Friday, October 31, 2008
My Pay Check!
I might not get a pay check that I can go and cash at a bank, but I have one better than that. My pay check is looking in my sparkling blue eyed baby boy when he smiling a smile from ear to ear. Or when Emma comes up and gives me a big hug and kiss and says "I love you Mommy". Or getting to see Chase roll over for the first time. Or waking up every morning to the best job on earth. Plus it is great, I can wear my PJs all day if I want, lol. My pay check is made out to Mommy and is signed by Emma and Chase. How can it get any better than that?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Chunky Monkey!!
So last night was great!! I put Chase down for the night at 8:30pm and he didn't wake up till 4:00am!! How awesome is that!! Then he didn't get back up till 8:00am. If I didn't have the boys to watch today I would have gotten a whole bunch of sleep, but that first stretch was great!!! Hopefully this will start happening for now on!! I'm seeing more sleep in my future!! lol
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Trick or Treat smell my feet!

This past Sunday was our Trick or Treat, which I am pissed about. The president of our fire department decided to only give people a 4 day notice. Well, I had boughten costumes off of ebay for the kids. Well, luckily Emma's costume came in on Friday, but Chase's never made it. I didn't end up taking him anyway, b/c it was so windy and didn't want him to get sick again, but it would have been nice to have it in case I wanted to. So, I took Emma around for about an hour and she enjoyed it! She told everyone Trick or Trick and Thank you! She is such a polite child, at times. lol Anyways, Chase's costume should be here sometime this week. Weather permiting, we are having a halloween party for the kids this Saturday. So, he can wear it then. I will be sure to get pics, b/c he is gonna be such a cute little monkey. I picked a monkey since his nickname is Chunky Monkey. lol Emma just loved being a care bear!! She is so into care bears right now. She sleeps with them every night!! We asked her if she could be a different care bear and she said no, she wanted to be cheer bear! She is so much fun!!
It's getting quite old!!
So for the last couple of months I have been getting stomach aches and diarreha after I eat, night sweats and now lovely headaches, oh yea and mood swings galore! I asked my doc to check my thyroid and sugar. So, she did along with my red and white blood count. Well, it all came back fine. She hasn't said anything else about wanting to do any other tests. Well, there has to be something wrong!! This isn't normal, I wasn't like this before. If I go out, I don't eat for like 2-3 hours before we are suppose to leave. I had a girls night out and we went out to eat, big mistake!! Next time I will just watch them eat. It is so freakin old!! Even if I am at home, I don't like to eat b/c then I'm gonna have an upset stomach for the rest of the night. I have no clue what is wrong. When I put in my symptoms on the internet, you wanna know what comes up?? Menopause. Can you believe it?? I guess if I am going thru way early menopause it really isn't all that big of a deal, b/c we are done having kids so it's not like I'm wanting to get prego. The plus side to it all would be the fact that I won't have periods anymore. But who knows what is wrong, I guess I will be calling my doc today and once again try and figure out what in the heck is wrong with me!! I am so sick of it all!! People wonder why I am skinny, my mom thinks that I don't eat. Well, partly she is right. Sometimes I don't eat all meals, b/c I don't want to feel like crap, but why eat when it is just gonna come right out? I don't know. I'm just fed up!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Can you believe I did it?

Yep folks!! I did it! I got my tat Friday night! Everyone thought I would chicken out, including me, but I didn't. I went with one of my friends and my cousin and her hubby. I may have went last, but I went! It didn't really hurt, there were a few tender parts, but it really wasn't bad at all. I could do it again, but I don't know if I will or not. This one is kinda big or atleast that is what everyone tells me. So, I might just keep it to one tat.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Fun fun fun
Last night me and a couple friends went out to eat. You talk about a good time!! We carried on and were so loud. It was so much fun! I haven't laughed so hard in a while!! It was like being in high school again, but with more grown up topics. lol Back then we use to talk about boyfriends and school. Now it's husbands and kids. lol We had so much fun!! We are turning it into a monthly thing and we are so excited! We all look forward to getting out of the house for girl time and we enjoy it so much!! Next month we are shopping, I am so looking forward to that!!! Yeah, for girls night out!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Can't decide!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
To Great Friends!!
Ok, so in the loss of my "best" friend I have come to realize what GREAT friends I do have!! You have Lynne, who doesn't want credit but sent me those YUMMY cookies that absolutely brightened my day!! She is so down to earth and doesn't get all worked up when life isn't exactly going as she wants it. She just takes everything with stride and laughter and that is what is so great about her!! She is always able to find the silver lining and just have a good time and keep a smile on her face even when she doesn't feel like it. She has truly been like family. I remember several times being out at her house when her thousands (so it seems) of family members were out there for a famous family gathering and it was just like I was one of them. It was so much fun!! She is just a great person and if you ever meet her mom or had a chance to meet her dad you would know where she got it from!! They are really great too!! A very cool family and friend!!
