family. lol I want to go out back and let the kids play and swing. I want to have my windows open with fresh air blowing thru and the sunlight thru the front door shining thru. Winter is so depressing!! Being cooped up in the house day in and day out. Oh well, I guess there isn't a darn thing I can do about it but complain and that isn't gonna get me very far. lol
Monday, February 23, 2009
Oh my....
Ok, so I was gonna post on Friday, but time slipped away from me. So, I had been feeling good for a solid 7 days or so I thought. I went and had to have one of my "episodes" Friday after supper. Now, I have since, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I guess I will just have to wait it out and see.
With being off of my Yaz and I can say there was a plus to being on it, I didn't have the craps. Man, I did not miss those. For the past week I have felt like I am cramping, which is probably due to the fact that I might be starting soon. Fun, fun! My periods are always worse without birth control. Yippie!!
But back to the rest of my life. We went to my brothers this past weekend to watch my niece play basketball. She is a really good athlete, I'm saying athlete b/c she does well at all the sports she plays (basketball, softball, soccer and gymnastics). So that was Saturday at 2. After her game I went and picked up a HUGE box of clothes that I bought off of craigs list. I was so excited and got a great deal. There are some pants and shorts that don't fit (having kids ruined my hips), but even with those not fitting I still got a great deal. After getting my clothes, we hung out at my brothers and played the Wii. Let me just say, I've only played it one other time and this weekend showed me that I am WAY more outta shape than what I thought. I knew I was outta shape, but man alive am I outta shape!! So, I am paying the price of that, my whole body is sore!!! Which the fact that I slept on the floor, oh wait a minute, let's calling it napping thru the night. I didn't get to bed Saturday till 12:30am, Chase woke up at 1:30, then at 4:30 and then stayed up at 7. You talk about tired and feeling like crap. Man was I a grump the next day! And if you notice the time stamp on this post you will see that it is 6:00am and I have already been up for 2 hours and yes with Chase!! This kid has got to start sleeping!!! Anyone have any ideas?? Oh wait a minute, I think he might be ready to go back to sleep. Hooray!! I will post more later, I might have some sleep in my near future!! lol
With being off of my Yaz and I can say there was a plus to being on it, I didn't have the craps. Man, I did not miss those. For the past week I have felt like I am cramping, which is probably due to the fact that I might be starting soon. Fun, fun! My periods are always worse without birth control. Yippie!!
But back to the rest of my life. We went to my brothers this past weekend to watch my niece play basketball. She is a really good athlete, I'm saying athlete b/c she does well at all the sports she plays (basketball, softball, soccer and gymnastics). So that was Saturday at 2. After her game I went and picked up a HUGE box of clothes that I bought off of craigs list. I was so excited and got a great deal. There are some pants and shorts that don't fit (having kids ruined my hips), but even with those not fitting I still got a great deal. After getting my clothes, we hung out at my brothers and played the Wii. Let me just say, I've only played it one other time and this weekend showed me that I am WAY more outta shape than what I thought. I knew I was outta shape, but man alive am I outta shape!! So, I am paying the price of that, my whole body is sore!!! Which the fact that I slept on the floor, oh wait a minute, let's calling it napping thru the night. I didn't get to bed Saturday till 12:30am, Chase woke up at 1:30, then at 4:30 and then stayed up at 7. You talk about tired and feeling like crap. Man was I a grump the next day! And if you notice the time stamp on this post you will see that it is 6:00am and I have already been up for 2 hours and yes with Chase!! This kid has got to start sleeping!!! Anyone have any ideas?? Oh wait a minute, I think he might be ready to go back to sleep. Hooray!! I will post more later, I might have some sleep in my near future!! lol
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hey everyone in blog world! I am wanting to get some new to me clothes. I have lost weight and now not many of my clothes fit me. Plus I am sick of wearing t-shirts all the time. I want shirts that are nice looking, but still comfy and easy to wear while taking care of kids. If you have any clothes you are wanting to get rid of or know of anywhere online or actual store let me know. I am a big fan of thrift stores and ebay, but am having a hard time finding clothes without spending a fortune. Thanks!!
