Saturday, July 26, 2008
Can we say Woo Hoo!!
Ok, so I am just too excited. It has been 10 days since I have delivered my little guy and I am proud to say that I am weighing in less than I did before pregnancy and wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes! I am so excited!! I just have to tighten up the belly area and I'll be good to go. When I told my mom she instantly thought I wasn't eating, but let me reassure you, I eat every meal. Plus, I snack on junk food, since I wasn't able to have them for so long. I am just too excited and had to share!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday night before bed, Emma pooped in the potty!!! How exciting is that!! That makes 2 potties and 1 poop. It is a start!! I am so proud of her, hopefully once things calm down on the homefront I can really work with her and get this potty training done. She is getting so big!! I am just so proud! I even took a picture of her next to the potty with the poopy in it. Maybe I will add it later. lol She was so proud, plus she got a dollar out of the deal. Daddy is bribing her with money, dollars even. We will see, hopefully this is a start to a wonderful thing. lol
Change, Feed, Sleep and Repeat..
Wow, it has already been a week since Chase came into the world. Can you believe it? I mean, time has flown by in the blink of an eye, before I know it he is gonna be walking and graduating college. lol
Chase is such a calm baby. All he pretty much does is eat and sleep. At night I get around 3 hour stretches of sleep give or take a half hour, which isn't bad at all. And the whole boy thing is so totally new to me. I swear this kid just waits for me to be in the middle of changing him or putting the vasoline on his dooder and he just starts peeing, it doesn't matter if his diaper is completely full of pee, he still pees. But on a good note, I have yet for the pee to go onto me (knock on wood). lol I just don't know how to time my changings better so that he doesn't pee everytime I have that diaper off the boy.
As far as Emma goes, she seems to be going on as if nothing is new. She loves baby Chase and loves to look at him and give him kisses. She seems to be adjusting well, hopefully it continues that way.
Then there is me. Physically I am doing great. I feel good, physically. Emotionally, I'm a freakin wreck at times. With Emma I had postpardom depression bad! It isn't as bad this time around and it usually only occurs in the evening. I hate feeling this way and I can't wait for it to get better. It really flares up when Emma starts to give me a hard time or when she throws one of her fits. Then I get to thinking, I hope Emma doesn't feel like I am abandoning her for Chase. I don't want her to think Mommy doesn't love her or doesn't want her. This really worries me, I don't want to lose our bond. Just so much crap going thru my mind. Matt has been spending time with Emma which is great, but he goes back to work tomorrow. Is she gonna throw a fit when she wakes up and sees Daddy isn't home. Is she gonna rebel b/c Daddy isn't here and give me a hard time all day, which will result in me being a big ball of stress. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, but I've gotta do it. I've gotta pull myself together and get with the program. So people out there, keep me in your thoughts and prayers that this post pardom crap goes away quick!! Thanks!!
Chase is such a calm baby. All he pretty much does is eat and sleep. At night I get around 3 hour stretches of sleep give or take a half hour, which isn't bad at all. And the whole boy thing is so totally new to me. I swear this kid just waits for me to be in the middle of changing him or putting the vasoline on his dooder and he just starts peeing, it doesn't matter if his diaper is completely full of pee, he still pees. But on a good note, I have yet for the pee to go onto me (knock on wood). lol I just don't know how to time my changings better so that he doesn't pee everytime I have that diaper off the boy.
As far as Emma goes, she seems to be going on as if nothing is new. She loves baby Chase and loves to look at him and give him kisses. She seems to be adjusting well, hopefully it continues that way.