Then there is Heather, we had lost contact for quite some time, but finally started talking again. We don't know what happened, but it doesn't really matter now. She is the one that I can go to whenever I need to let off steam about the crap that is making me so mad, b/c she is there too!! She has been there and most often enough is still there when I am. We are able to "talk" (which really we text most often) about anything. We love talking about the past, b/c it can be quite funny!! When we both had "serious" boyfriends in high school we all always went out together and talking about that now is just hilarious (neither one of us married that "serious" boyfriend and they were jerks!!). She is just on the same page and doesn't take anything personal.
These two are the ones that have been there for me. Grant it we don't see each other often at all, but we are there for each other. We all have families and know how hectic life can get. Even though we don't get to hang out, I know I can call on either of them and they would be there for me in a heartbeat and I hope they both know I would do the same for them!! I guess maybe I was just wrong where the title of "best" goes, these two really deserve that title. So, this is to my BEST friends that are always there for me and understands me!! Thank you!!!
Then there is Heather, we had lost contact for quite some time, but finally started talking again. We don't know what happened, but it doesn't really matter now. She is the one that I can go to whenever I need to let off steam about the crap that is making me so mad, b/c she is there too!! She has been there and most often enough is still there when I am. We are able to "talk" (which really we text most often) about anything. We love talking about the past, b/c it can be quite funny!! When we both had "serious" boyfriends in high school we all always went out together and talking about that now is just hilarious (neither one of us married that "serious" boyfriend and they were jerks!!). She is just on the same page and doesn't take anything personal.
These two are the ones that have been there for me. Grant it we don't see each other often at all, but we are there for each other. We all have families and know how hectic life can get. Even though we don't get to hang out, I know I can call on either of them and they would be there for me in a heartbeat and I hope they both know I would do the same for them!! I guess maybe I was just wrong where the title of "best" goes, these two really deserve that title. So, this is to my BEST friends that are always there for me and understands me!! Thank you!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008

So, the other day I was visiting with a friend and a delivery person showed up with a bouquet of cookies. Well, they were for Matt wishing him a speedy recovery from his work. Then today I got a knock on the door. While walking to the door I saw yet another bouquet of cookies and was thinking man Matt is getting a lot of cookies. But wait!! She said delivery for Sarah Prine, that's me. I was shocked! I looked at the card and it did say my name and inside it said "Sorry you're having a rough week." How sweet is that? I have some really great friends!! The only thing is, I have no clue who sent them to me, no name was on the card. So, in case the person who sent the cookies to me is reading this, Thank You So Much!! You brightened my day and restored my faith in my friendships and in people!! Whoever you are, you are so thoughtful. Thank you!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Yep, I woke up today with a return to my cold!! Sore throat, runny nose and a cough. Not only do I have it, but so does Emma. Plus, Chase still has his. I have no idea how Matt avoids getting it when we are all sick. So, needless to say life at my house is laying around, taking medicine and using A LOT of tissues. Ugh!! I hate it when I'm sick and I hate it even more when my kids are sick!!! Hopefully it passes soon!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
You just never know.
Okay, so I know practically ever post lately has mentioned my "best" friend. Well, this is really bothering, I just can't seem to get past it. How after 14 years can she just write me off like that? How could she even begin to think that I didn't want to be there? How can she say that I have let her down just like her family? What in the world?? 2 hours before her wedding yesterday I sent her a text telling her that I was sure she looked beautiful and to enjoy her day and then 1/2 an hour after the cermony started I texted her to say congrats. I have not heard anything from her and in a way didn't expect to. You just never know about anyone anymore. Someone who I held close to my heart and would have done anything for, just wrote me off like I am no one, like I mean nothing. What am I suppose to think of that? What am I suppose to do? I don't feel it is my place to go crawling back to her and beg for forgivness, b/c I don't feel I did anything wrong. I was needed at home. My husband and baby needed me. Shouldn't they come first? Well, they do and that is that. My family will always come first. Even as I loose this friendship other friendships have been reblossoming. Friends that I have lost contact with over the years. These girls are a lot more understand, they too have families of their own so they understand where my loyalty must lie. Where my duty goes to first.