Shop for a Cure!
I received an email from a friend that has a little boy with Diabetes. Here is a way everyone can help to find a cure for him and everyone else that has or will develop diabetes.
It’s an easy way to support JDRF: Kroger fundraising cards. If you shop at Kroger anyway, use this JDRF issued gift card, load it before purchasing your groceries, use it to pay for your groceries, and 4% of what you spend goes to JDRF. These cards can be used over and over again. If you spend $5000 in groceries a year, that’s $200 that goes to JDRF. How much easier can it get. If you are interested, email, call, or write to the JDRF office and we will get you a card.
I'm gonna do my part to help Lane, please help out too!! Here is the email to be able to get your Kroger fundraising card dayton@jdrf.org
It’s an easy way to support JDRF: Kroger fundraising cards. If you shop at Kroger anyway, use this JDRF issued gift card, load it before purchasing your groceries, use it to pay for your groceries, and 4% of what you spend goes to JDRF. These cards can be used over and over again. If you spend $5000 in groceries a year, that’s $200 that goes to JDRF. How much easier can it get. If you are interested, email, call, or write to the JDRF office and we will get you a card.
I'm gonna do my part to help Lane, please help out too!! Here is the email to be able to get your Kroger fundraising card dayton@jdrf.org
Feeling Good!!
Ok, so I have been off the Yaz for about a week and a half or so. I haven't had any of my symptoms since Sunday!! So, that means 4 days of feeling like myself!! I am so happy!!! So everyone out their in blog world, I don't recommend Yaz at all! Trust me, I felt like crap and now I feel great and the only thing that changed was going off of Yaz!!! Yippie!! I can not begin to tell ya how happy I am!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Emma & Chase

Ok, so let's start off with Ms Emma aka Crazy Hair Lady. lol As of yesterday, she started telling me everytime that she had to go potty vs. me just making her sit on the potty every so often. She didn't have a single accident yesterday at all and we even went to my grandparent's house for a few hours!! She wants to wear her pullup still, which I am letting her so that she will feel more comfortable. But what I am going to do is make some Scooby Doo panties for her. She is all about Scooby Doo and she wants some panties, but do you think they make them...NO!! So, I'm gonna buy some plain panties and get some iron on paper and print out some Scooby Doo pics and iron them right on to the panties. Which got me thinking, I could totally personalize them too, put her name all cute on them and everything. So, I'm pretty excited about making panties, which sounds super weird! lol Anyways, I know she will be so excited about getting Scooby Doo panties, which will be great!! I'm just so proud of my big girl!!!! She is awesome!
Oh Chase! Well, the boy has been a cling on lately, what seems like a permanent lump on my hip. lol I think his top teeth are moving down, so hopefully it'll get better soon. Anyways, anytime I leave the house and leave him with Matt, he throws an absolutely screaming fit for him. Last night I went to our Relay for Life meeting with my mom (I'm the co-captain and am totally excited about it). We left at 5:45 and got back about 8:15 or 8:30. Got home and Chase was screaming, picked him up and he settled right down. He is such a mamas boy!! So, I guess anytime I leave the house I am gonna have to take him with me, this will save on him throwing a fit and will save on Matt's patience. Hopefully that doesn't last long!! But on a FANTASTIC note....CHASE SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!!! He didn't wake up till 7am, I was so excited and thrilled!! Last night was my 3rd night of full sleep in 7 months!! The other 2 nights are b/c mom kept the kids. I SLEPT ALL NIGHT...HOORAY!!!!! I hope tonight will be the same, I feel great!!!!
BTW, if you are interested in joining our team for Relay for Life or just walking, let me know!!