Then there is me. Physically I am doing great. I feel good, physically. Emotionally, I'm a freakin wreck at times. With Emma I had postpardom depression bad! It isn't as bad this time around and it usually only occurs in the evening. I hate feeling this way and I can't wait for it to get better. It really flares up when Emma starts to give me a hard time or when she throws one of her fits. Then I get to thinking, I hope Emma doesn't feel like I am abandoning her for Chase. I don't want her to think Mommy doesn't love her or doesn't want her. This really worries me, I don't want to lose our bond. Just so much crap going thru my mind. Matt has been spending time with Emma which is great, but he goes back to work tomorrow. Is she gonna throw a fit when she wakes up and sees Daddy isn't home. Is she gonna rebel b/c Daddy isn't here and give me a hard time all day, which will result in me being a big ball of stress. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, but I've gotta do it. I've gotta pull myself together and get with the program. So people out there, keep me in your thoughts and prayers that this post pardom crap goes away quick!! Thanks!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Chase's Story

He has arrived!! Here is Chase's birth story. Of course I didn't sleep worth a crap due to nerves. Matt of course slept just fine, b/c heck all he has to do is watch. lol I had my alarm set for 6:30, but was up at 5:30. I got my shower and piddled around the house for a little bit. Got Matt up at 6:30 and our babysitter arrived at 7:15. We were just getting ready to leave and Emma woke up, boy that wasn't plesant. With just waking up and the fact that she has been glued to "My friend daddy" (that is what she calls him now) she threw a huge fit, but we had to go. She did calm down shortly after we left, she absolutly loves her babysitter, but you know how it goes sometimes.
We arrived at the hospital at 8 and then the fun began. I immediately felt nervous when she told me to put on the gown. Then the nerves hit once again when the iv went in. Boy oh boy, you would think I would be use to needles with the insulin shots, but nope. My doctor came in at 9 to check me and I was only at 3cms and he also broke my water. They then started the pitocin at 10 and also had to start sugar b/c my sugar was going low. Well, the waiting game began. Around noon my parents and Matt, which is everyone that was up there, went down for "coffee" which turned out to actually be lunch. Mom didn't want to say they were getting lunch b/c I was absolutely starving by this point. Which I wouldn't have cared if they would have told me. Anyways, while they were gone the nurse, Sandy which was AWESOME!!, came in and said that Chase's heart rate was dropping a little before contractions. So she had me lay onto my side. Before going onto my side my contractions weren't bad at all, just pressure. As soon as they put me on my side my contractions started hurting. I was up in my room breathing thru each contraction to the best of my ability. I then texted my dad and told him I was gonna be asking for my epideral so if mom wanted to be there she could and then my nurse came in and I told her I would like my epideral. It seemed like forever later the doctor finally came in to give it to me. I instantly started crying when he came in and I have to idea why. At 1:05 he gave me my epideral. The nurse then checked me and I was at 5cm, so I decided to settle in for a nap since I didn't sleep well the night before and I was expecting a long hard delivery. Well, I no longer was able to get comfy and then I started feeling pressure in my butt. I went thru about 5 or 6 contractions and then the nurse came in. I told her I was feeling pressure in my butt, but no urge to push. She checked me and said "Oh, we are having a baby, I can see the hair on his head" She immediately ran out to the hall and said "Get Scott in here now! We are having a baby NOW" (Scott being my doc) Scott was in and they told me to push when I felt a contraction. Well, with just having my epideral just an hour ago it was still working quite well. The nurse stood by me and kept her hand on my belly so she could tell me when to push. After just 4 contractions I had him out!! There was no pain at all with this delivery and only 1 stitch. It was so totally different from Emma. Emma's delivery was much more serious. With Chase it was more like a casual thing, everyone was chit chatting in between contractions. It was great!!
Now remember, 2 weeks ago they told me he was 8lbs. Well, they weighed him and he weighed 8lbs exactly and was 21" long. Now obviously the ultrasound was wrong 2 weeks ago!! But I'm glad it was, b/c he is not a baby elphant. lol After they weighed him I instantly asked about his sugar. It came back perfect!! He doesn't have any sugar problems, no problems at all. He is just perfect!! He is so handsome!! It is complete love at first sight.
