He has arrived!! Here is Chase's birth story. Of course I didn't sleep worth a crap due to nerves. Matt of course slept just fine, b/c heck all he has to do is watch. lol I had my alarm set for 6:30, but was up at 5:30. I got my shower and piddled around the house for a little bit. Got Matt up at 6:30 and our babysitter arrived at 7:15. We were just getting ready to leave and Emma woke up, boy that wasn't plesant. With just waking up and the fact that she has been glued to "My friend daddy" (that is what she calls him now) she threw a huge fit, but we had to go. She did calm down shortly after we left, she absolutly loves her babysitter, but you know how it goes sometimes.
We arrived at the hospital at 8 and then the fun began. I immediately felt nervous when she told me to put on the gown. Then the nerves hit once again when the iv went in. Boy oh boy, you would think I would be use to needles with the insulin shots, but nope. My doctor came in at 9 to check me and I was only at 3cms and he also broke my water. They then started the pitocin at 10 and also had to start sugar b/c my sugar was going low. Well, the waiting game began. Around noon my parents and Matt, which is everyone that was up there, went down for "coffee" which turned out to actually be lunch. Mom didn't want to say they were getting lunch b/c I was absolutely starving by this point. Which I wouldn't have cared if they would have told me. Anyways, while they were gone the nurse, Sandy which was AWESOME!!, came in and said that Chase's heart rate was dropping a little before contractions. So she had me lay onto my side. Before going onto my side my contractions weren't bad at all, just pressure. As soon as they put me on my side my contractions started hurting. I was up in my room breathing thru each contraction to the best of my ability. I then texted my dad and told him I was gonna be asking for my epideral so if mom wanted to be there she could and then my nurse came in and I told her I would like my epideral. It seemed like forever later the doctor finally came in to give it to me. I instantly started crying when he came in and I have to idea why. At 1:05 he gave me my epideral. The nurse then checked me and I was at 5cm, so I decided to settle in for a nap since I didn't sleep well the night before and I was expecting a long hard delivery. Well, I no longer was able to get comfy and then I started feeling pressure in my butt. I went thru about 5 or 6 contractions and then the nurse came in. I told her I was feeling pressure in my butt, but no urge to push. She checked me and said "Oh, we are having a baby, I can see the hair on his head" She immediately ran out to the hall and said "Get Scott in here now! We are having a baby NOW" (Scott being my doc) Scott was in and they told me to push when I felt a contraction. Well, with just having my epideral just an hour ago it was still working quite well. The nurse stood by me and kept her hand on my belly so she could tell me when to push. After just 4 contractions I had him out!! There was no pain at all with this delivery and only 1 stitch. It was so totally different from Emma. Emma's delivery was much more serious. With Chase it was more like a casual thing, everyone was chit chatting in between contractions. It was great!!
Now remember, 2 weeks ago they told me he was 8lbs. Well, they weighed him and he weighed 8lbs exactly and was 21" long. Now obviously the ultrasound was wrong 2 weeks ago!! But I'm glad it was, b/c he is not a baby elphant. lol After they weighed him I instantly asked about his sugar. It came back perfect!! He doesn't have any sugar problems, no problems at all. He is just perfect!! He is so handsome!! It is complete love at first sight.
After we got into our room, I had the babysitter bring Emma up. As soon as she hit the room she started giggling. She loves him too! Actually she got quite mad when someone else held him, b/c she didn't want to share. It was cute, I thought she wasn't gonna want anything to do with him, but I was so wrong. She doesn't mind other people holding him now. She loves holding him and giving him kisses. And when people ask if they can take him home she tells them no and says that he is her baby brother. It's too cute.
Adjusting to a newborn is hard. I'm use to the toddler stage, but we are getting there. Chase is so calm, he doesn't hardly ever cry. I can probably count on both hands how many times he has cried while I was around. It's great, but weird. I guess he just knows we've got our hands full with Emma so he is just gonna be laid back. lol As far as sleeping goes, the first night was rough. He didn't want to sleep in his bassinet so him and I camped out on the couch, he laid on my tummy. But night number 2, he slept in his car seat and only woke every 3-4 hours, which I can handle just fine. He gets his butt changed, woofs down his bottle in like 5-10 minutes, sits up for 1/2 an hour and then back to sleep. So we will see what night number 3 brings tonight.
But that's his story. We are all doing great!!! And our family is complete now. We are all here and at home together. It is great!!!
1 comment:
WELCOME BABY CHASE!!! He's beautiful!! And will someday be ruggedly handsome! I can see it now!!
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