Oh Chase! Well, the boy has been a cling on lately, what seems like a permanent lump on my hip. lol I think his top teeth are moving down, so hopefully it'll get better soon. Anyways, anytime I leave the house and leave him with Matt, he throws an absolutely screaming fit for him. Last night I went to our Relay for Life meeting with my mom (I'm the co-captain and am totally excited about it). We left at 5:45 and got back about 8:15 or 8:30. Got home and Chase was screaming, picked him up and he settled right down. He is such a mamas boy!! So, I guess anytime I leave the house I am gonna have to take him with me, this will save on him throwing a fit and will save on Matt's patience. Hopefully that doesn't last long!! But on a FANTASTIC note....CHASE SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!!! He didn't wake up till 7am, I was so excited and thrilled!! Last night was my 3rd night of full sleep in 7 months!! The other 2 nights are b/c mom kept the kids. I SLEPT ALL NIGHT...HOORAY!!!!! I hope tonight will be the same, I feel great!!!!
BTW, if you are interested in joining our team for Relay for Life or just walking, let me know!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Ok. So the other day after having diarrhea 3 times I decided to look up Yaz and diarrhea on google. Well, I found an interesting site where all of these women were talking about all the same symptoms that I am having and it was all bc of Yaz. They said they went off of it and felt great. So, I am thinking that all of my problems result back to Yaz. I've been taking it since August and have been having these problems since September. So, I've been off of Yaz for 2 weeks now and my last diarrhea episode was on Saturday. Yesterday I drank this nasty stuff that is suppose to cleanse your system and take everything that you have put in it (ex. meds) out. I just didn't want to wait for Yaz to finally made it outta my system so I helped it out a little. Hopefully I will start to feel better and all these problems will disapear. But not only for updating, but I wanted to warn everyone that may read my blog of Yaz. It may not happen to everyone, but man the ones it does affect sucks!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I need outta this house!
Okay, so I am so completely sick of being stuck in this house all the time that I am considering taking 4 kids (4yo, 3yo, 2yo and a 7mth old) outta the house. I'm not sure where to go and I'm not sure how it will go, but I think we are all going nuts being cooped up in this house all day everyday. I've considered visiting Pappy and grandma (which is all the kids great grandparents), I've thought about visiting Mom (which is all the kids maw maw) at work. But I really don't know. When it comes down to it, we will probably just stay in, but man oh man do I want out!! We are suppose to be getting a Chucky Cheese in Lima, I hope it opens soon so we can go do that every now and again. Well, I have yet another fight to break up so I've better get going. Just bloggin to be bloggin. I don't really have too much to say. lol
ATTENTION: All people with children...Must Read!!
Madison,age 8,passed away just a few days ago.We've been asked to pass this on.Doctors told her familythat there have been quite a few children Madison's age that havedied recently the same way that she did.The only commonlink between them was that they were given Motrin (ibuprofen)and Robitussin together, this caused a heart attack.They believe this is what happened to them.They told her to alerteveryone to this.Do not give children both of these medicinestogether. You can give them one or the other but not both.When Madison collapsed she suffered a heart attackand they were able to revive her but the loss of oxygendamaged her brain and she was put on the respirator.After this she had four strokes before she died afterbeing taken off the respirator.
Madison,age 8,passed away just a few days ago.We've been asked to pass this on.Doctors told her familythat there have been quite a few children Madison's age that havedied recently the same way that she did.The only commonlink between them was that they were given Motrin (ibuprofen)and Robitussin together, this caused a heart attack.They believe this is what happened to them.They told her to alerteveryone to this.Do not give children both of these medicinestogether. You can give them one or the other but not both.When Madison collapsed she suffered a heart attackand they were able to revive her but the loss of oxygendamaged her brain and she was put on the respirator.After this she had four strokes before she died afterbeing taken off the respirator.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Results are in.
Well, my thyroid came back fine and in the norm. I'm not sure what should be checked next. I guess we will wait till I've been off of my pill for a month and see if anything improves. I hate waiting!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Wanna play the waiting game??
Well, I was finally able to get my blood work done on Saturday. So, now I am sitting here waiting on the results. I'm not sure if they will be in today or tomorrow, but I'm waiting. Wait, wait, wait. So, let's talk about other stuff to ease the frustration of waiting.
