This is the shirt that I wore out to my parent's house this afternoon. Yes, you are reading it correctly, I AM PREGNANT!!!!
This morning I got up, peed on a stick and then jumped in the shower. The whole time I was in the shower I was praying my brains out!!! I got out and only saw 1 line, but after I got my contacts in and looked closely there was a faint pink line. I was so excited!!! I jumped onto the bed and woke Matt up. All day I had a huge smile on my face, I was just so happy!! I got home from work and took another test just to be sure, and sure enough it was positive again. I just can't tell you how happy I am!!! It has seemed like an enternity since we started and finally we are prego!!! Anyways, the posting begins. I don't know if I will start with a begining belly pic or not, but I will def post a belly pic when I get a belly. Woo Whoo!!
1 comment:
Wow, I'm so happy for you! CONGRATS!! It's about dang time, too, huh?
God is amazing and good. He heard and answered your prayer. Make sure you thank him like crazy. :)
I'm looking forward to them belly pics, lol. WTG, chica!
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