Thursday, February 26, 2009
Oh Spring!
Ok, so I am more than ready for Spring. I want to be able to put the kids into the stroller and go for a walk. I want to be able to go out on the driveway and play with chalk with Emma, you know make the typical picture of our family. lol I want to go out back and let the kids play and swing. I want to have my windows open with fresh air blowing thru and the sunlight thru the front door shining thru. Winter is so depressing!! Being cooped up in the house day in and day out. Oh well, I guess there isn't a darn thing I can do about it but complain and that isn't gonna get me very far. lol
Monday, February 23, 2009
Oh my....
Ok, so I was gonna post on Friday, but time slipped away from me. So, I had been feeling good for a solid 7 days or so I thought. I went and had to have one of my "episodes" Friday after supper. Now, I have since, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I guess I will just have to wait it out and see.
With being off of my Yaz and I can say there was a plus to being on it, I didn't have the craps. Man, I did not miss those. For the past week I have felt like I am cramping, which is probably due to the fact that I might be starting soon. Fun, fun! My periods are always worse without birth control. Yippie!!
But back to the rest of my life. We went to my brothers this past weekend to watch my niece play basketball. She is a really good athlete, I'm saying athlete b/c she does well at all the sports she plays (basketball, softball, soccer and gymnastics). So that was Saturday at 2. After her game I went and picked up a HUGE box of clothes that I bought off of craigs list. I was so excited and got a great deal. There are some pants and shorts that don't fit (having kids ruined my hips), but even with those not fitting I still got a great deal. After getting my clothes, we hung out at my brothers and played the Wii. Let me just say, I've only played it one other time and this weekend showed me that I am WAY more outta shape than what I thought. I knew I was outta shape, but man alive am I outta shape!! So, I am paying the price of that, my whole body is sore!!! Which the fact that I slept on the floor, oh wait a minute, let's calling it napping thru the night. I didn't get to bed Saturday till 12:30am, Chase woke up at 1:30, then at 4:30 and then stayed up at 7. You talk about tired and feeling like crap. Man was I a grump the next day! And if you notice the time stamp on this post you will see that it is 6:00am and I have already been up for 2 hours and yes with Chase!! This kid has got to start sleeping!!! Anyone have any ideas?? Oh wait a minute, I think he might be ready to go back to sleep. Hooray!! I will post more later, I might have some sleep in my near future!! lol
With being off of my Yaz and I can say there was a plus to being on it, I didn't have the craps. Man, I did not miss those. For the past week I have felt like I am cramping, which is probably due to the fact that I might be starting soon. Fun, fun! My periods are always worse without birth control. Yippie!!
But back to the rest of my life. We went to my brothers this past weekend to watch my niece play basketball. She is a really good athlete, I'm saying athlete b/c she does well at all the sports she plays (basketball, softball, soccer and gymnastics). So that was Saturday at 2. After her game I went and picked up a HUGE box of clothes that I bought off of craigs list. I was so excited and got a great deal. There are some pants and shorts that don't fit (having kids ruined my hips), but even with those not fitting I still got a great deal. After getting my clothes, we hung out at my brothers and played the Wii. Let me just say, I've only played it one other time and this weekend showed me that I am WAY more outta shape than what I thought. I knew I was outta shape, but man alive am I outta shape!! So, I am paying the price of that, my whole body is sore!!! Which the fact that I slept on the floor, oh wait a minute, let's calling it napping thru the night. I didn't get to bed Saturday till 12:30am, Chase woke up at 1:30, then at 4:30 and then stayed up at 7. You talk about tired and feeling like crap. Man was I a grump the next day! And if you notice the time stamp on this post you will see that it is 6:00am and I have already been up for 2 hours and yes with Chase!! This kid has got to start sleeping!!! Anyone have any ideas?? Oh wait a minute, I think he might be ready to go back to sleep. Hooray!! I will post more later, I might have some sleep in my near future!! lol
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hey everyone in blog world! I am wanting to get some new to me clothes. I have lost weight and now not many of my clothes fit me. Plus I am sick of wearing t-shirts all the time. I want shirts that are nice looking, but still comfy and easy to wear while taking care of kids. If you have any clothes you are wanting to get rid of or know of anywhere online or actual store let me know. I am a big fan of thrift stores and ebay, but am having a hard time finding clothes without spending a fortune. Thanks!!