After we got into our room, I had the babysitter bring Emma up. As soon as she hit the room she started giggling. She loves him too! Actually she got quite mad when someone else held him, b/c she didn't want to share. It was cute, I thought she wasn't gonna want anything to do with him, but I was so wrong. She doesn't mind other people holding him now. She loves holding him and giving him kisses. And when people ask if they can take him home she tells them no and says that he is her baby brother. It's too cute.
Adjusting to a newborn is hard. I'm use to the toddler stage, but we are getting there. Chase is so calm, he doesn't hardly ever cry. I can probably count on both hands how many times he has cried while I was around. It's great, but weird. I guess he just knows we've got our hands full with Emma so he is just gonna be laid back. lol As far as sleeping goes, the first night was rough. He didn't want to sleep in his bassinet so him and I camped out on the couch, he laid on my tummy. But night number 2, he slept in his car seat and only woke every 3-4 hours, which I can handle just fine. He gets his butt changed, woofs down his bottle in like 5-10 minutes, sits up for 1/2 an hour and then back to sleep. So we will see what night number 3 brings tonight.
But that's his story. We are all doing great!!! And our family is complete now. We are all here and at home together. It is great!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
One last post..
So, ok. Last night it became time to go to sleep and the nerves hit. I became nervous and couldn't sleep. I think I was able to make it to sleep by 11, but was up at 1:15 to pee and then tossed and turned. I woke up about 5:30 and looked at the clock and tried to get some more sleep in b/c the alarm wasn't set to go off till 6:30, well needless to say at 6 I finally just got out of bed and headed for the shower. Any other morning I could go without breakfast for a while, but of course I can't eat this morning and I'm hungry. Most of it is probably nerves, but I'm still hungry. I'm also wondering how they are gonna manage my sugar since I can't eat. When I don't eat my sugar goes low, so I don't know if whatever they give me in my IV will take care of that or not.
Well, there isn't much to say I guess. Other than, I'm having a baby today!!! I'm totally excited about that but there is also so much to be nervous about. We will see. Keep me in your thoughts and I will post when I make it home and settled in.
Well, there isn't much to say I guess. Other than, I'm having a baby today!!! I'm totally excited about that but there is also so much to be nervous about. We will see. Keep me in your thoughts and I will post when I make it home and settled in.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Oh Happy Day!!!
Last night we had our normal Monday night supper at my parent's house. Matt met me there, b/c he got off work late. So, when it came time to leave he left first and took Emma with him. I told him I would be there shortly and would get her a bath when I got home. Well, when I got home he already had her in the bathtub. That's not the big news. Emma then told me that she peed in the potty. Yes, Emma has peed in the potty for the first time!! I was so excited and made a huge deal out of it so that she knew it was a great thing. Matt said that while he is off this following week that he is going to potty train her. That sounds great to me, more power to him!! I hope that he has huge success and now that she has actually gone in the potty then maybe it is actually gonna happen. I was just so excited!!
To top off the excitment, I go in tomorrow morning to have Chase. We have been talking about brining Chase home to Emma more than ever now. We have his room almost all the way done, but the stuff that does need done can be done after he is home with no problem. It looks totally western and I think it is just too cute!! Matt is totally jealous of it. So this time tomorrow I am guessing that I will still be dialating, but it would be awesome if I already have him but I don't see that happening. So, this will most likely be the last post before I become a mommy of 2!!!
To top off the excitment, I go in tomorrow morning to have Chase. We have been talking about brining Chase home to Emma more than ever now. We have his room almost all the way done, but the stuff that does need done can be done after he is home with no problem. It looks totally western and I think it is just too cute!! Matt is totally jealous of it. So this time tomorrow I am guessing that I will still be dialating, but it would be awesome if I already have him but I don't see that happening. So, this will most likely be the last post before I become a mommy of 2!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
4 Days to go!!
Okay, so I am sitting here watching tv and trying to just relax. I only have 4 days till my world gets turned upside down, in a good way. This time in 4 days I will be a mommy to 2 kids, atleast I better not still be in labor. lol I will be holding my sweet baby boy in my arms finally. I will be able to cuddle, hug, kiss and tell him how much he is loved. I can't wait to see him. I'm sure he will be this little cubby bundle of joy with massive hair. Oh man, I just can't wait!!