Don't I just have the cutest kids!! Emma was being silly at the costume store we went too, she wanted that hat all the way until we went to leave and then decided she didn't. She just looked too cute. The one piece shorts outfit Chase has on is a 12mth outfit and the red shorts outfit I believe is a 6-9. Crazy crazy crazy!!
In better news. Chase is doing a lot better. He still has a cough and a nasty nose, but he is doing a lot better than he was on Friday. I am getting over my cold and not longer feel like pulling my head off from a huge headache. Matt is doing a little better, but is still in a lot of pain. His recovery is taking so much longer than what we expected. The doc made it seem like it wouldn't be too bad, but poor Matt is having a hard time. Emma is still crazy and wonderful Emma. She has only managed to get a little cough (knock on wood). Hopefully she stays away from all the crap going around!!
My house is a complete diaster zone!! I have been going thru clothes and putting aside clothes that are too little for the kids. Chase which won't be 3 months till the 16th, is already able to wear 6-9 month clothes and is practically out of his 3-6 month sleepers. Yes, you read right, 6-9 months at 2 months old!! He is so flippin long!!! I just can't believe it. I have so many clothes that were given to me, but he hasn't gotten to wear a lot of them, b/c he is growing so incredibly fast. I have come to the conclusion that my kids will be taller than me by kindergarten. lol
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
For Braden
Courtesy of Antigone.Directly from her site:October 15th is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day in the United States. More than 25,000 children are stillborn in the United States every year leaving mothers, entire families and communities devastated. Estimates of the rate of occurrence of stillbirth make it at least as common as autism.Stillbirth is not an intractable problem. Greater research would likely significantly reduce its incidence, but good research requires good data.H.R. 5979: Stillbirth Awareness and Research Act is under consideration by Congress. This proposed bill would standardize stillbirth investigation and diagnosis, thus providing more data for the needed research. Better research means fewer children born still.On October 15th, remember the thousands of unfinished children lost and the families who remain to grieve them. Honor them by taking action. Let's help pass H.R. 5979.Action Steps:Step 1. Use Your Blog to Enlist Others-Copy the contents of this entire post and publish it on your blog immediately.GOAL: Enlist 10 of your readers to spread the wordStep 2. Use Your E-mail to Enlist Others-E-mail 5 bloggers and ask them (nicely and in an unspammy way) to publish these action steps on their blog. Consider contacting celebrity bloggers, political bloggers, medical bloggers, or bloggers who are not part of your reading community.GOAL: Enlist 3 bloggers outside of your normal blog sphere to spread the word in other online communities.Step 3. Help Pass the Stillbirth Awareness and Research Act-By October 15th, publish a post on your blog supporting H.R. 5979 Stillbirth Awareness and Research Act. For maximum impact, title your post: "Stillbirth Awareness and Research Act."GOAL: 1,000,000 Google results on October 15th when that term is searched for. Currently, Google only returns 20,400 pages - most of which have nothing to do with the bill.
Monday, October 6, 2008
What a week!!
Well, the past week was horrible!! Matt's recovering isn't going all that great, but that isn't the worst of it all. Wednesday night Chase started coughing, so the next morning I called the doctors office to get him in. He had a double ear infection and a cold. Well, that night it just got worse. He started choking and gasping for air. So, back to the doctor I went. Well, she sent me to the ER. After 4 hours, 1 breathing treating, 2 x-rays and a poke on the foot we got sent home. He has broncitis (or however you spell it). I took him back to the doc today and he is doing better, but not over it. Then to put the icing on the cake, my best friend is mad at me b/c I'm not going to her wedding. I'm sorry, but I can't leave my sick child and laid up husband right now. I know it sucks, but she has to try to understand and she isn't. So, now after 14 years, I think I just lost my "best" friend. She said I have managed to let her down just like her family and I totally think that isn't fair. Well, like several people have told me, if she was a true friend then she would understand, it just sucks! Oh yeah and now I am sick. Life is just wonderful right now!! Atleast I have my family!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Am I wrong???
I decided late last night that I would not be going to my best friends wedding that is 13 hours away. I would have to be gone atleast a day and a half. My husband just had surgery 2 days ago and isn't recovering very well. He is in a lot more pain that he had expected. Then today I took Chase to the doctor and he has a double ear infection and a cold, that was just icing to my cake. Once I heard that I def knew my place was at home to take care of my family. But now she is mad at me. She told me that the people that want to be there, will be there. I don't think that is fair to me. I have always been there for her and I want nothing more than to be there for her on her wedding day, but I have to put my family first. My family needs me, between being sick and recovering from surgery, they need me. Yes, she needs me too, but I just feel my place is at home. Am I wrong? Should I have gone? My mother-in-law was gonna stay with Matt and the kids, but I feel it is my place, especially since Chase is sick now. I feel horrible and I might have just lost a best friend of 14 years, but doesn't my loyalty need to be to my family first? Shouldn't she understand that? I mean, she has every right to be upset b/c it is her wedding and we are less than a week away from it, but this is my husband and child we are talking about. This really sucks! I really want her to have a beautiful wedding and I want her to be so happy, she deserves to be happy. I just wish I was there to witness it. I hate this!!!
