Wednesday, June 25, 2008
35 Weeks
Yesterday I had my 35 week check-up, which consisted of a non-stress test. Going into the appointment I was expecting to have my cervix checked, b/c last week he told me he was. Well, we go in and have the non-stress test and Chase was being super active!! But everything was great! The doc came in and he decided we are gonna hold off to check my cervix till next week. My mom and I was pretty bummed, b/c he said as soon as he checks my cervix he will be able to tell me when he will induce me. I was really looking forward to finding out, but now it is onto another week of waiting! Oh well I guess. He will be here soon enough I guess. My mom and brother's girlfriend seem to think that I will go into labor on my own the 2nd week of July. I just don't see that happening. I think I will be induced on the 21st, but I guess we won't know till next week. Can ya believe it, I only have 3-5 weeks left. Thank goodness!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
34 Weeks and a Crazy Weekend!
This past weekend we had Relay for Life. That was so incredibly tiring!! The whole time I only walked 2 laps, but I was the one manning the booth. We had a couple games, cookies, watermelon wedges and our raffle. So, from 6pm to about 11:30pm I was on my feet. Boy oh boy did I feel it the next day!! Anyways, I wanted to stay all night and keep going, but Matt had gone home and took Emma too. He was needing to take a couple pain killers for his ankle, which would knock him out, and I didn't want him to be knocked out and something happen with Emma or with him. So, home I went. I was in bed by 12 and tossed and turned all night. Back up at 6:30 and out at the booth by 7. Not to sound too personal or gross, but standing the whole night before made my crotch hurt. It was like Chase was pushing down as far as he could, I was quite sore. But I did run into a old friend from school, Steph Rammel. I haven't seen her in forever, prob not since her, Lynne and I went out to eat and that was several years ago. Anyways, I invited her to a cookout I'm having with some of my friends so we can get caught up on all the years.
The relay was great tho and we had a lot of fun! The kids really enjoyed playing together and all of the stuff going on around. The relay really means a lot to me and especially to my mom. My mom's dad and sister both have passed away from cancer and this is her way to be able to do something in their memory. What makes it even harder is relay always falls on Father's Day weekend so that brings the extra fond memories of her dad back and her sister passed away the day after Father's Day, so they are both thought of extra that weekend. We always get a luminary in their memory and this year they had a person from each team read the names of their luminaries. So, I was the one to read it. I didn't think it would be hard at all, but I was wrong. There is so much emotion that comes rushing to you at that time in the relay. You know they are gone, but the thought that they will never walk thru your door again or you will never get to see them again just gets ya. Plus, this year we added another family member to the luminary list. My dad's Uncle Vern just recently passed away. But on the bright side of relay, they celebrate all the survivors! I knew a couple of the survivors, we had a good friend on our team that is one, Steph's mom is one and a girl I went to school with her little girl at just 5 is one. That was awesome to see everyone that is beating this horrible disease! We have already started planning for next years relay and are all pumped to make it huge!
The rest of our weekend consisted with Matt laying on the couch with his foot proped up. He had done a couple laps at relay and boy was he paying a huge price for that! Then on Sunday he decided to work in the bathroom and put up a couple of walls. Well, on Monday morning he woke feeling horrible again and wasn't able to put weight on it. Well, he called the doc and they asked if he had a high arch and he wasn't sure, but the boot doesn't have any arch support in it at all. So, I went and bought a arch support and that has seemed to help out. So, hopefully he is on the way to getting better.
On Monday I went for my first non-stress test. I had to do that for 20 minutes and had to keep Chase in one place so that it would keep track of his heart beats. Well, this boy doesn't stay still for nothing, so I had my work cut out for me. So, after having to push him back into place 15 million times, the 20 minutes was finally up. Everything was great, he is still perfect!! The doc says I have to come back next week for another one and he will start checking my cervix then too. Last time he said once he started checking my cervix we could get a good idea when he is gonna induce me. So, hopefully next week I will know when I will be delivering. After next week's non-stress test I go back the following week for my last ultrasound. Boy oh boy am I getting close! I only have 4-6 weeks left right now, is that nuts or what. Hopefully we get all of our remodeling done in time, which mom keeps saying we will. Matt has started on tearing apart our old bathroom, so that is good. I don't think that room should take too long, but we'll see.