Last night I think I was having some contractions, but nothing consistant. Usually I only get them when I am walking, but this time I was taking a bath. I was kinda worried, but it all passed. But b/c of it, I made sure my bag is completely packed and ready to go. Chase's bag is ready too. Plus, I got all my grocery shopping done yesterday along with getting the few last minute things I needed so I'm all ready for when he comes home. I have the formula, bottles, nursery water and diapers. I should be set, but I can always send mom or Matt out for any little thing I need.
While in the hospital, one of my friends that works there is gonna bring me up some pancakes and chocolate milk. I am so excited!! I haven't had chocolate milk since I became pregnant and I love chocolate milk. Also, I'm gonna be able to eat my pancakes with real syrup, not sugar free. Oh man am I ready. Also, I haven't had Mountain Dew or any regular pop. Mmmm, I'm making myself so hungry, but I've gotta wait. There is light at the end of my food tunnel!! In 4 days I will be able to eat and drink whatever I want and not have to take a shot or worry about my sugar. I will be able to live a normal life again. Plus, I will be able to move around like a normal person too. I enjoy being pregnant, but I'm ready for my body back. I don't think it will take long, but who knows. I still have only gained 23lbs and it is all just out front in my belly, pretty much all baby. So, I am hoping it will all go away quickly.
Well, I think my bed is calling me, even tho it is only 9:15 on a Saturday night, but for whatever reason I am super tired right now. I guess I better get my rest while I can.
Last night I think I was having some contractions, but nothing consistant. Usually I only get them when I am walking, but this time I was taking a bath. I was kinda worried, but it all passed. But b/c of it, I made sure my bag is completely packed and ready to go. Chase's bag is ready too. Plus, I got all my grocery shopping done yesterday along with getting the few last minute things I needed so I'm all ready for when he comes home. I have the formula, bottles, nursery water and diapers. I should be set, but I can always send mom or Matt out for any little thing I need.
While in the hospital, one of my friends that works there is gonna bring me up some pancakes and chocolate milk. I am so excited!! I haven't had chocolate milk since I became pregnant and I love chocolate milk. Also, I'm gonna be able to eat my pancakes with real syrup, not sugar free. Oh man am I ready. Also, I haven't had Mountain Dew or any regular pop. Mmmm, I'm making myself so hungry, but I've gotta wait. There is light at the end of my food tunnel!! In 4 days I will be able to eat and drink whatever I want and not have to take a shot or worry about my sugar. I will be able to live a normal life again. Plus, I will be able to move around like a normal person too. I enjoy being pregnant, but I'm ready for my body back. I don't think it will take long, but who knows. I still have only gained 23lbs and it is all just out front in my belly, pretty much all baby. So, I am hoping it will all go away quickly.
Well, I think my bed is calling me, even tho it is only 9:15 on a Saturday night, but for whatever reason I am super tired right now. I guess I better get my rest while I can.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
37 Weeks
Ok, I am back from the doctors and have the results. I am still 1-2cm dialated and 80% efaced or however you spell it. Well, I will be going in at 8am on Wednesday the 16th to have Mr. Chase Andrew!! I am so excited and ready!! I am putting my guess in right now saying that he will be 9lbs 7oz and 21" long. If you wanna make a guess, put it in a comment. We will see who will be closest.
