Ok, I've decided to jump into potty training and I mean I'm gonna all in. I'm going to put her in some panties and hope for the best. Yes, I'm gonna keep putting her on the potty frequently, but hopefully she catches on. I'm not really sure what in the heck I'm doing for sure, but heck I can't screw it up that much. I'm not going to punish her for accidents and I'm not gonna go straight for the diaper when she does have a accident. I'm sure it is really gonna test my patience, but I am really wanting her out of diapers before this baby comes along. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please let me know. I will take all the advise I can get!!
Oh yeah, tomorrow I'm gonna take her to pick out some of her very own special panties. I've already got her some panties, but I've read that it might help to let them pick out their own. So, tomorrow is a girls trip panty shopping.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Today I went to my original OBGYN to hear the baby's heartbeat. As soon as she put the doppler on my belly the baby's heartbeat was there. You talk about relief!! My baby is fine, it has a heartbeat in the 140's which is great. I am just so excited and relieved!!
I also was asking her about my sugar. She said with it being so high so early in the pregnancy, that she would just feel more comfortable with me going to a specialist. She also said that usually sugar doesn't occur until around 28 weeks and with mine being so early on, sugar usually only becomes worse the later in your pregnancy. So, she said at first they will put me on a diet and keep a close eye on my sugar. If diet doesn't keep it under control then onto insulin. So, I go to the doc on the 30th and then I'm sure he will have me set up an appt with the Diabetic Center to be put on a diet. So here I go adventuring down a new yet familiar journey. Like I have been telling everyone, "I'll just take it one meal at a time." lol
But let's end on a happy note, I HEARD THE HEARTBEAT AND THE BABY IS GREAT!!!!
I also was asking her about my sugar. She said with it being so high so early in the pregnancy, that she would just feel more comfortable with me going to a specialist. She also said that usually sugar doesn't occur until around 28 weeks and with mine being so early on, sugar usually only becomes worse the later in your pregnancy. So, she said at first they will put me on a diet and keep a close eye on my sugar. If diet doesn't keep it under control then onto insulin. So, I go to the doc on the 30th and then I'm sure he will have me set up an appt with the Diabetic Center to be put on a diet. So here I go adventuring down a new yet familiar journey. Like I have been telling everyone, "I'll just take it one meal at a time." lol
But let's end on a happy note, I HEARD THE HEARTBEAT AND THE BABY IS GREAT!!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
2nd Trimester, here I am!!
So, today I am 13 weeks. Which officially puts me into my 2nd trimester, better known as the "safe zone". By safe zone, in case you are unaware, now my chances of miscarriage goes way down!! The only thing that scares me is, I haven't been able to hear the heartbeat yet. I was at my original doc on January 7th, but due to my uterus being tilted and to the right, she wasn't able to hear the baby. I was suppose to be going back the 24th, but now that I have GD, I have to go to a new doc and my appointment isn't until the 30th, so I am doing this waiting game that I don't like!! So, as far as I know, everything is ok, but that is the problem, I don't really know and it worries me. I might make a pit stop at my original doc to see if she will let me hear the heartbeat.
Anyways, nothing has been happening. I haven't made it to the new doc yet. My appointment is for January 30th. (Like I stated above) I'm guessing my sugar can't be horribly bad, or else he would have seen me right away. That is atleast what I am telling myself to get thru this. But I have been following my diet I was on with Emma, well following it pretty close. lol There are just times when I am so freakin hungry and I just want something I am not suppose to have. I justify it with saying, "well, I haven't been to the doctor to be told otherwise." I know it is bad, but I'm gonna have this for the next 27 weeks!!! Last night, which was Monday, my family gets together at my parents house for supper (with exception to my oldest brother due to the fact he lives in Columbus). We call it Monday night supper, how original huh? lol Anyways, whenever it is someone's birthday my mom fixes them whatever they want, plus bakes them a cake. Well, we celebrated my hubby's birthday last night. So, this resulted in me cheating my diet once again. But for good reason, I had to have a slice of cake, which was chocolate with peanut butter icing. Can you say YUMMY!! Plus, we had to bring the remainder of the cake home, which is over 3/4 of it, b/c my other brother and family couldn't make it. So, now I have the constant temptation sitting on my counter. Maybe I will just eat some here and there until the 30th. I just don't know, this diet is gonna kill me and I have a feeling it is gonna become stricter once I make it to the doc.