Anyways, I have rambled on and on. I better get around so I can get all my running done. My poor cousin is ready to pop any minute, she is almost 2 weeks past due to have her baby and her 1 year old is in the hospital right now. They don't know what is wrong, but he had a seizure yesterday morning and they can't keep his fever down, so I am going to go visit her for a little bit, get some groceries (I hate grocery shopping), get some stuff for Chase and possibly stop and see my grandparents. But then again, that all depends on Ms Emma and what kind of mood she is in. lol
The relay was great tho and we had a lot of fun! The kids really enjoyed playing together and all of the stuff going on around. The relay really means a lot to me and especially to my mom. My mom's dad and sister both have passed away from cancer and this is her way to be able to do something in their memory. What makes it even harder is relay always falls on Father's Day weekend so that brings the extra fond memories of her dad back and her sister passed away the day after Father's Day, so they are both thought of extra that weekend. We always get a luminary in their memory and this year they had a person from each team read the names of their luminaries. So, I was the one to read it. I didn't think it would be hard at all, but I was wrong. There is so much emotion that comes rushing to you at that time in the relay. You know they are gone, but the thought that they will never walk thru your door again or you will never get to see them again just gets ya. Plus, this year we added another family member to the luminary list. My dad's Uncle Vern just recently passed away. But on the bright side of relay, they celebrate all the survivors! I knew a couple of the survivors, we had a good friend on our team that is one, Steph's mom is one and a girl I went to school with her little girl at just 5 is one. That was awesome to see everyone that is beating this horrible disease! We have already started planning for next years relay and are all pumped to make it huge!
The rest of our weekend consisted with Matt laying on the couch with his foot proped up. He had done a couple laps at relay and boy was he paying a huge price for that! Then on Sunday he decided to work in the bathroom and put up a couple of walls. Well, on Monday morning he woke feeling horrible again and wasn't able to put weight on it. Well, he called the doc and they asked if he had a high arch and he wasn't sure, but the boot doesn't have any arch support in it at all. So, I went and bought a arch support and that has seemed to help out. So, hopefully he is on the way to getting better.
On Monday I went for my first non-stress test. I had to do that for 20 minutes and had to keep Chase in one place so that it would keep track of his heart beats. Well, this boy doesn't stay still for nothing, so I had my work cut out for me. So, after having to push him back into place 15 million times, the 20 minutes was finally up. Everything was great, he is still perfect!! The doc says I have to come back next week for another one and he will start checking my cervix then too. Last time he said once he started checking my cervix we could get a good idea when he is gonna induce me. So, hopefully next week I will know when I will be delivering. After next week's non-stress test I go back the following week for my last ultrasound. Boy oh boy am I getting close! I only have 4-6 weeks left right now, is that nuts or what. Hopefully we get all of our remodeling done in time, which mom keeps saying we will. Matt has started on tearing apart our old bathroom, so that is good. I don't think that room should take too long, but we'll see.
Anyways, I have rambled on and on. I better get around so I can get all my running done. My poor cousin is ready to pop any minute, she is almost 2 weeks past due to have her baby and her 1 year old is in the hospital right now. They don't know what is wrong, but he had a seizure yesterday morning and they can't keep his fever down, so I am going to go visit her for a little bit, get some groceries (I hate grocery shopping), get some stuff for Chase and possibly stop and see my grandparents. But then again, that all depends on Ms Emma and what kind of mood she is in. lol
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
7lbs and a boot later...
Ok, so I went for my 33 week check-up today which included another ultrasound. Chase is looking wonderful!! He is at 5 1/2lbs now, which brings him down from the 93rd percentile to the 81st percentile, which is great but still means he is big. I asked the doc if we are still looking at inducing early and he said most likely but will talk more once he starts checking my cervix which is around 35 or 36 weeks. I go back to the doc Monday for my first of several non-stress tests. This is just for safety percautions to make sure with my GD that Chase isn't stressing out on me. Oh, you might be wondering about the title, well in 3 weeks I have gained 7lbs. That seems like a lot, but it only brings my total weight gain to 23lbs, which isn't bad. With Emma I gained 39lbs, so I am still way below that.
Onto the boot. Matt went to the orthropedic doc today and he put Matt into a boot. He said to wear it for a week or 2 and then start weining himself off of it. If it still hurts in 4 weeks to come back, but it was a very minor break. Thank goodness!!!