This Sucks!!
Well, Matt made it thru surgery but with a little complication, which the doc said would make him more sore and take a little longer to recover. Then yesterday Emma hit the incision and I've gotta check to see if she ripped open a stitch. If so, I've gotta call the doc and see what I've gotta do about that.
My toilet is letting off a sewage smell. My brother is coming today after work and crawl under my house to see if he can see what is causing it. Hopefully nothing big, but I'll tell ya now we don't have the best of luck when it comes to stuff that is gonna cost money. I swear when the money flow is tight that is when everything happens that takes money.
Last night Chase started this thing when he would fall asleep he would gasp for air then gag on what only looks like clear fluids. I'm not sure what is happening and I'm gonna call the doc today and see what she says. Oh and now he has a cough too.
Then ever since I have had Chase I have had stomach issues. Practically everything I eat gives me diareha. I know, it's sick, but it's true. I told the doc and she said to keep a food journal so we can try to find a common denominator, but I'm just not seeing one. I don't know if it has anything to do with carbs. When I was prego, I had the extra insulin to help out with breaking down the carbs, now I don't. My sugar is fine, but could the carbs be causing the diareha?
My best friend is getting married this coming Tuesday and I am suppose to be leaving Sunday night to go to her wedding in the Outer Banks. Well, as much as I hate to do it, I'm gonna have to cancel on her. I really hate it and I have been going back and forth, but I just feel that my place is at home right now to take care of my family. Whenever I would say I am going I would get a real anxious feeling like something inside me is just saying I shouldn't go. After consulting a few people and just going with my gut, I will be breaking the news to her today. She is gonna be so upset and hopefully it doesn't ruin our friendship. I would hate to loose her as my best friend, so I hope she understands where I am coming from and that I need to take care of my family right now. I really hate being a "grown up" sometimes. Things were so much easier when I was a kid, I just didn't know it. Now I have bills to worry about, kids, a husband and all these adult decisions that just suck!!
On the up side, Emma is doing great!! She is really gravitating towards Matt right now. I think she feels like she needs to take care of him, but she is just being sweet.
Don't get me wrong, I love my life it just gets hectic at times!!
My toilet is letting off a sewage smell. My brother is coming today after work and crawl under my house to see if he can see what is causing it. Hopefully nothing big, but I'll tell ya now we don't have the best of luck when it comes to stuff that is gonna cost money. I swear when the money flow is tight that is when everything happens that takes money.
Last night Chase started this thing when he would fall asleep he would gasp for air then gag on what only looks like clear fluids. I'm not sure what is happening and I'm gonna call the doc today and see what she says. Oh and now he has a cough too.
Then ever since I have had Chase I have had stomach issues. Practically everything I eat gives me diareha. I know, it's sick, but it's true. I told the doc and she said to keep a food journal so we can try to find a common denominator, but I'm just not seeing one. I don't know if it has anything to do with carbs. When I was prego, I had the extra insulin to help out with breaking down the carbs, now I don't. My sugar is fine, but could the carbs be causing the diareha?
My best friend is getting married this coming Tuesday and I am suppose to be leaving Sunday night to go to her wedding in the Outer Banks. Well, as much as I hate to do it, I'm gonna have to cancel on her. I really hate it and I have been going back and forth, but I just feel that my place is at home right now to take care of my family. Whenever I would say I am going I would get a real anxious feeling like something inside me is just saying I shouldn't go. After consulting a few people and just going with my gut, I will be breaking the news to her today. She is gonna be so upset and hopefully it doesn't ruin our friendship. I would hate to loose her as my best friend, so I hope she understands where I am coming from and that I need to take care of my family right now. I really hate being a "grown up" sometimes. Things were so much easier when I was a kid, I just didn't know it. Now I have bills to worry about, kids, a husband and all these adult decisions that just suck!!
On the up side, Emma is doing great!! She is really gravitating towards Matt right now. I think she feels like she needs to take care of him, but she is just being sweet.
Don't get me wrong, I love my life it just gets hectic at times!!
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