Shop for a Cure!
I received an email from a friend that has a little boy with Diabetes. Here is a way everyone can help to find a cure for him and everyone else that has or will develop diabetes.
It’s an easy way to support JDRF: Kroger fundraising cards. If you shop at Kroger anyway, use this JDRF issued gift card, load it before purchasing your groceries, use it to pay for your groceries, and 4% of what you spend goes to JDRF. These cards can be used over and over again. If you spend $5000 in groceries a year, that’s $200 that goes to JDRF. How much easier can it get. If you are interested, email, call, or write to the JDRF office and we will get you a card.
I'm gonna do my part to help Lane, please help out too!! Here is the email to be able to get your Kroger fundraising card
It’s an easy way to support JDRF: Kroger fundraising cards. If you shop at Kroger anyway, use this JDRF issued gift card, load it before purchasing your groceries, use it to pay for your groceries, and 4% of what you spend goes to JDRF. These cards can be used over and over again. If you spend $5000 in groceries a year, that’s $200 that goes to JDRF. How much easier can it get. If you are interested, email, call, or write to the JDRF office and we will get you a card.
I'm gonna do my part to help Lane, please help out too!! Here is the email to be able to get your Kroger fundraising card
Feeling Good!!
Ok, so I have been off the Yaz for about a week and a half or so. I haven't had any of my symptoms since Sunday!! So, that means 4 days of feeling like myself!! I am so happy!!! So everyone out their in blog world, I don't recommend Yaz at all! Trust me, I felt like crap and now I feel great and the only thing that changed was going off of Yaz!!! Yippie!! I can not begin to tell ya how happy I am!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Emma & Chase

Ok, so let's start off with Ms Emma aka Crazy Hair Lady. lol As of yesterday, she started telling me everytime that she had to go potty vs. me just making her sit on the potty every so often. She didn't have a single accident yesterday at all and we even went to my grandparent's house for a few hours!! She wants to wear her pullup still, which I am letting her so that she will feel more comfortable. But what I am going to do is make some Scooby Doo panties for her. She is all about Scooby Doo and she wants some panties, but do you think they make them...NO!! So, I'm gonna buy some plain panties and get some iron on paper and print out some Scooby Doo pics and iron them right on to the panties. Which got me thinking, I could totally personalize them too, put her name all cute on them and everything. So, I'm pretty excited about making panties, which sounds super weird! lol Anyways, I know she will be so excited about getting Scooby Doo panties, which will be great!! I'm just so proud of my big girl!!!! She is awesome!
Oh Chase! Well, the boy has been a cling on lately, what seems like a permanent lump on my hip. lol I think his top teeth are moving down, so hopefully it'll get better soon. Anyways, anytime I leave the house and leave him with Matt, he throws an absolutely screaming fit for him. Last night I went to our Relay for Life meeting with my mom (I'm the co-captain and am totally excited about it). We left at 5:45 and got back about 8:15 or 8:30. Got home and Chase was screaming, picked him up and he settled right down. He is such a mamas boy!! So, I guess anytime I leave the house I am gonna have to take him with me, this will save on him throwing a fit and will save on Matt's patience. Hopefully that doesn't last long!! But on a FANTASTIC note....CHASE SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!!! He didn't wake up till 7am, I was so excited and thrilled!! Last night was my 3rd night of full sleep in 7 months!! The other 2 nights are b/c mom kept the kids. I SLEPT ALL NIGHT...HOORAY!!!!! I hope tonight will be the same, I feel great!!!!
BTW, if you are interested in joining our team for Relay for Life or just walking, let me know!!
