Thursday, December 20, 2007
About that Mac N' Cheese..
Not much has been happening lately, except for the fact that my husband and I are horrible at Christmas shopping. We only have one day left that we are able to shop. (We have Christmas Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of course. Then we have one more sometime later on in the week) We still have to buy for my mother-in-law, father-in-law and our nephew. Plus, I would like to get some more stocking stuffers. Matt said we are starting our Christmas shopping after the first of the year. lol I don't see that happening.
This Sunday I have to make Christmas lunch for my father-in-law (and wife), his dad (and gf) and my brother-in-law (and gf and boy). I have never made a big meal like this for other people. I'm not even sure what in the heck I'm gonna have. I still have to do that shopping as well. Boy oh boy am I running out of time. Anyways, I'm gonna go make sure Emma is sleeping (I'm trying to break her of rocking, which isn't going all that great), which I don't think she is b/c I just heard a thud. So, gotta go.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Mac N' Cheese Anyone??
Tomorrow I have a couple cute pics to post of Emma being rotten.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Just had to share....

I just had to share this pic. I was sitting here at the computer this morning reading thru some blogs and that. When out came Emma, looking like this. She has her shirt pulled up onto her head like some little wierdo, but I thought it was just too funny and cute to pass up. She is such a ham, now you see that my days are never dull. lol
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Well, I missed her 23rd month post. I guess I'm just getting too wrapped up in Christmas, the pregnancy and everything going on around me. It just seems like everything is happening so fast that I don't have time to keep. Before I know it my little miss Emma is gonna be 2. She's gonna be 2 in less than a month!! OMG!! I need to start planning her party and figure out what we are doing it in. I'm telling, I never imagined life could go so fast. I will make up for missing the 23rd month post at 2 years old!! I promise!!
One more thing before I go. With Emma we were so certain on names, even before we were pregnant. With this pregnancy we aren't too certain. With Emma is was either Emma (of course) or Jackson. Now I have no clue. For a boy we are kinda thinking of Andrew, but we haven't really decided for sure. For girls I like Aubrey, Allyson and Isabel. Matt has a def no on Isabel. I'm just not sure. Anyone have any name suggestions?
Thursday, December 6, 2007
I go to the doctor on January 3rd for my first appointment. Then I should be able to listen to the baby's heartbeat and just get checked out. I can't wait!
About the due date. I'm thinking that my due date is probably August 3rd, but I will most likely still go in July.
The other night it was so cute. I asked Emma what was in my belly and she said "Baby". I was so shocked that she actually said it without me telling her. Then she gave the baby a kiss and said hi. It was just too cute. It'll be funny when I get huge to see how she responds.
Oh and by the way, I AM ALREADY SHOWING!! I'm not posting a pic yet, b/c it just looks like a fat belly and not so much a baby belly. But I couldn't believe it, but I guess it is normal for women to show really early with their 2nd baby. So, when I feel more comfortable with the belly I will post a pic.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Here we go...
Well, I have been very tired lately and extremely hungry. I have been getting so hungry for the last month, even before I knew I was prego. It is horrible, I feel like I'm eating all of the time. Plus, I'm trying to watch what I eat, since with Emma I got put on a carb diet since I had gestational diabetes with her. Of course, I didn't get put on that diet until I was 5 months, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to start it early, plus, I'm hoping it might reduce the baby's size. On my days off, I've been taking naps when Emma is taking hers. I don't remember being this tired this early with Emma. But boy oh boy am I!!!
On top of being tired and hungry, I have a stupid cough and a little bit of a runny nose. Just what I need. And Emma has a runny/stuffy nose. Isn't it weird how she has both, but she does. So far I haven't been sick, which is good!! I hope I can skip being sick this time!! Well, I guess I will have more updating once I make it to the doctors.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Guess what???

This is the shirt that I wore out to my parent's house this afternoon. Yes, you are reading it correctly, I AM PREGNANT!!!!
This morning I got up, peed on a stick and then jumped in the shower. The whole time I was in the shower I was praying my brains out!!! I got out and only saw 1 line, but after I got my contacts in and looked closely there was a faint pink line. I was so excited!!! I jumped onto the bed and woke Matt up. All day I had a huge smile on my face, I was just so happy!! I got home from work and took another test just to be sure, and sure enough it was positive again. I just can't tell you how happy I am!!! It has seemed like an enternity since we started and finally we are prego!!! Anyways, the posting begins. I don't know if I will start with a begining belly pic or not, but I will def post a belly pic when I get a belly. Woo Whoo!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Playing Catch Up!
I think in the last month or so, Emma has grown mentally so much!! She says so much. When she wants something she will tilt her head to the side and say pa pa pa please. It is just too cute and so hard to say no to. She can now count to 4, can show you the color blue and sings her ABC's. She grown even more affectionate. I thought she was quite loving before, but now she is loving to everything. We will be leaving the store and she will by to the trucks and everything she sees. Whenever I open the fridge she will see her milk and say "hi milk" and give it kisses. It is just so funny. Christmas is gonna be a blast this year!!
Onto baby news, well there isn't baby news yet. I will find out later this week, but I was in at my doctor's office yesterday and she told me that it takes the average woman 12 months to get pregnant. She said I just got lucky with Emma (since it only took us 10 days). We are now in our 6 month of trying, grr. Well, since Emma was such a big baby (9lbs 2oz) she said that she will do an ultrasound at 36 weeks with my next. So, if the baby looks big then that means I will be induced around 38 or 39 weeks. Which is absolutely fine with me, as long as everything looks perfect with the baby. And since 38 weeks is the "safe zone" everything should be fine.
I think that is all the updating for now. I will let everyone know later on this week what the test results are, so keep your fingers crossed!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Some Pumpkin fun..
Daddy and Emma carved pumpkins a week ago or so. Well, ok, Daddy carved the pumpkins. Emma helped me separate the seeds so that we could bake them. I don't know what she really thought of it all, she seemed to like it. Everytime she sees a pumpkin now she actually says "pumpkin". She is saying so much now.
Emma can sing a majority of her alphabet. She can sing Patty Cake, Twinkle Twinkle, Old McDonald and The Itsy Bitsy Spider. She also knows the hand motions to them and also to The Wheels on the Bus. It is just too cute!!

She is now sleeping in a toddler bed. We put her into it about a month or so ago. She loves it!! When she wakes up in the morning you hear her run into the living room and then run for our room. She will stand there and say "Mommy?" and then giggle. It is so funny. Emma is just so much fun to have around. We love her so much!!
I will post some pics of her in her costume later.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Yet another month...

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Here's to Emma...

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Where to begin..
Let's see, about our little family. Right now it consists of Me (Sarah), my husband Matt and our wonderful daughter Emma. Matt and I have been married for 2 wonderful years, but have been together for 7. We met in high school, he insists that I cheated off of him in Math, but he is so wrong!! lol

We are currently trying for baby #2. So far no luck. We have been trying since the end of June. With Emma it literally took us 10 days to conceive and now it is taking what seems to be forever!! I've never tried the basal temperature thing before, but I just might have to try it out before too long.
Anyways, that is just a short story of us. As things happen I will try to remember to post.