Okay, back to updating with it being 13 weeks and all. I am constantly waking up in the middle of the night. If it isn't so I can pee then it is b/c I'm not comfy or the hubby is snoring. lol I haven't gained any weight, but I've got this belly, to me this is really weird!! How can I have a belly sticking out and not have the weight gain?? Not that I am complaining, but I don't mind gaining the weight. I know that is what you are suppose to do when you are prego. I actually loved having my big ole belly when I was prego with Emma and I look forward to it once again. I am also waiting for the return on my energy. I have absolutely no energy, it is horrible!! I feel like doing nothing at all. Hopefully, I will wake up (one day soon) and have all kinds of energy!!
Speaking of energy, little miss Emma is full of it. Let me tell ya, this girl never stops!! Plus, it seems like as soon as she turned 2, the terrible 2's kicked in!!!! This girl can throw a fit like I have never seen before. It is horrible and half the time I feel like I am about to lose my mind!! I don't understand why she is acting like this, it is not the typical Emma. She will whine and cry. Oh man, I hope she turns 3 soon. lol Well, I've gotta go, my little ball of energy is tearing into everything.
Anyways, nothing has been happening. I haven't made it to the new doc yet. My appointment is for January 30th. (Like I stated above) I'm guessing my sugar can't be horribly bad, or else he would have seen me right away. That is atleast what I am telling myself to get thru this. But I have been following my diet I was on with Emma, well following it pretty close. lol There are just times when I am so freakin hungry and I just want something I am not suppose to have. I justify it with saying, "well, I haven't been to the doctor to be told otherwise." I know it is bad, but I'm gonna have this for the next 27 weeks!!! Last night, which was Monday, my family gets together at my parents house for supper (with exception to my oldest brother due to the fact he lives in Columbus). We call it Monday night supper, how original huh? lol Anyways, whenever it is someone's birthday my mom fixes them whatever they want, plus bakes them a cake. Well, we celebrated my hubby's birthday last night. So, this resulted in me cheating my diet once again. But for good reason, I had to have a slice of cake, which was chocolate with peanut butter icing. Can you say YUMMY!! Plus, we had to bring the remainder of the cake home, which is over 3/4 of it, b/c my other brother and family couldn't make it. So, now I have the constant temptation sitting on my counter. Maybe I will just eat some here and there until the 30th. I just don't know, this diet is gonna kill me and I have a feeling it is gonna become stricter once I make it to the doc.
Okay, back to updating with it being 13 weeks and all. I am constantly waking up in the middle of the night. If it isn't so I can pee then it is b/c I'm not comfy or the hubby is snoring. lol I haven't gained any weight, but I've got this belly, to me this is really weird!! How can I have a belly sticking out and not have the weight gain?? Not that I am complaining, but I don't mind gaining the weight. I know that is what you are suppose to do when you are prego. I actually loved having my big ole belly when I was prego with Emma and I look forward to it once again. I am also waiting for the return on my energy. I have absolutely no energy, it is horrible!! I feel like doing nothing at all. Hopefully, I will wake up (one day soon) and have all kinds of energy!!
Speaking of energy, little miss Emma is full of it. Let me tell ya, this girl never stops!! Plus, it seems like as soon as she turned 2, the terrible 2's kicked in!!!! This girl can throw a fit like I have never seen before. It is horrible and half the time I feel like I am about to lose my mind!! I don't understand why she is acting like this, it is not the typical Emma. She will whine and cry. Oh man, I hope she turns 3 soon. lol Well, I've gotta go, my little ball of energy is tearing into everything.
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Results are In!
Well, the doctors office called me today. Actually I called them because I was getting anxious. When they called back they confirmed everything that I knew but didn't want to be true. I have Gestational Diabetes. It's not borderline, it is the real deal. So, tomorrow they are gonna call me back with a more detailed description of what is going on. This also means that I will have to go to a different doctor for the remainder of my pregnancy, I will be considered "high risk" and my diet will probably be horribly strict! To me, this seems like the end of the world right now. I know there are a lot of other things that are so much horribly worse, but I'm having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. But as long as the baby is healthy, that is all that really matters. For all of you that may know what the numbers mean for glucose results this is what mine were. After 1 hour 202, after 2nd hour 160 and after the 3rd hour 140. So, when I find out what my sentence is, I will fill ya all in.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
148 would the test results of my one hour glucose test. And you're wondering, is that good? Well, the results were suppose to be no higher than 140. So, you guessed it, onto the 3 hour test. So, Saturday morning I spent 3 hours in the Pathology Lab, giving my blood. They had to draw blood a total of 4 times, yes 4 times. By the time I went back for the 4th poke, I had a bruise and it hurt when she did it. But I made it thru it and playing the waiting game once again. I'm hoping to have my results by Tuesday. I am so hoping that it is just borderline and not actual Gestational Diabetes. Either way, it looks like I am looking at a wonderful carb diet for the next 29 weeks or until the baby comes. UGH!!! For right now, I've decided that this weekend I am going to eat what I want, when I want and however much of it I want!! I'm gonna enjoy these days until I find out my results.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Okay so Emma and I both went to the doc on Monday. Emma had her 2 year well check up and everything looks great!! She only had to get a flu shot and the tears quickly went away when offered a sucker! The doc says she looks great and is progressing great!!
