Saturday, November 24, 2007
Here we go...
Well, I have been very tired lately and extremely hungry. I have been getting so hungry for the last month, even before I knew I was prego. It is horrible, I feel like I'm eating all of the time. Plus, I'm trying to watch what I eat, since with Emma I got put on a carb diet since I had gestational diabetes with her. Of course, I didn't get put on that diet until I was 5 months, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to start it early, plus, I'm hoping it might reduce the baby's size. On my days off, I've been taking naps when Emma is taking hers. I don't remember being this tired this early with Emma. But boy oh boy am I!!!
On top of being tired and hungry, I have a stupid cough and a little bit of a runny nose. Just what I need. And Emma has a runny/stuffy nose. Isn't it weird how she has both, but she does. So far I haven't been sick, which is good!! I hope I can skip being sick this time!! Well, I guess I will have more updating once I make it to the doctors.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Guess what???

This is the shirt that I wore out to my parent's house this afternoon. Yes, you are reading it correctly, I AM PREGNANT!!!!
This morning I got up, peed on a stick and then jumped in the shower. The whole time I was in the shower I was praying my brains out!!! I got out and only saw 1 line, but after I got my contacts in and looked closely there was a faint pink line. I was so excited!!! I jumped onto the bed and woke Matt up. All day I had a huge smile on my face, I was just so happy!! I got home from work and took another test just to be sure, and sure enough it was positive again. I just can't tell you how happy I am!!! It has seemed like an enternity since we started and finally we are prego!!! Anyways, the posting begins. I don't know if I will start with a begining belly pic or not, but I will def post a belly pic when I get a belly. Woo Whoo!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Playing Catch Up!
I think in the last month or so, Emma has grown mentally so much!! She says so much. When she wants something she will tilt her head to the side and say pa pa pa please. It is just too cute and so hard to say no to. She can now count to 4, can show you the color blue and sings her ABC's. She grown even more affectionate. I thought she was quite loving before, but now she is loving to everything. We will be leaving the store and she will by to the trucks and everything she sees. Whenever I open the fridge she will see her milk and say "hi milk" and give it kisses. It is just so funny. Christmas is gonna be a blast this year!!
Onto baby news, well there isn't baby news yet. I will find out later this week, but I was in at my doctor's office yesterday and she told me that it takes the average woman 12 months to get pregnant. She said I just got lucky with Emma (since it only took us 10 days). We are now in our 6 month of trying, grr. Well, since Emma was such a big baby (9lbs 2oz) she said that she will do an ultrasound at 36 weeks with my next. So, if the baby looks big then that means I will be induced around 38 or 39 weeks. Which is absolutely fine with me, as long as everything looks perfect with the baby. And since 38 weeks is the "safe zone" everything should be fine.
I think that is all the updating for now. I will let everyone know later on this week what the test results are, so keep your fingers crossed!!