Emma is doing really good with potty training. She has an accident about once or twice a day, but she is doing really good. She is starting to get to the place where she tells us when she has to pee instead of me just telling her to go sit on the potty every so often. Then the other night I was getting Chase ready for bed and Emma was playing. All of a sudden she says, Mommy, I peed. Well, my first thought was, crap she had panties on and now I've got a mess to clean up. Nope, she had went to the bathroom, pulled down her pants and panties and went in the potty all by herself. I was so proud of her! I mean, I was beaming with pride, she is growing up!! She says some of the darnest things too. The other day she wanted me to play playdough with her and she said, "Come join me Mommy." What 3 year old says come join me?? She talks like such a adult. Matt got her this game for the computer that does colors, counting, matching and so on. She does great! I mean, I'm in amazement at how much she knows. She is just so smart!
Then it comes to my little Chunky Monkey, Chase. lol I think he is working on those top 2 teeth. He is constantly squeling and babbling, he will probably be talking before I know it. All the boy wants to do is stand, I mean you are holding him and he wants to stand. I think he will be walking at a early age. He also has quite the appetite. I have only found 3 things he doesn't like, green beans, peas and squash. Everything else he just gulps it down. He also likes his juice too. Oh did I mention that my almost 7 month old child can wear 12-18mth clothes! He is so freakin long. He is 2 inches longer at 6 months and Emma was at 6 months! He is gonna be a giant. He is 20lbs too! Not really all that chunky, it's just all that length he has on him!
This month marks 6 years that Matt and I have lived in this house together. I can't believe it's been that long. We have tried to sell it twice and now with the economy the way it is, we have finally came to terms that we will be in this house for a while. So, we are gonna do some more stuff to it and make it just like we want. We still have to finish some remodeling to it, but nothing too huge, I don't think. lol Anyways, so we are enjoying our life in our little house with our little family. Nothin could be better!!
Emma is doing really good with potty training. She has an accident about once or twice a day, but she is doing really good. She is starting to get to the place where she tells us when she has to pee instead of me just telling her to go sit on the potty every so often. Then the other night I was getting Chase ready for bed and Emma was playing. All of a sudden she says, Mommy, I peed. Well, my first thought was, crap she had panties on and now I've got a mess to clean up. Nope, she had went to the bathroom, pulled down her pants and panties and went in the potty all by herself. I was so proud of her! I mean, I was beaming with pride, she is growing up!! She says some of the darnest things too. The other day she wanted me to play playdough with her and she said, "Come join me Mommy." What 3 year old says come join me?? She talks like such a adult. Matt got her this game for the computer that does colors, counting, matching and so on. She does great! I mean, I'm in amazement at how much she knows. She is just so smart!
Then it comes to my little Chunky Monkey, Chase. lol I think he is working on those top 2 teeth. He is constantly squeling and babbling, he will probably be talking before I know it. All the boy wants to do is stand, I mean you are holding him and he wants to stand. I think he will be walking at a early age. He also has quite the appetite. I have only found 3 things he doesn't like, green beans, peas and squash. Everything else he just gulps it down. He also likes his juice too. Oh did I mention that my almost 7 month old child can wear 12-18mth clothes! He is so freakin long. He is 2 inches longer at 6 months and Emma was at 6 months! He is gonna be a giant. He is 20lbs too! Not really all that chunky, it's just all that length he has on him!
This month marks 6 years that Matt and I have lived in this house together. I can't believe it's been that long. We have tried to sell it twice and now with the economy the way it is, we have finally came to terms that we will be in this house for a while. So, we are gonna do some more stuff to it and make it just like we want. We still have to finish some remodeling to it, but nothing too huge, I don't think. lol Anyways, so we are enjoying our life in our little house with our little family. Nothin could be better!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sometimes it seems like Matt and I have the worst of luck and it seems like nothing is going right. Well, I've given myself a huge realty check! Whatever I may be going thru, someone always has it worse. I'm complaining about the van windshield is cracked, gotta take the dog to the vet, Chase has yet another ear infection and the bills just keep piling in. Well, hello Sarah!! You are a stay at home mom, you get to spend all your time with your kids, your kids are healthy! An ear infection is nothing compared to cancer. An ear infection will be over with in a matter of just a couple of days, cancer seems to be almost forever it seems. My medical problems are nothing. I can still function. I can still hold my babies and play with them. I can still do for my family.