Then came my turn. This is my first prenatal visit. The doc changed my due date to July 29th, which is fine with me, the sooner the better. When trying to find the heartbeat, she would hear one or two beats then the baby would move. It is being ornery already!! lol Anyways, when she went to do the examine she discovered that my uterus is tilted and off to the right, which is no big deal, but that explains why it was so hard to hear the heartbeat. So, I go back the 24th to try and hear the heartbeat again. By then I will be just a couple days over 13 weeks. I will be in my 2nd trimester already, boy the time has flown.
Then came all of the fun. She gave me my orders for blood work. Which means, this morning I went and got my glucose checked. That orange drink makes me so sick!! But I made it thru it and should have the results tomorrow. As I have mentioned before, I was borderline gestational diabetes with Emma, so that is why I had to go so early for my test. If this test comes back positive, then I have to go back for the 3 hour test. (not fun!) If I end up having gestation diabetes, not just borderline, then this pregnancy will be considered high risk and I will have to go to a different OB for the rest of my pregnancy. I really don't want to have to do that! I love my doctor so much, she is so great!! So, everybody keep me in mind tomorrow for my results, hopefully this time around everything will be fine. Then if it is fine, I can go off of this stupid carb diet, I think! Unless the doc says otherwise. Anyways, that is my update for now, I will try to post my results tomorrow.
Then came my turn. This is my first prenatal visit. The doc changed my due date to July 29th, which is fine with me, the sooner the better. When trying to find the heartbeat, she would hear one or two beats then the baby would move. It is being ornery already!! lol Anyways, when she went to do the examine she discovered that my uterus is tilted and off to the right, which is no big deal, but that explains why it was so hard to hear the heartbeat. So, I go back the 24th to try and hear the heartbeat again. By then I will be just a couple days over 13 weeks. I will be in my 2nd trimester already, boy the time has flown.
Then came all of the fun. She gave me my orders for blood work. Which means, this morning I went and got my glucose checked. That orange drink makes me so sick!! But I made it thru it and should have the results tomorrow. As I have mentioned before, I was borderline gestational diabetes with Emma, so that is why I had to go so early for my test. If this test comes back positive, then I have to go back for the 3 hour test. (not fun!) If I end up having gestation diabetes, not just borderline, then this pregnancy will be considered high risk and I will have to go to a different OB for the rest of my pregnancy. I really don't want to have to do that! I love my doctor so much, she is so great!! So, everybody keep me in mind tomorrow for my results, hopefully this time around everything will be fine. Then if it is fine, I can go off of this stupid carb diet, I think! Unless the doc says otherwise. Anyways, that is my update for now, I will try to post my results tomorrow.
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Big 2 Year Old!!!

Emma is now officially a 2 year old. Boy oh boy where does the time go!! She has grown and learned so much it is crazy. It seems like her vocabulary expands by 20 words a day. I can't even begin to tell you everything she can say. She is even starting to speak in sentences. She is very polite and say thank you all of the time, she also will say excuse you.
She is starting to get into playing with her babies. She will give them their nippies and blankeys or even a bottle. She will whisper whenever they are sleeping. For her birthday she got the Dora twins and she just absolutely loves them. She is a very loving mommy to the both of them, which will come in handy this summer.
She also got a piano with a microphone. She loves to play, sing and dance all the time. She will put her mouth on the microphone and sing "abc, abc, abc" it is just too cute. She can count; however, sometimes she forgets a few. Most times you will hear her go "1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11". But whenever you count with her, she remembers the 5 6 7. She can even do some counting in spanish, thanks to Dora. I couldn't believe it!!
Her newest thing is, I will tell her that I love her and she will say "love you more". Then of course we have to go back and forth about it, she thinks it is absolutely fun. Or she will just say, I love you too, without you having to say anything first. She is just so loving. She loves hugging and handing out kisses. I couldn't have asked for a better girl!!
Of course she has her typical toddler moments, but what toddler doesn't. We are going to try the whole potty training thing now. I'm not sure how this is going to work, but I'm gonna try. And the whole trying to get her to go to sleep in bed is working about 1/2 and 1/2, but it's a process.