Oh Chase! Well, the boy has been a cling on lately, what seems like a permanent lump on my hip. lol I think his top teeth are moving down, so hopefully it'll get better soon. Anyways, anytime I leave the house and leave him with Matt, he throws an absolutely screaming fit for him. Last night I went to our Relay for Life meeting with my mom (I'm the co-captain and am totally excited about it). We left at 5:45 and got back about 8:15 or 8:30. Got home and Chase was screaming, picked him up and he settled right down. He is such a mamas boy!! So, I guess anytime I leave the house I am gonna have to take him with me, this will save on him throwing a fit and will save on Matt's patience. Hopefully that doesn't last long!! But on a FANTASTIC note....CHASE SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!!! He didn't wake up till 7am, I was so excited and thrilled!! Last night was my 3rd night of full sleep in 7 months!! The other 2 nights are b/c mom kept the kids. I SLEPT ALL NIGHT...HOORAY!!!!! I hope tonight will be the same, I feel great!!!!
BTW, if you are interested in joining our team for Relay for Life or just walking, let me know!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Ok. So the other day after having diarrhea 3 times I decided to look up Yaz and diarrhea on google. Well, I found an interesting site where all of these women were talking about all the same symptoms that I am having and it was all bc of Yaz. They said they went off of it and felt great. So, I am thinking that all of my problems result back to Yaz. I've been taking it since August and have been having these problems since September. So, I've been off of Yaz for 2 weeks now and my last diarrhea episode was on Saturday. Yesterday I drank this nasty stuff that is suppose to cleanse your system and take everything that you have put in it (ex. meds) out. I just didn't want to wait for Yaz to finally made it outta my system so I helped it out a little. Hopefully I will start to feel better and all these problems will disapear. But not only for updating, but I wanted to warn everyone that may read my blog of Yaz. It may not happen to everyone, but man the ones it does affect sucks!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I need outta this house!
Okay, so I am so completely sick of being stuck in this house all the time that I am considering taking 4 kids (4yo, 3yo, 2yo and a 7mth old) outta the house. I'm not sure where to go and I'm not sure how it will go, but I think we are all going nuts being cooped up in this house all day everyday. I've considered visiting Pappy and grandma (which is all the kids great grandparents), I've thought about visiting Mom (which is all the kids maw maw) at work. But I really don't know. When it comes down to it, we will probably just stay in, but man oh man do I want out!! We are suppose to be getting a Chucky Cheese in Lima, I hope it opens soon so we can go do that every now and again. Well, I have yet another fight to break up so I've better get going. Just bloggin to be bloggin. I don't really have too much to say. lol
ATTENTION: All people with children...Must Read!!
Madison,age 8,passed away just a few days ago.We've been asked to pass this on.Doctors told her familythat there have been quite a few children Madison's age that havedied recently the same way that she did.The only commonlink between them was that they were given Motrin (ibuprofen)and Robitussin together, this caused a heart attack.They believe this is what happened to them.They told her to alerteveryone to this.Do not give children both of these medicinestogether. You can give them one or the other but not both.When Madison collapsed she suffered a heart attackand they were able to revive her but the loss of oxygendamaged her brain and she was put on the respirator.After this she had four strokes before she died afterbeing taken off the respirator.
Madison,age 8,passed away just a few days ago.We've been asked to pass this on.Doctors told her familythat there have been quite a few children Madison's age that havedied recently the same way that she did.The only commonlink between them was that they were given Motrin (ibuprofen)and Robitussin together, this caused a heart attack.They believe this is what happened to them.They told her to alerteveryone to this.Do not give children both of these medicinestogether. You can give them one or the other but not both.When Madison collapsed she suffered a heart attackand they were able to revive her but the loss of oxygendamaged her brain and she was put on the respirator.After this she had four strokes before she died afterbeing taken off the respirator.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Results are in.
Well, my thyroid came back fine and in the norm. I'm not sure what should be checked next. I guess we will wait till I've been off of my pill for a month and see if anything improves. I hate waiting!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Wanna play the waiting game??
Well, I was finally able to get my blood work done on Saturday. So, now I am sitting here waiting on the results. I'm not sure if they will be in today or tomorrow, but I'm waiting. Wait, wait, wait. So, let's talk about other stuff to ease the frustration of waiting.