My doctor is gonna let me labor for a while and if he just isn't gonna be able to thru then off to have a c-section. Please, please, please pray that I will not need a c-section. This scares me half to death, I mean I will do it if I have to. I will do whatever for my baby, but I would rather have him naturally. Other than that, I don't really have much to update about. Life is still as it was last week, but this week we have a bright light at the end of the tunnel!! So, keep me in mind come next Wednesday. If you live in the area, feel free to come visit me in the hospital or sometime after I get home, as long as you aren't sick of course!! I will try to post another prego pic before going in and I'm gonna see if I can bring Matt's laptop to the hospital to hopefully do a post and emails. I'm not letting Matt stay up at the hospital all day long while I'm recovering, b/c I want him to spend some special quality time with Emma before we bring home Chase, so I will have some free time and possibily even some quiet time. lol
My doctor is gonna let me labor for a while and if he just isn't gonna be able to thru then off to have a c-section. Please, please, please pray that I will not need a c-section. This scares me half to death, I mean I will do it if I have to. I will do whatever for my baby, but I would rather have him naturally. Other than that, I don't really have much to update about. Life is still as it was last week, but this week we have a bright light at the end of the tunnel!! So, keep me in mind come next Wednesday. If you live in the area, feel free to come visit me in the hospital or sometime after I get home, as long as you aren't sick of course!! I will try to post another prego pic before going in and I'm gonna see if I can bring Matt's laptop to the hospital to hopefully do a post and emails. I'm not letting Matt stay up at the hospital all day long while I'm recovering, b/c I want him to spend some special quality time with Emma before we bring home Chase, so I will have some free time and possibily even some quiet time. lol
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Am I gonna make it??
Ok, this may sound weird since I have a child already, but what does it feel like to go into labor by yourself? I was induced with Emma, so I was expecting it and it wasn't like a surprise or anything. Tuesday I will be 37 weeks and need to hold this baby in for yet another week to insure his lungs are ready. Well, there are times when I am walking that it feels almost like a little charlie horse in the "area". Anybody know what this might be? Is this any sign of labor or is it just b/c his head is down and putting a lot of pressure? Also, I have started feeling sick to my stomach at times or after eating sometimes it makes my stomach gargle. I don't know what that is about. Plus, I have acquire a stuff nose which makes sleep even more uncomfortable. As much as I want this baby out right now, I've gotta keep him in, I just don't know if I'm gonna make it. I go back to the doc on Tuesday afternoon, we'll see what he says. Hopefully he will give me the induction date.
My cookout that I had plan for the upcoming weekend, I had to push off onto a friend. Matt and I talked about it and with the way I've been feeling and everything that needs done with the house, plus Matt has a special project at work that is gonna require overtime we just couldn't host it. Which really sucks, b/c I like hosting the party and that, but I had to. So, Lynne took it on, which by the way Thank You!! Now we can all still get together and chat and have a good time.
Chase's room is almost done. Matt is working on it as we speak. He is putting up trim and we have the carpet to install. Hopefully it will be done by Tuesday!! Matt is a very western/country boy. He loves John Wayne and anything that looks cowboyish. Well, Chase's room is a western room and Matt is jealous of all the cool stuff I have for Chase's room. I will be sure to put up some pics, but the coolest thing I think I have is a floor lamp that is a rifle. It looks so cool. I got it from LTD. It came with a 6 shooter for a wall mounted lamp and then there is a lamp for the dresser too.
After Chase's room, it is Emma's room, which I am not in any hurry to start. We are decorating in princesses. I am gonna paint the bottom half blue then have a border in the middle and stripe the top with pink and yellow. It should look cute when I am done. I am just so ready to have my house back to a house again and not a construction site. Well, enough babbling for now. Gotta finish supper, but I will update after my doc appt on Tuesday!
My cookout that I had plan for the upcoming weekend, I had to push off onto a friend. Matt and I talked about it and with the way I've been feeling and everything that needs done with the house, plus Matt has a special project at work that is gonna require overtime we just couldn't host it. Which really sucks, b/c I like hosting the party and that, but I had to. So, Lynne took it on, which by the way Thank You!! Now we can all still get together and chat and have a good time.
Chase's room is almost done. Matt is working on it as we speak. He is putting up trim and we have the carpet to install. Hopefully it will be done by Tuesday!! Matt is a very western/country boy. He loves John Wayne and anything that looks cowboyish. Well, Chase's room is a western room and Matt is jealous of all the cool stuff I have for Chase's room. I will be sure to put up some pics, but the coolest thing I think I have is a floor lamp that is a rifle. It looks so cool. I got it from LTD. It came with a 6 shooter for a wall mounted lamp and then there is a lamp for the dresser too.