So, we had an ugly weekend, but things are looking up. This weekend both of my brothers will be helping us with our remodeling. Plus, if we have to call in for backup we had a friend volunteer to help out, which is great. Just when you think you are all alone and everything is going wrong, your friends and family step up and help out. Boy I couldn't live without either!! Anyways, I am exhausted so it's time to put my big ole prego butt to bed. lol
Onto the boot. Matt went to the orthropedic doc today and he put Matt into a boot. He said to wear it for a week or 2 and then start weining himself off of it. If it still hurts in 4 weeks to come back, but it was a very minor break. Thank goodness!!!
So, we had an ugly weekend, but things are looking up. This weekend both of my brothers will be helping us with our remodeling. Plus, if we have to call in for backup we had a friend volunteer to help out, which is great. Just when you think you are all alone and everything is going wrong, your friends and family step up and help out. Boy I couldn't live without either!! Anyways, I am exhausted so it's time to put my big ole prego butt to bed. lol
Sunday, June 8, 2008
My Weekend. UGH!!
Okay, so I was kinda looking forward to the weekend. We had some of Matt's family that was gonna be in for the weekend and we had a cookout at the lake to go to. Matt took friday off, so it was a long weekend with him at home too. Well, it all began on Friday night. Matt stepped off our back porch and stepped half on the sidewalk and half off, resulting in a broken ankle. So, now he is in a air cast till Tuesday when we go to the orthropedic doctor and he decides on whether he needs a walking cast or a cast cast. We are hoping for a walking cast and the doctor at urgent care said it was just a minor break, so we are keeping our fingers crossed.
We did make it to our cookout on Saturday, which was nice. It wasn't too hot and Emma was really good. It just made me really nervous having her that close to the water. She's not scared of anything and doesn't get the concept that she can drown.
Then today, Matt and I are in the kitchen talking and all of a sudden it sounded like someone turned the water on in the "old" bathroom. Well, I go in and a fitting blew off where our sink use to be and water was shooting up, almost to the ceiling. OMG!! I start yelling for Matt to hurry and shut the water off and with him being on crutches isn't as fast as it normally is. Water was everywhere, but not only that, but it got under our hardwood floor in the dining room. So, now we have our laminate floor half tore up with a fan drying it and towels all over our old bathroom. We have 5 and 7 weeks till Mr. Chase makes his appearance and we don't have a room for him yet. We are pretty much under the mercy of our brothers generosity to help us so that we can finish our remodeling. There is still some stuff Matt can do but not everything with a broken ankle.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. We kicked our ac on on Thursday. Once we kicked it on, it didn't stop till 9pm or so. Everyday it has ran non-stop!! It is brand freakin new, we just had it put in last year. So, on Friday they came out and told us to do this and that and if it didn't help over the weekend to give them a call on Monday. Well, I'm calling on Monday!! Our ac has been running since 8am this morning and it only gets hotter. I am one PO'ed lady and the ac guy isn't gonna like me come tomorrow morning. He told us that the ac was big enough to cool our house, well obviously it isn't!! And they are gonna fix it, for FREE!!!
So, to sum up my weekend, UGH!! And in result of it, I am one grumpy lady!!! Hopefully this week will be better. I go to the doc on Tuesday for and ultrasound and I will give an update on Chase. Emma is still Emma. She is making a fine 2 year old, lol. We get those spells where I just don't know what to do with her and then she turns around and is loving and saying "I love you too Mommy." I guess she is just the typical 2 year old and I'm just gonna have to stick it out!
We did make it to our cookout on Saturday, which was nice. It wasn't too hot and Emma was really good. It just made me really nervous having her that close to the water. She's not scared of anything and doesn't get the concept that she can drown.
Then today, Matt and I are in the kitchen talking and all of a sudden it sounded like someone turned the water on in the "old" bathroom. Well, I go in and a fitting blew off where our sink use to be and water was shooting up, almost to the ceiling. OMG!! I start yelling for Matt to hurry and shut the water off and with him being on crutches isn't as fast as it normally is. Water was everywhere, but not only that, but it got under our hardwood floor in the dining room. So, now we have our laminate floor half tore up with a fan drying it and towels all over our old bathroom. We have 5 and 7 weeks till Mr. Chase makes his appearance and we don't have a room for him yet. We are pretty much under the mercy of our brothers generosity to help us so that we can finish our remodeling. There is still some stuff Matt can do but not everything with a broken ankle.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. We kicked our ac on on Thursday. Once we kicked it on, it didn't stop till 9pm or so. Everyday it has ran non-stop!! It is brand freakin new, we just had it put in last year. So, on Friday they came out and told us to do this and that and if it didn't help over the weekend to give them a call on Monday. Well, I'm calling on Monday!! Our ac has been running since 8am this morning and it only gets hotter. I am one PO'ed lady and the ac guy isn't gonna like me come tomorrow morning. He told us that the ac was big enough to cool our house, well obviously it isn't!! And they are gonna fix it, for FREE!!!