Emma is doing really good with potty training. She has an accident about once or twice a day, but she is doing really good. She is starting to get to the place where she tells us when she has to pee instead of me just telling her to go sit on the potty every so often. Then the other night I was getting Chase ready for bed and Emma was playing. All of a sudden she says, Mommy, I peed. Well, my first thought was, crap she had panties on and now I've got a mess to clean up. Nope, she had went to the bathroom, pulled down her pants and panties and went in the potty all by herself. I was so proud of her! I mean, I was beaming with pride, she is growing up!! She says some of the darnest things too. The other day she wanted me to play playdough with her and she said, "Come join me Mommy." What 3 year old says come join me?? She talks like such a adult. Matt got her this game for the computer that does colors, counting, matching and so on. She does great! I mean, I'm in amazement at how much she knows. She is just so smart!
Then it comes to my little Chunky Monkey, Chase. lol I think he is working on those top 2 teeth. He is constantly squeling and babbling, he will probably be talking before I know it. All the boy wants to do is stand, I mean you are holding him and he wants to stand. I think he will be walking at a early age. He also has quite the appetite. I have only found 3 things he doesn't like, green beans, peas and squash. Everything else he just gulps it down. He also likes his juice too. Oh did I mention that my almost 7 month old child can wear 12-18mth clothes! He is so freakin long. He is 2 inches longer at 6 months and Emma was at 6 months! He is gonna be a giant. He is 20lbs too! Not really all that chunky, it's just all that length he has on him!
This month marks 6 years that Matt and I have lived in this house together. I can't believe it's been that long. We have tried to sell it twice and now with the economy the way it is, we have finally came to terms that we will be in this house for a while. So, we are gonna do some more stuff to it and make it just like we want. We still have to finish some remodeling to it, but nothing too huge, I don't think. lol Anyways, so we are enjoying our life in our little house with our little family. Nothin could be better!!
Emma is doing really good with potty training. She has an accident about once or twice a day, but she is doing really good. She is starting to get to the place where she tells us when she has to pee instead of me just telling her to go sit on the potty every so often. Then the other night I was getting Chase ready for bed and Emma was playing. All of a sudden she says, Mommy, I peed. Well, my first thought was, crap she had panties on and now I've got a mess to clean up. Nope, she had went to the bathroom, pulled down her pants and panties and went in the potty all by herself. I was so proud of her! I mean, I was beaming with pride, she is growing up!! She says some of the darnest things too. The other day she wanted me to play playdough with her and she said, "Come join me Mommy." What 3 year old says come join me?? She talks like such a adult. Matt got her this game for the computer that does colors, counting, matching and so on. She does great! I mean, I'm in amazement at how much she knows. She is just so smart!
Then it comes to my little Chunky Monkey, Chase. lol I think he is working on those top 2 teeth. He is constantly squeling and babbling, he will probably be talking before I know it. All the boy wants to do is stand, I mean you are holding him and he wants to stand. I think he will be walking at a early age. He also has quite the appetite. I have only found 3 things he doesn't like, green beans, peas and squash. Everything else he just gulps it down. He also likes his juice too. Oh did I mention that my almost 7 month old child can wear 12-18mth clothes! He is so freakin long. He is 2 inches longer at 6 months and Emma was at 6 months! He is gonna be a giant. He is 20lbs too! Not really all that chunky, it's just all that length he has on him!
This month marks 6 years that Matt and I have lived in this house together. I can't believe it's been that long. We have tried to sell it twice and now with the economy the way it is, we have finally came to terms that we will be in this house for a while. So, we are gonna do some more stuff to it and make it just like we want. We still have to finish some remodeling to it, but nothing too huge, I don't think. lol Anyways, so we are enjoying our life in our little house with our little family. Nothin could be better!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sometimes it seems like Matt and I have the worst of luck and it seems like nothing is going right. Well, I've given myself a huge realty check! Whatever I may be going thru, someone always has it worse. I'm complaining about the van windshield is cracked, gotta take the dog to the vet, Chase has yet another ear infection and the bills just keep piling in. Well, hello Sarah!! You are a stay at home mom, you get to spend all your time with your kids, your kids are healthy! An ear infection is nothing compared to cancer. An ear infection will be over with in a matter of just a couple of days, cancer seems to be almost forever it seems. My medical problems are nothing. I can still function. I can still hold my babies and play with them. I can still do for my family.