After Chase's room, it is Emma's room, which I am not in any hurry to start. We are decorating in princesses. I am gonna paint the bottom half blue then have a border in the middle and stripe the top with pink and yellow. It should look cute when I am done. I am just so ready to have my house back to a house again and not a construction site. Well, enough babbling for now. Gotta finish supper, but I will update after my doc appt on Tuesday!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
All About Me
So, my friend Lynne did a post today all about herself and she asked for the blogger world to follow. So, I'm using the same topics she discussed, but obviously filling it in with stuff about me.
10 years ago, I was 16. Dating Jason, horrible horrible horrible decision!! Thought I had found the love of my life and spent my whole summer before Junior year with him. He is now 30 years old and still living at home with his parents. I don't know what he does for a living, but I heard it has nothing to do with the oh so fabulous psych degree he has. I was working at The Family Diner with my best friend Melissa. Really, I wish there was more to talk about, but 10 years ago, Jason was my life. I'm really mad at myself for making a guy my whole life and ignoring my friends.
I'm gonna add 5 years ago. 5 years ago, I was 21. Living in my current house with Matt. We had only been living together for about 5 months, but loving. We were living carefree. Spending atleast 1 weekend out of the month in Columbus at my brothers house. We picked up and went where ever we wanted whenever we wanted. I was working at US Plastics.
Today, I am 26. Still living in the same house from 5 years ago. I have gotten married and enriched my life with a little girl and am currently 9 months pregnant. My life has become hectic at times and don't just pick up and go anymore, but I am loving life more than ever. I have the best job in the world, I am a stay at home mommy. I also think it can be the most stressful at times, but it is so worth it.
5 things on my to-do list today. 1) Pack my bags for the hospital. 2) Finish packing Chase's bag. 3) Clean the bathroom. 4) Do some laundry. 5) Fix some supper. How many of these things will get done? Who knows, just depends on how the day goes. lol
Snacks that I love to eat. My mother-in-law bought these awesome Strawberry Praline things from Sam's Club. OMG, they are to die for!! Mc Donald's vanilla ice cream cone, it is so creamy or if we go uptown then a chocolate cone. I've been enjoying Frito's lately too, not too sure why but they have been tasting good. I can't think of anymore right now, but those Strawberry things are just top notch for me right now.
If I were a millionaire what would I do. I would pay off my house and give it to someone who could use it and truely appreciate it. I would build myself a nice house, not a big one, but a nice one that fits my family. Of course pay off all bills. I would pay off my parents house and have a brand new Chrysler 300 and a 1950 something Vet sitting in my parents driveway with a huge red bow on each one. I would do the same for the inlaws too, just not sure what kind of car they would like. I would help my brothers out some too. I would love to start some kind of charity that helps kids and families in need. After that, I have no clue. I guess it would kinda be like a go with the moment kind of thing, but we def live reasonably and not like millionaires, it just isn't our style.
Anyways, that are some things about me. So, feel free to do the same on your page and let me know when you do!
10 years ago, I was 16. Dating Jason, horrible horrible horrible decision!! Thought I had found the love of my life and spent my whole summer before Junior year with him. He is now 30 years old and still living at home with his parents. I don't know what he does for a living, but I heard it has nothing to do with the oh so fabulous psych degree he has. I was working at The Family Diner with my best friend Melissa. Really, I wish there was more to talk about, but 10 years ago, Jason was my life. I'm really mad at myself for making a guy my whole life and ignoring my friends.
I'm gonna add 5 years ago. 5 years ago, I was 21. Living in my current house with Matt. We had only been living together for about 5 months, but loving. We were living carefree. Spending atleast 1 weekend out of the month in Columbus at my brothers house. We picked up and went where ever we wanted whenever we wanted. I was working at US Plastics.