So, to sum up my weekend, UGH!! And in result of it, I am one grumpy lady!!! Hopefully this week will be better. I go to the doc on Tuesday for and ultrasound and I will give an update on Chase. Emma is still Emma. She is making a fine 2 year old, lol. We get those spells where I just don't know what to do with her and then she turns around and is loving and saying "I love you too Mommy." I guess she is just the typical 2 year old and I'm just gonna have to stick it out!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
8 Months

So, the pic isn't that great, pretty fuzzy, but you can see the belly and that is all that matters. Here I am, 8 months along and a hormonal mess!! I swear this week I could cry at a drop at a hat!! So, maybe blogging about it will help to releave some of it.
First off, I love my daughter more than anything in the world. But holy cow can she push me to the limits. She, for whatever reason, doesn't listen to me. When she wants something, instead of just asking she immediately goes to whining. I guess she is just being a 2 year old, but man oh man some days I just wanna pull my hair out. When it gets to the point that I am at my limit I could just cry. I don't know if it is just harder b/c I'm pregnant and don't really feel completely like myself or what it is. Some days I even question myself as a mom, some days I wonder if it would just be best for me to go back to working part-time, maybe it would make me a better mom. But I don't know. Hopefully it'll get better once I am not pregnant anymore. I know it isn't going to be easier with 2, but atleast I will be myself and that will be one less thing and I'll be able to focus on the kids 100%.
So now that I've made myself sound like a horrible mom let's move onto me being a crappy wife. My poor husband has been having to reassure me atleast once a week that I'm not gross and that. I have been finding myself wanting more of his attention and affection. Then we are in the middle of remodeling and I've been getting frustrated with it not being done yet, but he works so I can't expect it to be done right away. It's not fair to him to expect him to work on it every night after work. Plus, he can't work on it if I'm wanting him to spend time with me. I'm telling ya, these hormones of mine have got me jumping all over the place!!
Then today, I read a friends blog and all I could do is cry. She is such an awesome woman and has been thru so much but it just seems like life keeps throwing her lemons, but you know what, she keeps making lemonaide. I honestly don't know how she does it and I'm sure there are days when she thinks that to herself, but if you were to meet her she is the most upbeat person I know. I have yet to find her in a bad mood or unwilling to help when someone needs it. I try to think of comforting words to tell her, but I don't want to sound so "awww" to her. You know, the words that everyone says to you. Like she has described it before "when people tilt their head to one side and say how are you." I don't want to be like that, but boy I just want to be able to comfort her. It's like I know she has to be hurting and there isn't anything I can do to help take it away. I guess the best thing for me to do is just be there. I know that she is reading this, I'm here, I'm always here!!! You can call me and I'm there in a minute!
Anyways, I'm telling ya. Today is just a super emotional day for me and I don't know why. As far as the pregnancy goes. Nothing is bad about it, I'm getting uncomfortable, but that is just being pregnant. I am starting to out grow all of my shirts. The shirts are getting to where either they aren't long enough to cover my belly and waste band on my pants or they look like a huge tent on me. This pregnancy I have been really wanting to avoid the tent and wear shirts that tie and that to show off my belly. I am enjoying feeling him move so much. He is such an active baby!! I go back to the doctor next week for another ultrasound and then my appointments are every week. The week after my ultrasound I start my nonstress tests. I'm not sure how often I have to have those, but I know there will be a few. I am hoping that I will be induced on July 19th, that is 10 days before my due date. Matt told me over the weekend "you know you are gonna have a c-section, he's gonna be 10lbs 7oz". I was like, "well I guess you better be prepared to take some more time off of work so that you can help out." I don't want a c section, that scares me to no end, but I will do whatever is best for Chase. That is my only concern with this pregnancy is that he is ok.
So, now that you have been every which way with me thru this post. Going from one thing to another with no rhyme or reason. You have been able to sense a little bit of my emotional rollercoaster. I just go from one thing to another.
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