I have about 7 or so blogs that I follow on a regular basis. Out of those blogs 3 have experienced
the death of one of their children. Whether it be miscarriage, stillborn or after the baby has lived for a few months or even a few years. All of these people have grieved and continue to grieve. They have experienced such a great loss, much more than I can even imagine. My heart goes out to these moms. In their loss it has shown me to not take things for grantite (spelling). When things are going wrong, it could always be worse. I have my kids, my family and my friends, what more do I need? So, to you moms that have expierenced such a great loss, my heart goes out to you. You will forever be on my mind. I pray that God grants you the strength to make it thru each passing day. You are strong women and I'm sorry for your loss.
I have about 7 or so blogs that I follow on a regular basis. Out of those blogs 3 have experienced
the death of one of their children. Whether it be miscarriage, stillborn or after the baby has lived for a few months or even a few years. All of these people have grieved and continue to grieve. They have experienced such a great loss, much more than I can even imagine. My heart goes out to these moms. In their loss it has shown me to not take things for grantite (spelling). When things are going wrong, it could always be worse. I have my kids, my family and my friends, what more do I need? So, to you moms that have expierenced such a great loss, my heart goes out to you. You will forever be on my mind. I pray that God grants you the strength to make it thru each passing day. You are strong women and I'm sorry for your loss.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ok, so yesterday I took Chase to the doctor. Which by the way, my mom made it over to watch the other 3 kids so I wasn't trying to watch all of them and try to answer questions while Chase screams! Anyways, he has yet ANOTHER ear infection!! This time it is worse in his right ear. I asked her if there was anything I could do to prevent him from getting ear infections and she said nope. Whenever I have him outside he has a hat on and I put a fleece blanket over his head and we really don't go out very often at all. I mean, last week we was only out on Monday and Friday. So, back onto the meds, luckily he takes them like a champ with no fight.
As for me, she took me off my birth control and back for more blood work. She is gonna have my thyroid rechecked and this time she is gonna do a more in depth blood test that checks the thyroid, I guess it's the same one she has my mom do. My mom has hypothyroidism, but last time my was testing closer to hyperthyroidism. So now I've just gotta find time to make it over to get my blood drawn. So, hopefully I can get that done real soon.
As for me, she took me off my birth control and back for more blood work. She is gonna have my thyroid rechecked and this time she is gonna do a more in depth blood test that checks the thyroid, I guess it's the same one she has my mom do. My mom has hypothyroidism, but last time my was testing closer to hyperthyroidism. So now I've just gotta find time to make it over to get my blood drawn. So, hopefully I can get that done real soon.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Just Stuff....
Ok, so I haven't been on here to update, so I figured I would do some updating on everything. Monday I took the kids to their checkups. Emma came in weighing 36lbs and is 38 1/2" tall. She is growing up so big!! Chase weighed in at 20lbs and is 28 1/2" long. He is also growing so fast! Chase got shots, but Emma didn't. He actually did pretty good. Monday evening we went to my parents for supper (we do this every Monday night).