Today, I am 26. Still living in the same house from 5 years ago. I have gotten married and enriched my life with a little girl and am currently 9 months pregnant. My life has become hectic at times and don't just pick up and go anymore, but I am loving life more than ever. I have the best job in the world, I am a stay at home mommy. I also think it can be the most stressful at times, but it is so worth it.
5 things on my to-do list today. 1) Pack my bags for the hospital. 2) Finish packing Chase's bag. 3) Clean the bathroom. 4) Do some laundry. 5) Fix some supper. How many of these things will get done? Who knows, just depends on how the day goes. lol
Snacks that I love to eat. My mother-in-law bought these awesome Strawberry Praline things from Sam's Club. OMG, they are to die for!! Mc Donald's vanilla ice cream cone, it is so creamy or if we go uptown then a chocolate cone. I've been enjoying Frito's lately too, not too sure why but they have been tasting good. I can't think of anymore right now, but those Strawberry things are just top notch for me right now.
If I were a millionaire what would I do. I would pay off my house and give it to someone who could use it and truely appreciate it. I would build myself a nice house, not a big one, but a nice one that fits my family. Of course pay off all bills. I would pay off my parents house and have a brand new Chrysler 300 and a 1950 something Vet sitting in my parents driveway with a huge red bow on each one. I would do the same for the inlaws too, just not sure what kind of car they would like. I would help my brothers out some too. I would love to start some kind of charity that helps kids and families in need. After that, I have no clue. I guess it would kinda be like a go with the moment kind of thing, but we def live reasonably and not like millionaires, it just isn't our style.
Anyways, that are some things about me. So, feel free to do the same on your page and let me know when you do!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
9 Months
So, today marks the beginning of my 9th month. And of course I had my weekly appointment. Today, I got an ultrasound, nonstress test and my cervix checked (for the 1st time). So, I'm getting ready to have my ultrasound and before I get up on the bed I say "I'm gonna say he is 7lbs, maybe a couple ounces too, but 7lbs." The reason for this is, he has been following 1/2lb a week for the past couple of months and 3 weeks ago he was 5 1/2lbs. So, she does all the measuring that she does and then took the cute pics for me. Which by the way, she showed us that he has hair!! I figured he would probably come out with a whole head full since Emma came out bald and hair challenged!! lol So, we get done with all of that and she brings up the screen with all his stats and she says, "He is 8lbs." The look on my face had to tell it all!! I couldn't believe it, I immediately went into complete shock and disbelief!! Holy cow!! 8lbs!!! The first thing that came to mind was c section. I don't want a c section, it absolutely scares me to death!! So, onto the nonstress test I went. Both nurses that I talked to in there made it sound like they wouldn't be surprised if he induces me next week. Complete panic comes over me. We don't have Chase's room done yet, my house is a complete mess due to remodeling. Oh my gosh, what in the heck am I gonna do. But wait, it gets better. The doc comes in to check my cervix, not only is Chase 8lbs, but I am 1-2cm dialated! I couldn't believe it. He said that we will be inducing in 2 weeks, but he wants me to stay pregnant for the next weeks so that his lungs have more time. I guess with diabetes it slows down the growth of the lungs and that. Isn't that crazy, it slows the organs down but speeds up the body's growth. So here I sit, 9 months prego with a so far 8lb baby and 1-2cm dialated. I am rethinking everything I do on a daily bases. I'm gonna stop lifting and pushing and pulling all the heavy stuff that I do, so it doesn't cause me to progress, not gonna do tons of walking. I've gotta keep this baby in for 2 weeks, I don't want to see him with a tube down his throat to keep him breathing. I don't want to see him in the nicu, I want to be able to hold my baby and bring him home after our 2 day stay at the hospital. I don't want him to go thru all that crap, that is what really scares me. You always hear about other people that have babies and they have to have all of that stuff, but I don't want it to be my baby. I want my baby to be fine, great, and perfect. I guess I can only do what I can do and the rest is up to God.
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