The last year with Emma has been another fabulous year and I can't wait to see what this year will bring. Between, potty training and becoming a big sister, she a full year ahead of her. I'm sure she will continue to amaze me every step of the way, just like she has for the last 2 years. We love Emma so much, more than we ever knew we could love someone!! Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Okay, so Emma and I went to the doc today. Emma got 2 perscriptions, hopefully this helps. The doc told me that I could take Robitussin. She said that during pregnancy Robitussin, Sudafed, Benadryl and regular strength Tylenol are all safe. So, I'm gonna take some Robitussin and hopefully get rid of this cold.
Anyways, off to the ugh! She told me to go ahead and start my carb diet. I knew it was coming, but I didn't want to hear it. For those of you that don't know, I had borderline gestational diabetes with Emma and had to go on a carb diet. It's not as bad as a diet as those with diabetes have to be on, but when you never watch what ya eat it is so hard!!! So, if I remember right this is what I am allowed. 30 carbs for Breakfast, 15 for snack, 60 for lunch, 30 for snack, 60 for supper and 30 for snack. I think. Well, if you take a normal slice of bread, that is 15 carbs. So, when I was prego with Emma I ate 2 slices of toast with peanut butter every morning for breakfast. I have a book with most of the fast food restaurants in it that tell me all the carbs and that. It doesn't take much for the carbs to add up and all the foods that I love are loaded with carbs!! Pasta, bread, potatoes, mac n' cheese and the list goes on. This is probably gonna be even harder this time around, b/c I'm craving EVERYTHING!! My doc told me today that she was the same way, she said she bets it's a boy. And like I've already mentioned, I think it is a boy too. So, off I go to try and figure out what in the heck I'm gonna be able to eat!
Anyways, off to the ugh! She told me to go ahead and start my carb diet. I knew it was coming, but I didn't want to hear it. For those of you that don't know, I had borderline gestational diabetes with Emma and had to go on a carb diet. It's not as bad as a diet as those with diabetes have to be on, but when you never watch what ya eat it is so hard!!! So, if I remember right this is what I am allowed. 30 carbs for Breakfast, 15 for snack, 60 for lunch, 30 for snack, 60 for supper and 30 for snack. I think. Well, if you take a normal slice of bread, that is 15 carbs. So, when I was prego with Emma I ate 2 slices of toast with peanut butter every morning for breakfast. I have a book with most of the fast food restaurants in it that tell me all the carbs and that. It doesn't take much for the carbs to add up and all the foods that I love are loaded with carbs!! Pasta, bread, potatoes, mac n' cheese and the list goes on. This is probably gonna be even harder this time around, b/c I'm craving EVERYTHING!! My doc told me today that she was the same way, she said she bets it's a boy. And like I've already mentioned, I think it is a boy too. So, off I go to try and figure out what in the heck I'm gonna be able to eat!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Oh my..
Well, I have Christmas pics that I need to post, but I just haven't gotten to it. We had a wonderful, but tiring Christmas. We had a total of 7 Christmas'. Emma of course loved every one. She totally got into unwrapping the presents this year, it was so much fun. She would see a present and say "for Emma" "Emma's present". It was just too cute.
I on the other hand, haven't done much of anything. For almost 2 weeks now, I've been sick, which has developed into Matt and Emma getting sick. I'm thinking I might have broncitis (sp), which isn't any fun. I went to the doc last week (which my doc wasn't in, so I had to see a diff one) and she gave me some meds. Well, it's been over a week and I'm barely any better. So, now Emma and I are both off to the doc tomorrow for our colds. Then on Monday we are both going back. I will have my first prenatal visit and Emma will have her 2 year check-up. Yep that is right, 2 years old. Emma's birthday is this Friday. It has been 2 years already, where has the time gone??!! I'm gonna post on her birthday to catch everyone up on what she is doing. But man oh man, do I feel old, my baby is not so much a baby!!
Well, I've gotta go try to get Emma to go to sleep. She is laying in bed talking and I am so tired!! So, I will post on Friday about Emma.
I on the other hand, haven't done much of anything. For almost 2 weeks now, I've been sick, which has developed into Matt and Emma getting sick. I'm thinking I might have broncitis (sp), which isn't any fun. I went to the doc last week (which my doc wasn't in, so I had to see a diff one) and she gave me some meds. Well, it's been over a week and I'm barely any better. So, now Emma and I are both off to the doc tomorrow for our colds. Then on Monday we are both going back. I will have my first prenatal visit and Emma will have her 2 year check-up. Yep that is right, 2 years old. Emma's birthday is this Friday. It has been 2 years already, where has the time gone??!! I'm gonna post on her birthday to catch everyone up on what she is doing. But man oh man, do I feel old, my baby is not so much a baby!!
Well, I've gotta go try to get Emma to go to sleep. She is laying in bed talking and I am so tired!! So, I will post on Friday about Emma.
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