I have about 7 or so blogs that I follow on a regular basis. Out of those blogs 3 have experienced
the death of one of their children. Whether it be miscarriage, stillborn or after the baby has lived for a few months or even a few years. All of these people have grieved and continue to grieve. They have experienced such a great loss, much more than I can even imagine. My heart goes out to these moms. In their loss it has shown me to not take things for grantite (spelling). When things are going wrong, it could always be worse. I have my kids, my family and my friends, what more do I need? So, to you moms that have expierenced such a great loss, my heart goes out to you. You will forever be on my mind. I pray that God grants you the strength to make it thru each passing day. You are strong women and I'm sorry for your loss.
I have about 7 or so blogs that I follow on a regular basis. Out of those blogs 3 have experienced
the death of one of their children. Whether it be miscarriage, stillborn or after the baby has lived for a few months or even a few years. All of these people have grieved and continue to grieve. They have experienced such a great loss, much more than I can even imagine. My heart goes out to these moms. In their loss it has shown me to not take things for grantite (spelling). When things are going wrong, it could always be worse. I have my kids, my family and my friends, what more do I need? So, to you moms that have expierenced such a great loss, my heart goes out to you. You will forever be on my mind. I pray that God grants you the strength to make it thru each passing day. You are strong women and I'm sorry for your loss.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ok, so yesterday I took Chase to the doctor. Which by the way, my mom made it over to watch the other 3 kids so I wasn't trying to watch all of them and try to answer questions while Chase screams! Anyways, he has yet ANOTHER ear infection!! This time it is worse in his right ear. I asked her if there was anything I could do to prevent him from getting ear infections and she said nope. Whenever I have him outside he has a hat on and I put a fleece blanket over his head and we really don't go out very often at all. I mean, last week we was only out on Monday and Friday. So, back onto the meds, luckily he takes them like a champ with no fight.
As for me, she took me off my birth control and back for more blood work. She is gonna have my thyroid rechecked and this time she is gonna do a more in depth blood test that checks the thyroid, I guess it's the same one she has my mom do. My mom has hypothyroidism, but last time my was testing closer to hyperthyroidism. So now I've just gotta find time to make it over to get my blood drawn. So, hopefully I can get that done real soon.
As for me, she took me off my birth control and back for more blood work. She is gonna have my thyroid rechecked and this time she is gonna do a more in depth blood test that checks the thyroid, I guess it's the same one she has my mom do. My mom has hypothyroidism, but last time my was testing closer to hyperthyroidism. So now I've just gotta find time to make it over to get my blood drawn. So, hopefully I can get that done real soon.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Just Stuff....
Ok, so I haven't been on here to update, so I figured I would do some updating on everything. Monday I took the kids to their checkups. Emma came in weighing 36lbs and is 38 1/2" tall. She is growing up so big!! Chase weighed in at 20lbs and is 28 1/2" long. He is also growing so fast! Chase got shots, but Emma didn't. He actually did pretty good. Monday evening we went to my parents for supper (we do this every Monday night).