Emma has been pottying in the potty this week pretty good. We've had panties on a couple of times, but sometimes she just doesn't feel like going. She is a true Bolinger, stubborn!!! lol By the time Friday came, the kids and I had been outta the house since Monday evening so I took the kids and we went uptown to the little grocery store. That was our huge outting! lol
Friday evening Matt and I went to the movies with some friends and saw Taken, which by the way is a really good movie!! When we got home, around 12, Chase woke up for a bottle and started coughing, a croopey cough. I thought, oh great. He didn't seem to have any trouble breathing, so I put the humidfier in his room. Well, sleep wasn't all that great that night. Saturday he was doing a lot better. He still coughed some, but not like he did that night before. Saturday we just lounged around the house like bums. lol Then Saturday night came and I went to put Chase to bed. Well, I could get him to sleep easily, but staying asleep is another story. Let's just say another night of not much sleep. Sunday I got outta the house and went to Lima to get some formula and to return things I have borrowed from friends for vacation. Well, I got home, fixed supper and then we all hung out together. Then it came time for Chase to go to sleep. Well, Matt finally got him to sleep, but we couldn't get him to stay asleep in bed. So, I started to lay on the couch with him on my belly, he was quite fine with this, but I knew I wouldn't get any sleep. So, I put him to bed, on his belly. I was a little worried, but he can roll really good so there is nothing stopping him from rolling onto his belly byhimself. So, I put him to bed got online and was double checking about him laying on his belly. Then I went to bed. I got maybe 3 or at the most 4 hours of sleep. Then he woke up again. I gave him a bottle and put him back to bed on his belly. Well in a 1/2 hour he was awake again. So, I put him in his swing and that is where he slept the rest of the night. In conclusion, I am guessing he has a ear infection, again! I swear he is hardly ever outside and when he is I have a hat on him and a blank over his head. I just don't understand how he keeps getting them. So, I am taking him to the doc today and hopefully figuring something out as to why he gets them so oftened. Plus to add to the fun of the doctors office, it is looking like I am taking all the kids with me, which includes my 2 nephews I babysit, since the latest appt I can get is 1:45. Not gonna be fun, but I've gotta get him in to get some meds. Well, I've been interrupted quite a few times while trying to write this so it probably hops from one thing to another and I might be ending it quite weird and leaving ya hang, but I've gotta get off of her and see if I can find someone to watch the other 3 kids while I take Chase to the doc. Ugh!
Emma has been pottying in the potty this week pretty good. We've had panties on a couple of times, but sometimes she just doesn't feel like going. She is a true Bolinger, stubborn!!! lol By the time Friday came, the kids and I had been outta the house since Monday evening so I took the kids and we went uptown to the little grocery store. That was our huge outting! lol
Friday evening Matt and I went to the movies with some friends and saw Taken, which by the way is a really good movie!! When we got home, around 12, Chase woke up for a bottle and started coughing, a croopey cough. I thought, oh great. He didn't seem to have any trouble breathing, so I put the humidfier in his room. Well, sleep wasn't all that great that night. Saturday he was doing a lot better. He still coughed some, but not like he did that night before. Saturday we just lounged around the house like bums. lol Then Saturday night came and I went to put Chase to bed. Well, I could get him to sleep easily, but staying asleep is another story. Let's just say another night of not much sleep. Sunday I got outta the house and went to Lima to get some formula and to return things I have borrowed from friends for vacation. Well, I got home, fixed supper and then we all hung out together. Then it came time for Chase to go to sleep. Well, Matt finally got him to sleep, but we couldn't get him to stay asleep in bed. So, I started to lay on the couch with him on my belly, he was quite fine with this, but I knew I wouldn't get any sleep. So, I put him to bed, on his belly. I was a little worried, but he can roll really good so there is nothing stopping him from rolling onto his belly byhimself. So, I put him to bed got online and was double checking about him laying on his belly. Then I went to bed. I got maybe 3 or at the most 4 hours of sleep. Then he woke up again. I gave him a bottle and put him back to bed on his belly. Well in a 1/2 hour he was awake again. So, I put him in his swing and that is where he slept the rest of the night. In conclusion, I am guessing he has a ear infection, again! I swear he is hardly ever outside and when he is I have a hat on him and a blank over his head. I just don't understand how he keeps getting them. So, I am taking him to the doc today and hopefully figuring something out as to why he gets them so oftened. Plus to add to the fun of the doctors office, it is looking like I am taking all the kids with me, which includes my 2 nephews I babysit, since the latest appt I can get is 1:45. Not gonna be fun, but I've gotta get him in to get some meds. Well, I've been interrupted quite a few times while trying to write this so it probably hops from one thing to another and I might be ending it quite weird and leaving ya hang, but I've gotta get off of her and see if I can find someone to watch the other 3 kids while I take Chase to the doc. Ugh!
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