Emma has been pottying in the potty this week pretty good. We've had panties on a couple of times, but sometimes she just doesn't feel like going. She is a true Bolinger, stubborn!!! lol By the time Friday came, the kids and I had been outta the house since Monday evening so I took the kids and we went uptown to the little grocery store. That was our huge outting! lol
Friday evening Matt and I went to the movies with some friends and saw Taken, which by the way is a really good movie!! When we got home, around 12, Chase woke up for a bottle and started coughing, a croopey cough. I thought, oh great. He didn't seem to have any trouble breathing, so I put the humidfier in his room. Well, sleep wasn't all that great that night. Saturday he was doing a lot better. He still coughed some, but not like he did that night before. Saturday we just lounged around the house like bums. lol Then Saturday night came and I went to put Chase to bed. Well, I could get him to sleep easily, but staying asleep is another story. Let's just say another night of not much sleep. Sunday I got outta the house and went to Lima to get some formula and to return things I have borrowed from friends for vacation. Well, I got home, fixed supper and then we all hung out together. Then it came time for Chase to go to sleep. Well, Matt finally got him to sleep, but we couldn't get him to stay asleep in bed. So, I started to lay on the couch with him on my belly, he was quite fine with this, but I knew I wouldn't get any sleep. So, I put him to bed, on his belly. I was a little worried, but he can roll really good so there is nothing stopping him from rolling onto his belly byhimself. So, I put him to bed got online and was double checking about him laying on his belly. Then I went to bed. I got maybe 3 or at the most 4 hours of sleep. Then he woke up again. I gave him a bottle and put him back to bed on his belly. Well in a 1/2 hour he was awake again. So, I put him in his swing and that is where he slept the rest of the night. In conclusion, I am guessing he has a ear infection, again! I swear he is hardly ever outside and when he is I have a hat on him and a blank over his head. I just don't understand how he keeps getting them. So, I am taking him to the doc today and hopefully figuring something out as to why he gets them so oftened. Plus to add to the fun of the doctors office, it is looking like I am taking all the kids with me, which includes my 2 nephews I babysit, since the latest appt I can get is 1:45. Not gonna be fun, but I've gotta get him in to get some meds. Well, I've been interrupted quite a few times while trying to write this so it probably hops from one thing to another and I might be ending it quite weird and leaving ya hang, but I've gotta get off of her and see if I can find someone to watch the other 3 kids while I take Chase to the doc. Ugh!
Emma has been pottying in the potty this week pretty good. We've had panties on a couple of times, but sometimes she just doesn't feel like going. She is a true Bolinger, stubborn!!! lol By the time Friday came, the kids and I had been outta the house since Monday evening so I took the kids and we went uptown to the little grocery store. That was our huge outting! lol
Friday evening Matt and I went to the movies with some friends and saw Taken, which by the way is a really good movie!! When we got home, around 12, Chase woke up for a bottle and started coughing, a croopey cough. I thought, oh great. He didn't seem to have any trouble breathing, so I put the humidfier in his room. Well, sleep wasn't all that great that night. Saturday he was doing a lot better. He still coughed some, but not like he did that night before. Saturday we just lounged around the house like bums. lol Then Saturday night came and I went to put Chase to bed. Well, I could get him to sleep easily, but staying asleep is another story. Let's just say another night of not much sleep. Sunday I got outta the house and went to Lima to get some formula and to return things I have borrowed from friends for vacation. Well, I got home, fixed supper and then we all hung out together. Then it came time for Chase to go to sleep. Well, Matt finally got him to sleep, but we couldn't get him to stay asleep in bed. So, I started to lay on the couch with him on my belly, he was quite fine with this, but I knew I wouldn't get any sleep. So, I put him to bed, on his belly. I was a little worried, but he can roll really good so there is nothing stopping him from rolling onto his belly byhimself. So, I put him to bed got online and was double checking about him laying on his belly. Then I went to bed. I got maybe 3 or at the most 4 hours of sleep. Then he woke up again. I gave him a bottle and put him back to bed on his belly. Well in a 1/2 hour he was awake again. So, I put him in his swing and that is where he slept the rest of the night. In conclusion, I am guessing he has a ear infection, again! I swear he is hardly ever outside and when he is I have a hat on him and a blank over his head. I just don't understand how he keeps getting them. So, I am taking him to the doc today and hopefully figuring something out as to why he gets them so oftened. Plus to add to the fun of the doctors office, it is looking like I am taking all the kids with me, which includes my 2 nephews I babysit, since the latest appt I can get is 1:45. Not gonna be fun, but I've gotta get him in to get some meds. Well, I've been interrupted quite a few times while trying to write this so it probably hops from one thing to another and I might be ending it quite weird and leaving ya hang, but I've gotta get off of her and see if I can find someone to watch the other 3 kids while I take Chase to the doc. Ugh!
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